Authors Against Bullying


Today October 19, 2012 AUTHORS AGAINST BULLYING campaign. When the recent video of Canadian teen Amanda Todd went viral, it was too late to save the young woman. And what is even more depressing are some of the reactions by people on the social media websites to Amanda’s pain and subsequent suicide.They continued to bully Amanda after her death. AUTHORS AGAINST BULLYING are saying ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

Author Mandy M Roth and her fellow authors have decreed October 19th as AUTHORS AGAINST BULLYING day. Some are recounting tales of their own horrific childhood experiences while others are still living and re-living the pain with their own children. We all have stories of bullying to tell.

Please check out all of the authors listed in the AUTHORS AGAINST BULLYING campaign and join in with the support against bullying.

For a list and the links of the participating authors please click HERE

For anyone who has not seen Amanda Todd’s CRY FOR HELP video, please take a few minutes to see what bullying can do.


12 thoughts on “Authors Against Bullying

  1. Such a heartbreaking thing to witness………….. Bullying is something that I have NEVER tolerated from anyone associated with me. When I was growing up (in the South for those of you who don’t know I’m a Southerner), I kept getting in trouble and sent to the principal’s office for fighting. Finally, the principal asked me why I was so angry that I kept getting into it with people. When I told him that I would never stand by and watch someone be bullied, he literally reached over and hugged me. Needless to say I was shocked. He then looked at me and said “I’m really ticked at you because you haven’t told me this earlier and you’ve got to stop taking this on yourself. You have to come and report it”. So, that’s what I did…………… I still, to this day, will step in when I see someone being bullied, whether they are 5 or 50……….. And, it’s something that I have tried to instill in my girls as well.

    • I take my hat off to you Vickie!!! My father used to be the same way. He never put up with bullying. There was a boy who kept getting picked on when my father was in Elementary school in the Philippines and my father actually stood up for the guy. Like you my father got in trouble for fighting in school because of it. Years later we went vacationing in the Philippines and the guy my father stood up for recognized my dad. Guess the guy never forget my father’s kindness to him.

  2. You go, Vickie! It’s the right thing to do and I’m certain you’ve instilled this in your girls. Our school district is also promoting anti-bullyiing for the month!

    My Sophie was bullied 2 years ago, but it was verbal at first.
    She would defend herself and respond in kind (w/our complete support), but this girl wouldn’t stop. One day, the bully pushed Sophia and I stepped in. I immediately called her teacher and she put a stop to it the next day. They had a face to face sit down and the bully broke down and apologized. We would ask Sophia DAILY if there were dirty looks or negative comments, but the bully stopped altogether. They remain good friends to this day.

    It is such a cruel thing to do. Miss Todd is brave to admit her situation and I shudder to think what those bullies will do now. Laws must be enacted to protect our kids. When it escalates to this level, it becomes criminal activity. God bless her and keep her safe and healthy.

    • Carmen, the girl in the video committed suicide………… I know you must have missed the line above that said it was too late to help her…………… Such a sad story.

    • I totally agree with you Carmen. She was grown up and brave to admit her situation and mistakes because let’s face it none of us is perfect. Some people still like to walk around like their sh** don’t stink. Give me a break.

  3. Both of my children were bullied in grade school

    We had no idea to the extent with my daughter until she told us a few years later.

    My son…that was another story. He was bullied to the point he didn’t want to go to school and would actually leave the school grounds during the day. We would talk to the principal and the teachers and their only solution was to segregate him during recess or lunch.

    Then in a defiant act…the teachers started pairing my son with his bully…trying to make them come to terms…make them work together as partners…it only made the bullying worse….as though the teacher was ‘allowing’ the bullying to occur.

    On one occasion I had to call the school and when the bully was confronted he denied eveything…and the parent was called. She called our house and wanted to speak with my son….and he was so afraid that he told her that nothing happened….

    The school refused to do anything about the issue because my son would no longer speak out….and that in itself…should have been a sign….but that was the 80’s and 90’s ..and today…bullying in schools etc….is at the forefront of concern.

    • Sandy,

      I am very sorry to read your story about your children getting bullied and that even the school was absolutely no help about it. Children can be so cruel but at the same time they should know better. The thing though the scares me though is how the children now a days are becoming more deceitful and sneaky about their bullying.

  4. That was heartbreaking. It is so easy nowadays to use Fb and other palces to really hurt some one. Children can be so cruel My heart cries for her parents.

  5. This is one moving video and something that should have been caught by the police before anything happened. They are usually checking social media for things like this and some how it escaped their radar, but the kids knew and pushed her over the edge. So sad!

  6. There is nothing new about bullying, and it is done with multiple reasons… ever move to a town where you don’t fit in? Don’t have the same nationality? Don’t speak the same language? Don’t go to the same church? I know people who drive their children to schools in different towns because of one reason or another. When the final chapter of life is read, there is no reason that ignorance should be given as an acceptable excuse for the end.

  7. Bullying seriously makes me sick. I’ve seen what it did to my husband’s niece and I know what it’s like to come home crying from school that a girl singled me out. No one deserves to be bullied no matter the mistake or how different they are from others. She made an innocent mistake and didn’t know any better so why judge her for that and continue to haunt her for that? I’m sending my thoughts and prayers to Amanda’s Todd’s family.

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