Wolver’s Gold (The Wolver’s #5) by Jacqueline Rhoades-a review

Wolver’s Gold (The Wolver’s #5) by Jacqueline Rhoades-a review

Wolver's Gold

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About The Book: Release Date May 20, 2014

Finding gold where you least expect it…

Lone wolf and Special Investigator for the ubiquitous Eugene Begley, Challenger McCall is sent to the town of Gold Gulch to take care of a problem that might involve the exposure of the wolver community. For McCall, it’s like stepping back in time – a hundred and fifty years back in time.

Gold Gulch is a tourist attraction where the wolvers take their work so seriously, they continue their Victorian lives long after the tourists have gone home. Much like their 19th century counterparts, the women are overworked and underpaid.

Rachel Kincaid is one such woman. Exercising the only power she holds, she has become a wolver oddity; a spinster who refuses to mate. Why would she, when she already has to take care of the short-staffed hotel, its restaurant, and her ne’er-do-well father? Angry and bitter, Rachel decides she deserves a better hand than the one she’s been dealt and finds herself drawn to the handsome new sheriff, Challenger McCall. Why shouldn’t she, for once in her life, enjoy the same freedom as the Soiled Doves on the hill?

Things get complicated when Rachel’s wolf awakens after a long sleep and the town’s women seem to awaken along with it. Papa’s gambling debts leave them on the brink; the pack is at risk; and the women rebel. Oh, and don’t forget the murders. If ever a pack needed rescuing, Gold Gulch is it, but as the girls up at Daisy’s Bouquet point out, – A smart woman needs to look after herself!


REVIEW:  Wolver’s Gold is the newest intriguing installment of the Amazon Best Selling Wolver series by author Jacqueline Rhoades.

Departing from the last three Wolver books which involved the three Goodman brothers and their lives and packs, Wolver’s Gold leads deeper into the heart of the Wolver society and its issues. We get a closer look at the elusive Mr. Begley.

Challenger McCall works for Mr. Begley as a fixer for the elusive Council of Wolvers. He investigates and corrects issues within packs that may lead to the exposure of Wolver society to the human race. He’s unique, an alpha loner with no lasting relationships, except with his boss.

Rachel Kincaid is a wolver woman living in Gold Gulch, a tourist old west town where the Victorian dress and manner is still alive and well, even after hours. She’s decided against mating and for 15 years her wolf has slept.

Gold Gulch has some issues and Mr. Begley sends Challenger McCall to find out what’s up in the little old west town.
That’s the set up! No spoilers but let me tell you what you’ll find!

A twisty tale of crimes, passion, and women who need to find a way back to the freedom they were born to have and hold. Ms. Rhoades has written a wonderful tale of so many complicated issues and used her typical humor, wit and interesting twists to bring them to life and light.

Again, this book is full of wonderful and witty conversations, situations and secondary characters that you just learn to love (and bad guys you love to hate). All this and marvelously researched language and period items without getting in the way of a great storyline.

Do yourself a huge favor, get your favorite beverage, a few tissues and make sure you have lots of time, you won’t want to stop or put this down; and enjoy this action packed, love story (yes, it’s got some sizzling love scenes)! I certainly did!

Copy supplied by the author

Reviewed by Georgianna

Reading Order
1. The Alpha’s Mate
2. The Alpha’s Choice
3. The Alpha’s Daughter
4.  Rabbit Creek Santa
5. Wolver’s Gold (May 2014

Wolver's Gold



She’d just bent to sweep her neat little pile of debris into the pan when he spoke above her.
“What’s freckled and pink and red all over,” (Jack Coogan) asked with a snickering laugh and then sang his detestable ditty. “Tell me Rachel dearest, if what they say is true, are you like the other redheads and red all over, too?”
Anger rose in Rachel so quickly and violently that it should have frightened her. Her spine snapped to attention, shoulders back and squared. Gripping her broom with two hands, she spun it upright like a soldier presenting arms and then she swung that broom like she knew what she was doing and had done it before. She thrashed that obnoxious wolver, who was now hunched over with his arms curled around his head to protect himself from the blows of the tightly woven fan of straw.
“Do you really want to know the answer?” she hissed at him, continuing the broomstick battering. Whomp. “Because I’ll gladly tell you, Mr. Coogan.” Whomp. “Your whole body, that’s what.” Whomp. “Or it will be by the time I’m finished with you! Now get out of here before I really lose my temper.” Breathless, she gave him yet another swat. “And don’t come back!”
“Aw, Rache, I was just trying to get your attention,” Coogan complained as he scuttled around the edge of the large vestibule, Rachel right behind him threatening another bout of violence. “It was just a bit of fun.”
“It’s Miss Kincaid, and the next time you think that’s the way to get a lady’s attention, you’d better think twice. Do you hear me, Mr. Coogan? I have neither time nor tolerance for your fun. Now get out and do not dare to enter this establishment ever again.”
She drove him through the open door with the threat of her broom. Someone stepped aside when, with one last stroke of the broom, and as if she was sweeping the last of the dirt out the door, Rachel chased the man out.
A large, booted foot connected with the seat of Jack Coogan’s trousers with enough force to send him sprawling over the porch and down into the dirt.
“Always happy to help a beautiful woman,” said a deep voice.
Cheeks flushed from the heat of battle, green eyes blazing with a hundred grievances ready to explode, and trusty broom at the ready, Rachel turned to the owner of the boot.
“Whoa, little lady, whoa.” He waved his hands in front of him to ward off the imminent attack. “I’m on your side,” he laughed. “No guy in his right mind would say that to a lady.” He laughed again. “I would have helped you more, but you looked like you were doing fine without me.”
Rachel felt her mouth open, yet no sound emerged. With a conscious effort, she forced it shut, but could do nothing about her wide and staring eyes. To calm herself, she drew in a breath deep enough to make her corset creak, and caught the heady scent of a prime alpha wolver.
“Are you okay?”
No, of course she wasn’t ‘okay’. How could she be? She’d just lost her temper in the most unladylike manner in front of this, this…
“Oh dear,” she breathed and looked at the broom in her hands as if she’d never seen one before. “Oh dear,” she said again.
Reason tried to reassert itself when she spotted the dog, sitting at the wolver’s heels. Out of all the thoughts whirling in her head, only one made it to her tongue.
“You can’t bring the dog in here, and out there, it must be on a leash.”
“Actually, I was looking to rent a room for a few days.” He stepped through the doorway and closed the door behind him. “Miss Kincaid? I think you should sit down.”
Her face fell into a different kind of frown. Etiquette, practiced for years, was lost. Words of polite discourse were nowhere to be found. “How do you know my name?” she asked rudely.
“You told the guy you just gave the ass whuppin’ to. It’s Miss Kincaid, you said.”
She started to reprimand him for his language and then her befuddled brain kicked in and she realized what he’d said. “How much did you hear?” she asked in a high pitched squeak that sounded nothing like her own well-modulated voice.
“From the minute the bastard spoke,” he told her, grinning. “I was standing in the doorway, admiring your, um, dustpan skills, when the jackass made a crack about your…”
“You saw the whole thing? Why didn’t you speak?” And save her from making a fool of herself.
“Should I have? You looked like you had it under control.” He winked at her. “Next time I’ll remember to step in.”
“There won’t be a next time, Mr.… I’m afraid I didn’t get your name.”
“Challenger McCall, though most folks just call me…”
“Sheriff McCall.” She rolled her eyes heavenward with a silent prayer to the Good Lord to strike her dead without delay.
“I hope so,” he said, starting to laugh. “Is that a problem?”
“No, sir, of course not. Why would it be?”
“I don’t know. You just seem a little upset by it, that’s all.”
Upset? Why would she be upset? It couldn’t be because the visitor, who should be, as all visitors were, gone in the next day or two never to return, a visitor who witnessed the most improper, unrefined and disrespectable circumstance she’d ever found herself in, turned out to be the very handsome and unsettling new sheriff. Oh, heavens no. That wouldn’t be upsetting at all. Her stomach rolled and fluttered in unaccustomed discomfort, as if she’d ingested something alive and still moving. Panic started to rise.


About The author

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Jacqueline RhoadesA New Englander by birth and an Ohioan by choice, Jacqueline, known as Jackie by her friends, makes her home in a small, rural town with one lovable husband, one spoiled dog and one disinterested cat. (The adjectives are often interchangeable). An avid reader from a very early age, Jackie has an eclectic taste for books and therefore has trouble naming a favorite genre or author, though she does admit that for pure personal fantasy and ‘take-me-away’ books, you just can’t beat a good romance.
Jackie believes in the beauty of all women and thinks most women don’t see themselves as they should (herself included). She tries to make the women in her books reflect the best of ‘average’ in a variety of shapes, sizes, personalities and backgrounds, and each is beautiful in her own way. Some of her heroes are movie star handsome, while others are not. All her characters are beautiful in the eyes of their lovers and that, to Jackie, is the most beautiful of all.

The Guardians Of The Race Series
paranormal, romance,
Guardian’s Grace
Guardian’s Hope #2
Guardian’s Joy #3
Guardian’s Faith

The Wolvers
Paranormal, shifters, romance
The Alpha’s Mate
The Alpha’s Choice
The Alpha’s Daughter
Wolver’s Gold

Hidden Mountain
Contemporary Romance
Preston’s Mill
