Wyvern’s Mate (Dragons of Incendium #1) by Deborah Cooke-a review

WYVERN’S MATE (The Dragons of Incendium #1) by Deborah Cooke-a review

Wyvern's Mate

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date June 14, 2016

Once, in the Kingdom of Incendium, there were twelve princesses of the realm, each a dragon shifter. Each fiery and passionate. Each possessed of an appetite for pleasure that only her destined mate can satisfy. Twelve men are expected in Incendium, each with special powers of his own, each with the gift to claim one dragon princess’s heart forever.

Troy will do whatever is necessary to earn his freedom from solitary confinement on the penal colony of Xanto, even assassinate a princess of Incendium. Being a MindBender, he has a serious advantage as a predator and thinks the princess in question doesn’t have a chance. Only one of them can survive and Troy knows who it will be—until he meets Drakina.

Royal dragon shifter Drakina has a quest of her own, to seduce her destined mate and conceive the crown prince of Incendium. Her father will free her from all other responsibilities if she completes this one task. Drakina craves her independence enough to seduce the unattractive Terran who is the Carrier of the Seed. She’s sure it will be a quick seduction—until she meets Troy.

Worlds collide when Troy and Drakina meet, and passion flares. The attraction is so powerful that they both choose to put their goals aside for one night of passion together. When their respective secrets are revealed, will the truth turn one against the other? Or will destiny allow this star-crossed pair to save each other and their unborn son?


REVIEW: WYVERN’S MATE is the first installment in Deborah Cooke’s adult THE DRAGONS OF INCENDIUM romantic, fantasy series focusing on the twelve dragon shifter princesses of Incendium. This is eldest sister Drakina, and Mindbender Troy’s story line-a fated romance where Troy is expected to assassinate the royal princess.

Told from dual third person perspectives WYVERN’S MATE introduces some of the characters, the history and the tepid truce between the planets of Incendium, and Regalia, and the royal decree whereby the twelve dragon princesses of Incendium will be betrothed to the twelve gifted princes of Regalia. When things don’t go according to plans, Drakina finds herself ordered to Earth where she will find the ‘Carrier of the Seed’-the one male able to fertilize the dragon’s egg that she carries so that she is able to birth the next generation of royal dragons. What ensues is a building relationship between Drakina and Troy- a relationship that could very well end Drakina’s life.

For fans of Cooke’s previous series about dragons, THE DRAGONS OF INCENDIUM is NOT connected to, or a spinoff from, her best selling Dragonfire series. The current series focuses on female dragon shifters searching for their ‘HeartKeeper’-their mate- but the princes of Regalia are not necessarily the male that calls to the princesses hearts. The world building reveals the potential doom and fallout if no royal heir is to be conceived, and the possible destruction of two planets pulled into the heat of their sun.

WYVERN’S MATE is a quick read; a fast paced novella length story of romance and love; duty and honor; magic and dragons. The character building is limited-I would have preferred more background information about Drakina, and Troy-especially as it concerned Troy’s time imprisoned at Xanto-the who, what and why. The premise is entertaining-almost science fiction is its presentation; the characters are colorful and animated; the romance is a quick build to a happily ever after. A wonderful start to a new series.

Copy supplied by the author

Reviewed by Sandy


14 thoughts on “Wyvern’s Mate (Dragons of Incendium #1) by Deborah Cooke-a review

  1. Whoa, hold the phone, I didn’t know about this new series Sandy. I thought she was doing a spinoff of her Dragonfire series with the new shifters we met in the last book. Is that series on hold?? Speaking of series, this one sounds pretty cool, but I have to ask, just how sic-fi is it because that’s one genre I’m not fond of. Yes I do read Kenyon’s League series, but don’t find it very sci-fi, to me it’s more fantasy/action.

    • Not too sci-fi…the story line takes place on fantasy planets…like Kenyon’s League series–it is fantasy/action

      As for the ‘spin off’, I am not sure. I thought she was going to do something with the ‘Dragon’s Tooth’ warriors….let’s wait and see.

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