First Kiss of Freedom (Whitemoon Warriors #1) by Nichole Wolfe-Review & Guest Post

FIRST KISS OF FREEDOM (Whitemoon Warriors #1) by Nichole Wolfe-Review & Guest Post / / Amazon. uk / Amazon. au /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 30, 2018

Centuries of waiting…..

For four hundred years, Charlie Matthews has waited for his revenge, becoming the very creature he seeks to destroy. When he finally returns to his Maker’s mansion, he knows the time is close. And only one thing stands between what he wants, and what he never knew he needed.

Leads to a single moment…

On Nessie Robinson’s eighteenth birthday, she gets an unexpected surprise.
Her ex-best friend. Emphasis on “ex.” Since he left ten years ago, she’s had to deal with the overbearing power of their Master.
With his return comes tragedy, and feelings she doesn’t want to face. But every moment makes them harder to ignore.

That changes everything ….

With one bite, Charlie and Nessie are forced to run for their lives. Leaving behind everything they’ve known, fighting for survival, freedom, and a chance at a future neither of them ever imagined.


REVIEW: Haven’t read a vampire story in a while ?

In this book, not all vampires are nice, in fact after the humans find out about the vampires, things went from bad to worse, many became “blood slaves” no better off than cattle, used and abused with no thought to how they’d feel to be an unwilling donor.

Vanessa is such a human, a child when she first became a donor, now a young woman, she loathes and despises them, their cruelty when taking blood, and using them as house slaves as well.

She thought she had a friend for life in Charlie, but he left her and never looked back. She yearns to escape, but knows that’s an impossibility.

Charlie hates his master with a passion, his master is a cruel and violent vampire.

Charlie has watched as humans are turned into cattle and slaves, and now the vampire council are deciding on wether to let his master expand his slave trade. It needs to stop, and Charlie thinks he is strong enough to do it. And returning to the “home” he once knew fills him with dread, but he knows this may be his best shot.

Coming home has a few surprises for Charlie, one being the little girl who lightened his heart and made him want to be a better supernatural.

“Nessie” was an endearing soul, and always knew how to make him smile, but their first meeting didn’t go as planned, and the look in her eyes wasn’t joy, it was hatred.

Their relationship is slow in returning, but once it does, then both Charlie and Nessie have life changing decisions to make.

It was a very well written book, and the author described this new world in all its technicolour glory.

Do Charlie and Nessie get to make a life for themselves? And what about the master ? And will the council let them live ?

Copy supplied for review

? Julie B

How to Make a Monster Readers Will Swoon Over

A Halloween Guest Post to Sink Your Teeth Into

In the world of Paranormal Romance, monsters are everywhere.  And can be just about anyone. Main character. Love interest.  Villain. Side characters. It’s what readers not-so-secretly crave.  Because, let’s face it, we get to interact with humans every day. Whether or not we want to.  But with this beloved genre, we get to meet characters we could only dream about (or read about, in this case.)  But, be careful how far out you go with your creepy creatures because no one wants to make out with The Blob (even if it’s imaginary).  The trick is getting the right blend of man and monster.

Take a quick glance at some popular titles.  I’m sure it won’t take long for you to notice that all those heroes and heroines have one important thing in common.  They look mostly human.  Sure, they might have green skin, but they probably also have a six-pack.  While it’s true that readers don’t want your average Joe, they still require some sense of familiarity to really connect with your characters.  Limit yourself to three deviations from the human form.  Examples could be 1.) Green skin; 2.) Webbed fingers; 3.) Sticky tongue OR 1.) Blue fur; 2.) Pointy ears; 3.) Fangs

Not only should your characters be humanoid, they should act human, as well.  This is especially important because without some sense of human emotions, your characters will feel stale and blank to the readers.  And we all know that’s not good. Besides, how will readers fall in love with your characters if it’s obvious they aren’t even capable of love themselves?  So, even if you want your character to seem emotionless and unfeeling for whatever reason, their thoughts or actions should demonstrate that they’re not as cold as other characters think them to be.  

Think about people you’ve come across in your own life that you didn’t particularly like.  What about their personality made you dislike them? Give that personality trait to your character and voila!  They have a flaw to overcome! At minimum, your character should have two dominant emotional responses.  In many cases, these could be part of your character’s personality flaws.  Perhaps they’re a hothead that refuses to trust anyone. Or maybe they’re judgmental and arrogant.  Maybe they’re a Type-A people pleaser that doesn’t know how to relax. Because that won’t cause any problems in your plot, I’m sure…

Another important thing to consider is making sure your monster isn’t invincible.  Figuring out your character’s weaknesses or limitations are just as important as their strengths.  Try to connect their strengths and weaknesses to their origin (or their species’ origin) to help make them more believable.  It’s important to ask a lot of why questions. Why do they fly on a broom? Why do they hate black cats? Why does eating pumpkin pie turn them into the Orange Hulk?  

Keep in mind that the more unique your monster, the more explanation the readers will require.  Some monsters are so well-known these days, they need little explanation (vampires, shifters, demons, etc.).  But even if you choose to use these, giving them a unique origin or special quirk could set your vampires or shifters apart from the horde of others.

So, now that you know the basics of how to build a swoon-worthy monster, here is a little cheatsheet for you.  Just in case you forget. It happens to the best of us. No worries.


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Nichole Wolfe lives in a small, one-traffic-light town in Pennsylvania with her childhood sweetheart and their two children.  Her slight obsession with all things paranormal and fantastical may have snuck its way into her tales of love conquering all.  When not reading or writing heart-throbbing, fog-up-the-mirror stories, she enjoys other creative outlets.  Scrapbooking her many amateur photos and making thrifty home decor with her many, many emptied wine bottles are some of her favorite go-to hobbies.



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