Redemption & Guardian Angel 1-4 by Sharon Hamilton-Review Tour

Redemption & the Guardian Angel Series 1-4 by Sharon Hamilton-Review Tour / / / /

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Former Dark Angel Joshua Brandon has skirted a forever un-death in the Underworld until his heart yanks him from his life of debauchery and back into the Human World. He has accepted a very stealth assignment from the man upstairs to perhaps obtain those white wings he’s never wanted until now.

But it will require him turning back to the dark side. And just after his promise is made, the only woman he’s ever loved comes back into his life. She is in desperate need of saving. But as a Dark Angel, the only thing he can do is claim her soul for his own in the Underworld.

Will he have to throw away any hope of redemption, in order to save her?

Book 4 in this popular series about Guardian Angels, Dark Angels, the healing power of love, and good vs. evil. Although, evil can be more fun!

Remember, in this world: Heaven is created by design. The Underworld is created by accident.


REVIEW: Remember Joshua? No! He isn’t a nice guy, he’s a dark angel with a real bad boy attitude, except that’s not an attitude. Seeing the Underworld for as many years as Joshua did changed him. Tempting angels/guardians to fall from heaven and become a dark/fallen angel. But he was given a shot at redemption, he’s done good so far……

Now God/Father wants him to return to the Underworld and bring back all those angels and guardians, simple right? No! Joshua has been with us through all the previous books, whispering, plotting and conniving in the background, so how come he got a clean slate? (Well to find out your going to have to read the other books)

Melanie loved and lost Joshua, and now with a chance to meet up with him she jumps at the chance. But when she has to travel to the underworld she’s not sure. But with the chance of happiness she has to weigh it all up. Does she want to be with him that much?

I didn’t think Joshua should have had a happy ending, he really had no redeeming qualities, but reading more about him, you have to change your mind. Loved the interaction between Father and Joshua, it did make me chuckle.

I liked this book, we caught up with previous characters, we watch as he interacts with fallen angels (trying to convince them to leave the underworld for heaven) his has admits his faults to Melanie. The spark that was between Melanie and Joshua never really left them. Lots of stuff going on, backstabbing (literally) and double dealings. Who can you really trust in the underworld?

The story sets off at a nice pace, and continues through the book. As in the previous three books, both worlds are written really well. Yes the underworld is dark, but it’s also fascinating, the diversity and the cultures, it’s like a dark earth, but no real law, power is everything and there are a few that want to rule.

So can he let Melanie give everything up to be with him in the underworld? And when his job is finished, what happens to him? Father says he has a place in heaven, he can earn those wings and go home, but what about Melanie? Can he really turn his back on the only person who loves him? Can he leave her a second time? And can Melanie trust Joshua, he’s lied and left her before. What’s to stop the underworld from claiming him again?

I’d recommend you read at least book 2 (this is where we meet Joshua and Melanie.) it’s better if you read them in order, I have and it’s definitely helped.

I’m hoping for a few more books. We still have s couple of characters that need sorting out. So who knows. I’ll hero my fingers crossed.

?Reviewed by Julie B

Copies supplied for review

“My dear, it’s all been arranged. You’ll soon see for yourself.” He always looked so attentive as he bowed his head and gave that flat-lipped smile that extended nearly to his ears. His handsome face was hard to tear her focus from. His bright red lips hinted he might wear lip stain, and in shadow, they nearly glowed. His eyes certainly did, as if lit from within. Although human, Naveen had an aura of an actor playing the part of a dark vampire lord, and couldn’t get enough of his own character. She wondered if he slept in pajamas or animal skin. He had a keen sense of smell, even guessing the exact flowery recipe of her custom-made perfume scent.

The Guardian Angel #1
by S. Hamil (Sharon Hamilton)
Release Date: December 18 ,2013 / / / /

Claire, an unconventional Guardian angel sent to save a sexy Brazilian-born painter from killing himself, discovers Daniel has been preyed upon by a powerful dark angel posing as his best friend and agent. Although successful in saving Daniel’s life, Claire is in danger of losing her own when attraction to her handsome charge blooms into a forbidden love.

The dark angel offers her what she’s only dared to dream about—an eternity with Daniel. Will she sacrifice her soul, or sacrifice a lifetime with a man she knows she was created to love?


REVIEW: First book in a new series, and a new author for me to read.

Claire isn’t your usual angel, as a guardian, she’s suppose to be serious and focused. I’d say Claire was more feisty, opinionated and fun loving than that. Her role is to guide and keep “humans” on the correct path. She’s never failed…..But if the higher powers have their way, it’s going to be Claire’s last job, she’s being reassigned to teaching other angels to be guardians, and she’s not happy about that, not in the least!!

Daniel is an artist, a beautiful soul, destined to do great things.He’s had enough of life, he tries to commit suicide after losing the love of his life. He never expected to become a pawn in the never ending battle between good and evil.

She’s suppose to remain unseen. But all that changes when she sees Daniel trying time end his life. She’s only suppose to guide him in his dreams, but there is something not quite right about this job!!

Josh dark angel (bad guy) his role is to turn his charges to the dark side, he’s never lost one to the light. Losing Daniel is not an option, but watching the angel with Daniel gives josh an idea…..Josh now has a new goal, to turn Claire. He uses the new love that is growing between Daniel and Claire. He whispers, he plots.

Fighting their feelings for one another proves challenging for both Claire and Daniel. It doesn’t help when Josh offers Claire a way for them to be together. To good to be true? With a fallen angel, I’d say it’s more than likely!

Loved the premise of this one, and as it’s a series, I’m hoping we get more of Josh. Beautifully written, characters are well thought out.
The twist and turns in this book had me gripped right up until the end. Scenes set in both heaven/underworld and earth put you there. The angst, the anger and passion are expressed with great care. The fight between light and dark is ongoing, the battle for Daniels soul is the prize.

Claire as an angel is suppose to be focused, we see that side of her, we also get to witness her transformation, the love she fights for Daniel. Daniel is complex, he’s an artist, so you expect them to be a tormented soul, you don’t expect them to try to commit suicide. His love for painting was overtaken by his love for Audray, all consuming, his passion for her was vibrant and exciting. He never thought he’d find her in the arms of another! He’s never going to paint again!

I felt his pain, his anger and then his sorrow at losing her. Life wasn’t worth living. Then his love for Claire slowly growing, it’s not the same as his love for Claire, but to me the loves between Audray and Claire is totally opposite, the slow burn will last longer than the flash fire Audray and Daniel had.

I couldn’t put this book down, and I’m looking forward to the next one. Highly recommend this one.

Julie ?


The Guardian Angel Series #2
by S. Hamil (Sharon Hamilton)
Release Date:December 14, 2014 / / / /

Joshua Brandon, a legendary and powerful rogue dark angel, meets a human woman whose soul he cannot take, and finds something he has not experienced before: love. At the same time, a new director comes to power in the Underworld, who asks for a test of Josh’s loyalty by delivering this very woman to him.

Melanie Worthington is back among the living, after reeling from the suicide of a close friend. She has no idea she is to become the pawn between two powerful dark angels, one who would command her as his personal concubine, and the other who would set her free.

Will their love survive the battle between the two dark angels, or will Joshua risk his own immortal life to protect the woman he loves?


REVIEW: OMG it’s Josh from book one (Heavenly Lover) Dark angel and resident bad guy. He’s training new recruits, but he’s not in the zone. He’s still bristling from losing both a human soul and a heavenly one.

Melanie is slowly recovering from the loss of her boyfriend, she’s sure he tried to save her before he died. Her new love is a flower shop, she loves her job, but still misses him. The only person who ever really knew her.

I didn’t think this book could be any better than the first, I was wrong. I’d come to expect a story full of passion, indecision and twists. I got that in spades. I didn’t think we would be able to redeem Josh, he’s been evil for centuries, convincing humans to end their life for a better one in the underworld (well that’s not going to happen is it?) he’s very good at his job. But he feels like he’s under investigation from the new director, and he’s not sure why!

Melanie was lovely, coming from a rich but cold family, all she’s ever wanted was love and a family, meeting Felix she thought they’d be together forever….. Meeting Josh, Melanie thinks she’s found a new love, but Josh being Josh has been given a task. But will he be able to convince Melanie to come with him? But what if he doesn’t want her to travel to the underworld, what if he wants to stay with her? The attraction Josh feels for Melanie is confusing him no end. He wants her, he could have her, but keeping her? That’s not like him.

(Peter) New Director runs the Underworld, I liked that idea, different from the usual rulers of Hell/Underworld. He’s now interested in Melanie, but why? Is it because he knows how Josh feels about her? Can someone that evil actually want Melanie? Yes he does, but not as a mate/wife, he wants her as a concubine in his harem!

Secondary characters are just as important as the main characters in this book. A lot of time and effort is invested. Audray makes a surprising visit in this book (the woman Daniel loved in “Heavenly Lover”) And Jonas (who I hear you cry) well he’s a player and a much needed character, and that’s all your getting from me?

Third book “Underworld” Queen is next on my reading list.

Highly recommend this book.

? Julie B.


The Guardian Angel Series #3
by S. Hamil (Sharon Hamilton)
Release Date: December 30, 2014 / / / /

Audray has just assumed the title as first-ever Queen of the Underworld. As she attempts to consolidate her rule, characters from the past threaten to destroy her and the love she shares with Jonas Starling, a 300-year old dark angel.

When she discovers she has been the recipient of a miracle, suddenly their whole immortal lives are changed forever. Will they survive the coming war or get snagged in the power struggle over not only the underworld, but the human world as well?


REVIEW: Well damn!!! That could have gone either way!!

So, without giving too much away….. Audray is now Queen of the underworld!! Technically still a director, but she likes Queen better. She’s also the first ever female to rule the Underworld.

Jonas a dark/fallen angel, totally devoted to Audray. His previous life was full of misdeeds and adventure, and finally as a fallen angel for the past few centuries. Meeting Audray has been a rollercoaster, lust, fun, lust, dismemberment. But recently he’s been having feelings…. does he care for his Queen? Certainly, he’d die for her, but love? Not sure about that one.

Carl is a human professor, his love of history has put him in the firing line, being asked to dig up information on a landowner from the 17th century, he stumbles upon something he shouldn’t have.

Molly is the cute librarian that works in the reference section of the university that Carl works at. She’s had a crush on him forever, but she knows he won’t look at her, she’s too young for him. But she can look.

You can read the book without reading the first, but personally I wouldn’t, your going to miss out on two wonderful previous books, but also it gives you lots of background on Audray.

Now I was prepared to hate Audray on sight, my least favourite person in the whole of this series so far! Why? I hear you ask, well….. nope I can’t, if I do, then I spoil the other books. But she really isn’t a nice person. So I did wonder how she would or could redeem herself?

When reading further into the book you get more of her past. It’s not been easy for her, so you now know why she gave up and became a dark angel.

The thought of Jonas and Audray getting a happy ending was a little annoying, they both were really nasty in previous books. But they slowly grow on you. They have broken backgrounds, so it shapes you, so why shouldn’t they have a happy ending? And if they do commit to one another, love each other like they they are beginning to, what will it mean for the Queen of the underworld?

I have to admit, I was a little disappointed with this one. It felt rushed, it seemed less polished than the last two, and in some ways written by someone else!! The dialogue felt crass and cruder than the others. And for a while I did wonder why Carl and Molly were there. So what they doing there?

? Julie B.

S. HAMIL, Sharon Hamilton’s twisted sister, writes paranormal romance with a central theme of the healing power of true love. Her characters from multiple worlds including Heaven and the Underworld are angels, dark angels, vampires and some who are not quite sure what they are. They follow a bumpy path to redemption, but not exactly what they taught you in Sunday School!


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