A Fire Endless by Rebecca Ross – a Review

A Fire Endless by Rebecca Ross – a Review


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East and West. Humans and Spirits. Breccans and Tamerlaines. The Isle of Cadence has always held itself and its residents in a tenuous balance. But now Bane, the spirit of the North Wind, has pushed everyone and everything in his path off-kilter in a bid to claim dominion over all.

In the West, Adaira struggles to adjust to the more brutal, bitter ways of life among the Breccans. Striving to find her place in the clan, she swiftly realizes that it just might be the last role she desires to hold. And while magic blooms effortlessly for the Breccans in the west, the spirits continue to suffer beneath Bane’s harsh power, felt in every gust of wind.

In the East, Jack is adrift without Adaira until he sings to the ember-weak fire spirits, acquiring a dangerous mission he never expected. One that is destined to lead him westward. Likewise, Torin and Sidra are consumed by a new mystery as sickness spreads first amongst the crops, and then to the people of the Tamerlaine clan. While Sidra desperately searches for a cure, Torin dares to strike a bargain with the spirits—a precarious folly anytime, but especially now as the days grow darker.

With the island falling further out of balance, humans and spirits alike will need to join together to face Bane, and Jack’s gift with the harp will be called upon once more. Yet no one can challenge the North Wind without paying a terrible price, and the sacrifice required this time may be more than Jack, Adaira, Torin, and Sidra can bear to pay.

In the stunning conclusion to the Elements of Cadence duology, A Fire Endless finds the delicate balance between the human and faerie realm threatened by Bane, the spirit of the North Wind, whose defeat can only come through fire, song, and heart-rending sacrifice.




A Fire Endless by Rebecca Ross is the final book in her wonderful Elements of Cadence duology.  I have become a fan of Rebecca Ross’s wonderful fantasy novels. A Fire Endless picks up where the first book left off. Adaira is now in the West, trying to adjust to a more difficult life, as well as learn more about her true family (Breccans), her mother, Innes being the laird of the West and her father David. She misses her husband, Jack, who was left in the East, since being a bard, he cannot play music in the West.

In the East, Jack misses Adaira, but is determined to use his harp, to sing to the spirits, who suffer from King Bane’s nasty powers, bringing severe sickness to crops and people. The blight continues to grow, and Sidra, the healer in Tamerlaine, becomes infected, trying desperately to find a cure. Torin, the Laird of the East, finds himself approached by a spirit, who needs him to solve a puzzle, which would help save the land.  He is then stuck in the spirit realm, trying to search for the clues, to free himself, and stop the blight; with him being unable to see anyone in the mortal world, including his wife, Sidra and daughter, Maisie. 

Adaira slowly begins to learn more about her parents, and the world within the Breccan clan; but she also tries to change the way things are being done, especially the culling.  In a short time, Jack, will decide to join Adaira in the West, since he wants to be with his wife, and willing to give up his music.  It was a dangerous journey for Jack, as some evil Breccans threatened his life, with Adaira coming to his rescue.  Very exciting.  I loved Jack and Adaira together, as they were a fantastic couple.

With both the East and West beginning to suffer the terrible consequences of Bane’s rule, they will need to find a way to bring both sides together, as well as the spirits, who also suffer from Bane’s horror. Each of them (Adaira, Jack, Sidra and Torin) have their own difficult arcs, as we spend time with each of them in their compelling journeys.  Jack’s gift of music will bring Bane to destroy the spirits, more blight and stop the Bard. Will Jack survive?

What follows was an amazing, fantastic adventure in a world filled with magic, spirits, enemies, betrayals and romance.  There are some surprising twists, that will eventually force the two clans to join together to save the Isle of Cadenc.  Adaira, continues to be a fantastic heroine, as she was strong independent, determined, savvy and fierce. I loved Jack, Sidra and Torin, who played major parts in this story. 

A Fire Endless was a wonderful, captivating, unique story filled with spirits, magic and folklore.   To say too much more would ruin it for you, as you really do need to read this fantastic finale.  Rebecca Ross once again gives us a wonderful fantasy, with great characters and keeping me enthralled from start to finish.  If you have not read this duology, I suggest you start with A River Enchanted, then read A Fire Endless.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher




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