Calypso’s Heart by M.C. Solaris – a Review

Calypso’s Heart by M.C. Solaris – a Review


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Sexy shifters. Hot vampires. Intriguing immortals. Strong heroine. Sizzling romance. Page-turning plot full of emotion and excitement. Modern and fresh take on fated mates….

Do you dream of ridiculously hot men? Okay, maybe you do. (And yes, I’m well aware I should lay off the romance books before bed.) But do you actually ever meet those men you dream about in real life? I didn’t think so. That’s probably a good thing though because I have… And these men from my dreams have done nothing but pull the rug of reality out from under me… which was how I fell and ended up in a world that I thought only existed in romance books.

My name is Caly (AKA Callie) and I’m just an ordinary single woman living the LA dream… paycheck to paycheck. Except whose dream is it? I’m not really sure… but it’s not my dream. Especially because I have really weird dreams… like really weird. Then again, everyone has weird dreams, right?

I am an alpha wolf shifter and leader of Orion’s Order, a pack of… well, not wolves. We’re an unconventional pack of highly skilled specian hunters that do one thing: hunt the evil in our world. And we were hired by SILE (Species Investigative Law Enforcement) to hunt a bloodthirsty criminal who is infamously untraceable. That was until an irresistible female brought an unexpected twist to our hunt and set things in motion… a motion that has left my pack and our world forever changed.

Welcome to The Order and a secret world of magic and mystery, where a pack of unlikely friends find love and fight against an ancient evil force.




With a backstory like that we are in for a ride. Calypso’s Heart by M.C. Solaris is the first book in the new Orion’s Order series, and an author that I haven’t read before. 

By day Caly Is a paralegal. At night she dreams of being swept off her feet. Her day job is not as thrilling as she’d like, but it pays the bills, only she’s just lost a big client to a rival in the firm! Can anything else go wrong today? 

Blake works for SILE or Species Intelligence and Law Enforcement. His team combines many species of paranormals, they hunt down anyone breaking the law. Or trying to cross The Barrier (it keeps the human world separate from the paranormal one).  Their main task is to find and bring in The Mastermind and The Ghost. Wanted for murders (i get there is more to this story than we are being told at the moment) 

Caly dreams of Blake, (well she doesn’t know it’s Blake at first) but doesn’t communicate with him at first. There is just a lot of staring into one another’s eyes. I did have to chuckle at the description of Caly, it gave me a sense of airhead and a dreamer, but there is so much more to her than that. She chats to both herself and her cat, she loves coffee and music (my kinda girl already) I have a feeling she feels like she doesn’t really fit into the L.A lifestyle, she’s more of a laidback kind of woman. 

Blake is an alpha through and through. A man tied to his job, works hard and expects the same from his team. But he does care for his team, and looks on them as family. We get introduced to Blake’s team (luckily not that large) they all work well together, when not antagonising one another. 

A couple of my favorite characters already were Rhyland and Rhyker. The playful banter between the twin panther shifters and the other members is hilarious to read. 

The book is surprisingly long (but it doesn’t drag anywhere) but really well written. And for a first book I was impressed. Nothing worse than reading pages and pages, but not really going anywhere with it.  Plenty of action (including fight scenes) ? yes there is the usual “you mate, me Alpha” but it’s something that goes with the paranormal territory. 

So….. We have the bad guy or guys (The Mastermind and The Ghost) We have our team of good guys. And we have a human who doesn’t seem to be what she claims. A really good start to what I’m hoping is a wild ride of a series. Definitely recommend this book. 

Reviewed by Julie

Owned copy



10 thoughts on “Calypso’s Heart by M.C. Solaris – a Review

  1. Thank you so much Julie and The Reading Cafe for your review of Calypso’s Heart! I’m so happy to hear that you enjoyed the story of Blake and Caly’s union and that you’re looking forward to the next in the series! Thanks again! 🙂 XO, MC Solaris

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