Caught Up by Rya Stone – a Review

Caught Up by Rya Stone – a Review


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Cassie Mitchum is interested in one thing and one thing only—closing a deal on the Lucas property. Until she sets eyes on Jason “Jase” Lucas. He’s bad news, but he looks damn good doing it. She’s never been one for tattooed roughnecks, but she’s willing to make an exception, especially since he won’t look at her lease offer unless she agrees to a date with him.

Jason Lucas needs Cassie Mitchum to stay the hell off his land. There’s more happening than she needs to be aware of—or mixed up in. With that feisty attitude and those tight jeans…he can’t get her out of his head. Too bad being close to her would put her on the radar of the most dangerous person Jase has ever known.




Caught Up begins with Jase Lucas driving down the road and seeing a car pull right up to the entrance to the place he was raised.  And, a place where his brother, Clint, still lived.  When the driver stepped out of the car, Jase tried to ignore it, but a lady with a blown tire wasn’t something he could ignore.  When he approaches the lady, he finds out that she is looking for Clint and that she is trying to arrange oil and gas leases on their tract of land.  Jase tells her that they aren’t interested in a lease and that she should be on her way, once they get her tire changed.  Cassie has a lot riding on this deal, and is bound and determined to land the lease, no matter what.

However, once she meets the brother, Clint, she’s not quite so sure.  He’s scary and one of the most abrasive people she’s ever met.  Add to that the strange behavior of some in the small town, and she wonders if it’s all worth it.  Even though Jase is not her usual type, she can’t help but be a little attracted.  Jase tries to stay away from her as well, but the chemistry between them isn’t so easily forgotten.

What follows is a story wrought with “ex” drama, old family feuds and a steamy romance between Jase and Cassie.

The premise of Caught Up was a promising one.  But, if I’m being honest, it was a little too dark for me.  As I was reading, it almost played out in my mind as a film noir.  At one point, I thought that maybe it was a screenplay originally.  I liked Cassie.  I liked her stubborn streak, and I loved her determination.  Jase’s character seemed a little off to me.  He would say the weirdest things sometimes, and for some reason, Cassie liked it.  The scenes with Clint and all of the “family secret” drama felt forced and disjointed.  There were parts of the book that I really enjoyed.  When it was just the two main characters, I thought it flowed nicely.  But, it seemed to veer off when others joined the fray.  Like I said, the premise is promising, and I would be willing to give the next book a look. 

Reviewed by Vickie

Copy provided by Publisher


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