Chase After Me (Wilde Ways #9) by Cynthia Eden-a review

CHASE AFTER ME (Wilde Ways #9) by Cynthia Eden-a review / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date July 21, 2020.

It’s an undercover mission. Get in. Get close to the woman. Get the intel. Get out. Should be easy enough. Right?


Chase Durant’s newest assignment goes wrong from the moment he meets Vivian Wayne. She’s not cold and calculating. The scientist is charming, funny, and absolutely freaking gorgeous. He’s supposed to be seducing secrets out of her. She’s supposed to be a selling classified intel. She’s supposed to be bad.

She’s the best thing he’s ever seen.

Doesn’t take long for the Wilde agent to realize that Vivian has been set-up, and the folks setting her up thought they could use Wilde to do their dirty work. Thought they could use Chase in order to make Vivian vulnerable so that she’d be the perfect target.


Instead of using her, Chase is determined to protect Vivian. The only problem? He’s been lying to her from day one, and things have…heated up between them. More like gone molten. Because Chase wants her more than he’s ever wanted anyone, and he’s not about to step back and let another agent take over her case. Vivian needs protecting, and he’s just the man for the job.

Correction—he’s just the man for Vivian. He just has to prove that he can be the right one for her.


But when Vivian finds out that he’s been lying, how can she trust him? Time is running out, and Vivian’s heart is in tatters. She fell for the wrong man, and now she might pay for that mistake with her life. Chase seemed perfect. He flew past her defenses, and she thought he seemed might be just—


Chase won’t back down. He won’t give up. He’ll prove to Vivian that she can count on him. Prove to her that he will always put her first. Prove to her that he can be the right man for her. He simply has to destroy her all of enemies and convince Vivian to fall for him once more. Only this time, she’ll be falling for the real man. Not the lie.

All in a day’s work for a Wilde agent…right?


REVIEW:CHASE AFTER ME is the ninth instalment in Cynthia Eden’s contemporary, adult WILDE WAYS romantic suspense series focusing on the men and women who work for Wilde Ways Security. This is former Navy SEAL and Wilde Ways security specialist Chase Durant, and CIA Digital Forensic Engineer Vivian Wayne’s story line. CHASE AFTER ME can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

Told from third person perspective CHASE AFTER ME follows former Navy SEAL and Wilde Ways security specialist Chase Durant on his latest assignment. Wilde Ways has been tasked by the CIA to infiltrate and uncover the truth about CIA Digital Forensic Engineer Vivian Wayne. Vivian Wayne is suspected of stealing CIA personnel files but having met our story line heroine Chase Durant suspects Vivian is about to take the fall for someone else. When Vivian becomes the target of an unknown enemy, Chase places himself in the direct line of fire to protect the woman with whom he is falling in love. What ensues is the building but forbidden relationship between Chase and Vivian, and the potential fall-out as the people involved go much deeper than anyone could have expected.

Chase Durant knows to get involved with his latest target could mean the end of his security career but something about Vivian draws Chase like a moth to a flame including the ‘sense’ that Vivian is not the enemy. Vivian Wayne is on leave from the CIA but our heroine begins to suspect that Chase is more than her new next door neighbor when a series of events involving Chase and his partner Merik begins to spiral out of control.

The relationship between Vivian and Chase is one of immediate attraction but Vivian is Chase’s target, his assignment. The sexual tension is raw; the $ex scenes are spicy and seductive without the use of over the top,sexually graphic language and text.

We are introduced to Wilde Ways owner Erik Wilde, Chase’s friends and fellow Wilde Ways employees Lacey Amari , and Merik Stone; CIA operative and investigator Dex Ryan, and building maintenance manager Jacob Webb.

CHASE AFTER ME is a spirited story of betrayal, secrets, lies, power and control. The character driven premise is inviting; the characters are sassy, flirty and charismatic; the romance is provocative and intense.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
Protecting Piper
Guarding Gwen
Before Ben
The Heart You Break
Fighting for Her
One Hot Holiday
Ghost of a Chance
Counting on Cole

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy


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