CHERRY LANE (Huckleberry Bay 3.5) by Kristen Proby-review tour

CHERRY LANE (Huckleberry Bay Novella 3.5) by Kristen Proby-review & excerpt tour / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date August 22, 2023

Sometimes, love is waiting in the most unexpected of places.

Zeke Cross is a big city guy who finds himself living in the smallest town on the face of the earth, running an auto repair shop with his best friend. Not just running, but owning. He’s not used to sleepy little towns. He craves noise, excitement, and people. And yet, he’s grown to love the town of Huckleberry Bay, and the people who have welcomed him into the fold. Almost everyone has been kind and accepting of the outsider.

Everyone except Cherry Dubois.

Cherry is a small town girl, and she misses the sleepy community from her childhood. Now, her home is overrun by move-ins, who seem hell-bent on bringing big city ideals to her little town, and ruining what she’s always had. Her neighbor, Zeke, is the most annoying of all, with his loud music and arrogant attitude. How is she supposed to think when he’s around? Sure, he’s handsome, but that almost makes it worse.

Then Cherry needs Zeke’s help, and she finds out that the big city guy isn’t all that bad, especially when he has his hands on her and makes her forget all the reasons why she doesn’t like him. But at the end of the day, will she be able to trust this man to stay for good, or will her worst fears come true?


REVIEW:  CHERRY LANE is a contemporary, adult, stand alone novella (#3.5) set in the author’s HUCKLEBERRY BAY romance series. This is pre-school teacher / candle maker Cherry Dubois, and mechanic Zeke Cross’ story line. CHERRY LANE can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary. Zeke was first introduced in book one LIGHTHOUSE WAY.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Cherry and Zeke) CHERRY LANE follows the acrimonious relationship between Cherry and Zeke. Approximately one year earlier, Zeke Cross moved to Huckleberry Bay to work with his best friend Wolfe Conrad but Zeke never expected to make an enemy out of his new neighbor,a woman who stirs something deep within our story line hero. Fast forward to present day, Zeke is still on the outside looking in with his neighbor Cherry Dubois. From the outset, Cherry’s nose has been out of joint, and she is taking her frustrations and anger out on her new neighbor Zeke. Zeke has no idea what he did to deserve the vitriol spewed by our story line heroine but Cherry is about to need more Zeke’s help when things don’t go well at home. What ensues is the building but struggling relationship between Zeke and Cherry, and the potential fall-out as misunderstanding threaten to split our couple apart.

The world building focuses on the building relationship, a relationship that struggles with Cherry’s questionable attitude and rude behavior. Not only is she beyond rude to our story line hero but often towards the people in his life.

The relationship between Zeke and Cherry begins acrimoniously is awkward and takes approximately one year before Cherry is will to make amends, amends in the face of a potential disaster at home. Zeke is willing to give Cherry a chance but has no idea as to why Cherry is so reluctant to give him a chance. The $ex scenes are limited but passionate.

The secondary and supporting characters are familiar and fun. We are reintroduced to Wolfe and Luna (Lighthouse Way) ; Sarah and Tanner( Fernhill Lane); as well as Montana, Amryllis Lovejoy, and Indigo

CHERRY LANE is a fast paced, quick read focusing on anger and jealousy, forgiveness and friends, acceptance and love. The premise is engaging and edgy; the characters are dynamic and animated but our heroine’s attitude is questionable and rude; the romance is tender and encouraging.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
Lighthouse Way
Fernhill Lane
Chapel Bend

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


“Listen, I know we don’t get along—despite this little moment of truce. You don’t have to do this.”
“It’s true, you drive me crazy. But that doesn’t mean I can’t be neighborly.” He pushes his hand through his hair in agitation. This is the Zeke I know. “Maybe we can work out a trade.”
I take a step back, appalled. “No.”
“Jesus, not that kind of trade, although you’re hot as fuck, and I wouldn’t complain.”
I’m pretty sure my jaw just hit the floor. Zeke thinks I’m hot?
“I was thinking that maybe you could put a hold on the nagging while I offer you my hot water.”
“I don’t nag.”
He laughs and rubs his fingertips into his forehead like he’s completely frustrated.
“You nag more than my grandmother, and that woman could have won an Olympic gold medal if it were a sport.”
“What do I nag you about?” I prop my hands on my hips and narrow my eyes at him.
“What don’t you nag me about?” He shakes his head. “’Turn the music down, Zeke. Stop laughing so loud, Zeke. Jesus, Zeke, when was the last time you checked your mail? It’s overflowing in your box. Zeke, you parked like crap again.’ I’m telling you, I get real sick and tired of my name.”
I can only blink at him. Do I really sound like that? Do I bitch at him constantly?
“Well.” I sound stiff as a board, but I can’t help it. I’m mortified. “I will stop doing that. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. And thank you for the offer, but I’ll pass. I can go to my parents’ house. I appreciate your help tonight. Have a nice evening.”
He frowns. “Now, you just sound like you have a stick up your ass.”
“What do you want from me?” It comes out in an exasperated shout. “Christ Jesus, Zeke, have you ever considered that I nag because you do those things all the goddamn time, and it’s inconsiderate? No, I’m sure you haven’t. You just think I’m a tight-ass bitch who likes the sound of my own voice, not a human being who has jobs and responsibilities of her own. But it’s fine. I’ll keep my mouth shut from here on out and suck it up. I’ll invest in some noise-blocking earbuds and park in the visitor parking so I don’t have to deal with your shitty parking jobs. I really do appreciate you being so nice to me tonight. It was a pleasant surprise, but I won’t expect it to continue. See you around.”
“God, you’re so damn exasperating.”
“Same goes, Zeke.”
We just stand there for several seconds, breathing hard and glaring at each other, and then the next thing I know, Zeke closes the gap between us, cups my face in his hands, and kisses me.
Like, kisses me.
It’s hot and demanding, as if he’s been thinking about doing it since the minute we met, and he has months-and-months-worth of pent-up sexual aggression to get out.
And, surprisingly, I don’t mind at all.

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New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Kristen Proby is the author of the bestselling With Me In Seattle and Love Under the Big Sky series. She has a passion for a good love story and strong, humorous characters with a strong sense of loyalty and family. Her men are the alpha type; fiercely protective and a bit bossy, and her ladies are fun, strong, and not afraid to stand up for themselves. Kristen lives in Montana with her husband and their four pets, where she enjoys coffee, chocolate and sunshine. And naps.


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