Crossing the Line (Whitecap 1) by Jessica Prince-Review Tour

CROSSING THE LINE (Whitecap 1) by Jessica Prince-Review & Excerpt Tour / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date September 14, 2021

Some lines are meant to be crossed.

Trent Montgomery knew all about loyalty and responsibility. Tracking down his friend’s long-lost sister and making sure she was safe was just another job, a favor from someone he cared about. He wasn’t supposed to get attached. But when he started to fall for the woman who had been hiding from the world, things got a lot more complicated than he ever expected.

Cheyanne Knightly knew all about living in fear. The life she’d made for her and her daughter was as stable as a house of cards. One stiff breeze could send her whole world crumbling. But when a new guy blew into her small town, stirring up Whitecap’s rumor mill, she found herself drawn to him in a way she never expected.

Lies were told. Secrets were uncovered. Lines were crossed. When the truth finally came out, Trent had to find a way to protect the woman who stole his heart while he tried to earn her trust back


REVIEW:A swoon worthy, heartwarming small town romance!

What a way to start a new series! JP never let’s her readers down. The first book in the newly found town of Whitecap gives readers a major Hope Valley feel. This comes as no surprise as it’s a spinoff of that series. Whitecap is a small seaside town with all the feels of Hope Valley, but with it’s own twist on things.

Our story starts off with Cheyanne (Sawyer) and her Little Bit, Renee aka the cutest kiddo of all time and the life they have built in the scenic seaside town. Chey’s story is one of both fear and strength, from a young age her life and the life of her twin sister Charlotte hasn’t been easy. Filled with the loss of their parents, then the loss of each other, and then for Chey the loss of freedom. Cheyanne breaks away from the psycho control of her garbage can of a husband and forges a new life for her and her daughter. Life was good, normal and content.

Until Trent.

Trent Montgomery is on a mission for his friend, find Dalton’s womens long lost sister. When he finds her in Whitecap he makes his approach and is knocked off his feet. He knows he needs to keep things professional, not only for his job, but for his own peace of mind. Well that plan gets knocked to hell pretty quickly, he soon falls under the spell of not one girl, but two. Chayanne and her tiny daughter Renee. As hard as he tries to pull away, to be “friends” with Chey, the more time he spends with her the harder he finds it to stay away and ignore his feelings. Just as Cheyanne and Trent finally have their moment, the secret Trent has been hiding comes to light. Now Trent must find a way to get Chey to forgive him, win back her trust and keep them safe from the threats that are coming for her.

Oh Oh Oh it’s magic, ya know….lol sorry this lyric was in my head the entire time I read the book. Trent and Chey were so much fun to read. The struggle was real for these two. Cheyanne not wanting to be found by her ex-husband and poor Trent keeping all the secrets, both clearly wanting each other, but too scared to do anything about it. Thankfully JP has a magic mind and knows just what we want. I loved the people from Whitecap and can;t wait to see what stories come from it. Luna is officially on the best book friend list, she is too funny! Whoever ties their wagon to that woman is in for a treat. Visiting with Dalton and some of the people from Hope Valley was awesome too, when Cheyanne and Charlotte reunited, I was freaking sobbing into my kindle! The namesake too! Holy Sprinkles! It was just perfect!

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sarah


“Monica said the dude was ogling you like you were a three-course meal and he hadn’t eaten in a month.”

“Like I said, she exaggerated.”


Nope, I silently screamed to myself. I wasn’t going to start questioning it because it didn’t matter. Not at all.

She looked at me, her expression pinched with skepticism. “Was she also exaggerating when she said she thought you’d stroked out for a minute and lost the power of speech when he came up and introduced himself to you?”

I snorted and took a gulp of my margarita, smiling as I admitted, “No, she might have been spot-on with that one.”

Luna’s head fell back on a laugh. “At least you’re willing to own it.”

“It’s not my fault! There isn’t a woman on the planet who could help it,” I exclaimed. “I mean, the dude had dimples, for Christ’s sake. Dimples.”



Jessica Prince










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