Diamond Fire by Ilona Andrews – a Review

Diamond Fire by Ilona Andrews – a Review


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Nevada Frida Baylor and Connor Ander Rogan cordially invite you to join their wedding celebration. Summoning, weather manipulation, and other magical activities strictly forbidden.

Catalina Baylor is looking forward to wearing her maid of honor dress and watching her older sister walk down the aisle. Then the wedding planner gets escorted off the premises, the bride’s priceless tiara disappears, and Rogan’s extensive family overruns his mother’s home. Someone is cheating, someone is lying, and someone is plotting murder.

To make this wedding happen, Catalina will have to do the thing she fears most: use her magic. But she’s a Baylor and there’s nothing she wouldn’t do for her sister’s happiness. Nevada will have her fairy tale wedding, even if Catalina has to tear the mansion apart brick by brick to get it done.




Diamond Fire by Ilona Andrews is a novella in their Hidden Legacy series.  I am a big fan of our Ilona Andrews writing duo (Ilona and Gordon Andrews), and have loved every single book/series that they have written.  Everything they write is absolutely amazing.  I loved loved the Hidden Legacy series, and loved Nevada and Mad Rogan; praying that Andrews would be able to continue with this world and the wonderful characters we fell in love with. Needless to say, I am thrilled this series will continue, and soon we will start a trilogy focusing on Nevada’s younger sister, Catalina.

In Diamond Fire, we get to spend more time with Catalina, as the story will be centered on her in the new trilogy.  Nevada and Connor are getting married, and because Nevada keeps firing her wedding planners, Catalina and Arrabelle now have the burden of planning this wedding.   While all this is going on, Conner’s mother has invited all their relatives to stay prior to the wedding.  Shortly after their arrival, a precious family heirloom (diamond tiara), which Nevada is expected to wear (all past Rogan brides have worn the tiara), has been stolen, and Catalina is asked by Mrs. Rogan to find the Tiara and the culprit.

I loved watching Catalina learn to use more of her powers, as well as controlling them.   She is a prime, with siren like powers, making everyone love her, and now she is able to change things, and make them forget.  It is a great way to learn the truths and secrets.   Catalina is turning into a wonderful heroine, different but strong like Nevada.  I can’t wait for her trilogy.

What follows is finding the secrets hidden by the Rogan relatives, and Catalina with help from her family discovers many.  When Catalina has to reveal the betrayals and secrets, everyone will be present.  There is a slight cute surprise for part of the revelations, and Catalina was so good in revealing her findings.

I loved Mrs. Rogan, who has her own powerful and dangerous powers, and I really look forward to her playing a bigger role with Catalina in the future books.  Diamond Fire was a quick and fun read, and wonderful to spend time with all the characters we have come to love.  Diamond Fire was a perfect way to bring Catalina to the forefront, and to give us all a wonderful glimpse at Nevada and Connor getting married.   Hidden Legacy is a fantastic series, wonderful characters, and this novella gives us a taste at what we can look forward to in the future.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher


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