Dreams Lie Beneath by Rebecca Ross – a Review

Dreams Lie Beneath by Rebecca Ross – a Review


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A curse plagues the realm of Azenor—during each new moon, magic flows from the nearby mountain and brings nightmares to life. Only magicians, who serve as territory wardens, stand between people and their worst dreams.

Clementine Madigan is ready to take over as the warden of her small town, but when two magicians challenge her, she is unwittingly drawn into a century-old conflict. She seeks revenge, but as she secretly gets closer to Phelan, one of the handsome young magicians, secrets begin to rise. Clementine must unite with her rival to fight the realm’s curse, which seems to be haunting her every turn.




Dreams Lie Beneath by Rebecca Ross is a magnificent Fantasy standalone novel. I have read Ross’s previous series, and really enjoyed it.  Dreams Lie Beneath was a fantastic read that had me unable to put the book down.  Rebecca Ross has now risen up as an author I must read, as I was totally enthralled.

In the realm of Azenor, there is a curse that has been around for a century, which brings nightmares to life. During each new moon, magic flows from the mountain where the curse began, and wardens (magicians) are assigned to territories to help the people and stop the nightmares.  We meet Clementine (Clem) Madigan, who works with her father as magicians in their small town of Hereswith.  Clem has been training for years, to take over for her father, with she very close to rising up as the warden, but for now, together they team up to fight off those dreams to protect the town residents.

Things will change when two young men challenge the father to take over as warden in Hereswith. Clem does everything in her power to help her father fight off the challengers, and to her dismay they lose.  Clem is devastated, as she her father, Imonie (close member of household that takes care of them) are forced to leave their house and town.  It was amazing to see how Clem gets help from a troll to glamour up a different look, which no one can see behind the disguise.  In her quest for vengeance, she finds a way to become a partner to one of the men who took away their home; Clem is determined find out why they wanted their town. Of the two brothers who defeated them, Clem accepts a job to partner with Phelan, as he did not stay in Hereswith, with his brother taking that town over. 

What follows was an amazing, fantastic adventure in a world filled with magic, curses, dreams, dangerous nightmares, betrayals and a slow burn romance.  Ross blew me away with her wonderful writing, great characters and grabbing on to me from the start to finish.  Clem, our heroine, was simply an amazing heroine, who you couldn’t help but love her; she was strong, independent, determined, savvy and fierce. I also loved how under her disguise, she still managed to win over friends, as well as falling for Phelan. 

Dreams Lie Beneath was a wild, unique, tense, non-stop action filled story that was very enjoyable. To say too much more would ruin it for you, as you really do need to read this fantastic book.  Rebecca Ross created a wonderful must-read Fantasy that is not to be missed, especially if you enjoy fantasy.  I suggest wholly suggest you read Dreams Lie Beneath, and anything written by Rebecca Ross, as I cannot wait for her next book.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher






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