HAUNTED (Women of the Otherworld #5) by Kelley Armstrong

HAUNTED (Women of the Otherworld #5) by Kelley Armstrong

HAUNTED (Women of the Otherworld #5) by Kelley Armstrong

HAUNTED is the 5th novel in Kelley Armstrong’s Women of the Otherworld series. Haunted, told from varying POVs, focuses on Eve Levine and Kristof Nash-Savannah’s recently deceased parents. As both a witch and a demon, Eve has been summoned by the Fates to take down the Nix. Calling in a favor for saving Lucas and Page, the Fates demand that Eve pay up.

As a ghost, Eve is unable to communicate with Savannah, and the frustration continues when she secretly looks in from time to time on Paige and Lucas, ensuring that Savannah is all right. But making sure her daughter is protected has come at a price.

Nix is a demi-demon who thrives on chaos. Inhabiting the bodies of people on the cusp of a kill, the demi-demon pushes the people to murder, thereby ensuring chaos reigns. On the run after an escape from hell, the Nix is making trouble in the human realm and the Fates have ordered Eve to locate and eradicate the Nix. But trouble continues to follow Eve as the Nix now endeavors to locate those closest to exact retribution. All is not lost when an Angel offers his aid-and with the help of Trsiel, Eve will be reborn into something she never expected or dreamed.

HAUNTED is another fascinating storyline from the mind of Kelley Armstrong. We will meet Eve throughout the series, culminating in the final novel THIRTEEN. Even Trsiel will make a few more appearances. One may wonder why Kelley introduces various characters and storylines throughout the series, but all will be answered in the final instalment of THIRTEEN

Reviewed by Sandy


The Reading Cafe is continuing the Women of the Otherworld Challenge sponsored by Moonlight Gleam’s Bookshelf.  HAUNTED by  Kelley Armstrong is the July 2012 featured novel.


8 thoughts on “HAUNTED (Women of the Otherworld #5) by Kelley Armstrong

  1. Yes i think it is in our Laws Maryann that you have to read Kelley Armstrong . I so enjoy her work and am sadden ;… ( that Thirteen will be the last of such a great series and some really excellent reads , Nice review Sandy Now you have made me sad for the rest of the day . ;… ( lol

  2. yeah me too, I hate the idea of not seeing some of our favorites. I liked Eve, maybe not at first, but later on. Again, as i have said over and over, love love Elena and Clay.

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