Rogue’s Holiday (Agents of the Crown #5) by Regan Walker-a review

Rogue’s Holiday (Agents of the Crown #5) by Regan Walker-a review / / / / B&N/

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date November 7, 2019

Even a spy needs a holiday…

Robert Powell’s work as a spy saves the Cabinet ministers from a gruesome death and wins him accolades from George IV. As a reward, the king grants him a baronetcy and a much-deserved holiday at the Royal Pavilion in Brighton where he thinks to indulge in brandy, cards, good horseflesh and women.

But when Muriel, Dowager Countess of Claremont, learns of Sir Robert’s intended destination, she begs a favor…to watch over an “errant child” who is the grandniece of her good friend living in the resort town. Little does Robbie know that Miss Chastity Reynolds is no child but a beautiful hoyden who is seemingly immune to his charms.

Chastity lives in the shadow of her mother and sisters, dark-haired beauties men admire. Her first Season was a failure but, as she will soon come into a family legacy, she has no need to wed. When she first encounters Sir Robert, she dubs him The Rogue, certain he indulges in a profligate lifestyle she wants no part in.

In Brighton, Robbie discovers he is being followed by friends of the conspirators who had planned to murder the Cabinet. Worse, they know the location of Chastity’s residence.


REVIEW:Rogue’s Holiday begins with Robbie Powell spying on behalf of the Crown. Once his mission is complete and the traitorous men are apprehended, a more than thankful King George IV bestows on him the title of baronet making him Sir Robert Powell. The King also offers up his Royal Pavilion in Brighton so that he may vacation for the summer. Robbie gladly accepts and invites his uncle, Jack Donet to accompany him. Before Robbie leaves, Muriel, the Dowager Countess of Claremont, asks a favor of him. Her dear friend’s grandniece, who is also a bit of a hoyden, will be in Brighton as well and needs watching over.

Chastity Reynolds feels like she doesn’t feel like she fits in with her family, except for her shoe designing father. She, too, likes to design shoes and is close to her father. Her sister’s wedding planning is the last thing she wants to deal with. Her mother is aware of Chastity’s nature, and suggests that she and her best friend, Rose, go to Brighton to stay with her Aunt Agatha in Brighton. Chastity jumps at the chance. On their trip to Brighton, Chastity goes downstairs at a hotel they’re staying at, only to run (literally) into a good-looking man who doesn’t apologize for the collision. Instead, he places a kiss upon her lips that leaves her reeling. She is not only offended, but also intrigued as the rogue saunters away.

Once Robbie arrives in Brighton, he and Jack meet Chastity and Rose. To say they are all a bit taken with each other would be true, but Chastity is still offended by Robbie’s roguish behavior. However, Robbie makes it his mission to win Chastity over. Unfortunately, Robbie senses that he’s being followed and when he receives a threatening letter from an anonymous source, he and Jack have to step up in order to keep not only themselves safe, but Chastity as well.

Rogue’s Holiday is a wonderfully written addition to the Agents of the Crown series. Chastity has an independent streak, but that doesn’t keep her from wanting to do the right thing. Robbie has intrigued me since the first time I read about him. His family is one of my favorites in all of the fiction I’ve ever read. As always, Regan Walker’s effortless weaving of historical facts into her stories leaves me in awe. The world that she creates pulls you in from the very beginning and always leaves you wanting more. The secondary characters are always well written and pertinent to the story. If you’re a fan of Regency Romance with great character and world building, you’ll never go wrong with one of Regan’s stories. Well done, Regan Walker!! Very, very well done!

Reading Order and Previous reviews
To Tame The Wind
Against the Wind
Wind Raven
A Secret Scottish Christmas

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Vickie K


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