Sweet as Sin (Bad Habit #1) by J.T.Geissinger-a review

SWEET AS SIN (Bad Habit #1) by J. T. Geissinger-a review

Sweet As Sin

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date July 14, 2015

Twentysomething Kat Reid is loving life as an in-demand Hollywood makeup artist. She has absolutely no interest in rock ’n’ roll, but in order to pay the mortgage, she agrees to work on the set of a rock video for the world-famous rockers known as Bad Habit…which brings her face-to-face with Nico Nyx, lead singer of Bad Habit and Adonis in the flesh.

However, the fiercely independent Kat isn’t impressed by the hard-living, womanizing rock star. But when Nico’s model girlfriend shows up to the set drunk and Kat is tapped to replace her as the video’s sexy bride, her combustible chemistry with Nico suddenly threatens to consume the set. Nico feels it, too—and becomes determined to win Kat over, body and soul. Yet behind his rock god swagger, Nico hides a dark secret. Can he rock Kat’s world forever, or will he just break her heart?


REVIEW: SWEET AS SIN is the first installment in J.T.Geissinger’s adult, contemporary BAD HABIT rocker romance series focusing on the rock band Bad Habit. This is lead singer and songwriter Nico Nyx, and makeup artist Kat Reid’s storyline.

Told from first person point of view (Kat) the storyline focuses on the tempestuous and insta-lust/love relationship between Kat and rock superstar Nico Nyx. Kat and Nico met on the set of Bad Habit’s latest video and the connection was immediate. Kat was hired as the make up artist but found herself defending Nico’s intoxicated ‘sometime girlfriend’ Avery Kane. What ensues is Nico’s pursuit of a reluctant Kat; and the fall out of too many lies, secrets and Nico’s intense and overwhelming need for Kat Reid. A good portion of the storyline finds Kat and Nico trying to negotiate between one another’s insecurities, and need for reassurance and affirmation. Jealousy, rivalry and a lack of trust are constant sources of turmoil and turbulence.

Nico and Kat are two broken souls whose past lives are filled with abuse, betrayal, and pain, and in this their ability to trust is non-existent. Nico keeps secret his history, revealing only what he wants Kat to know and in this Kat is unable to build the trust she requires to hand over her heart to the man with whom she is falling in love. The backstory is heartbreaking and reveals slowly over the course of the storyline but in doing so begins to build a wall between our leading couple.

SWEET AS SIN is a storyline with a large ensemble cast of characters including the members of the rock band Bad Habit. We are introduced to stylist Kenji; Nico’s head of security and best friend Barney; and Michael-Nico’s brother and a man whose past is darker than most. Kat’s support system comes via her two besties: Grace-a psychologist whose own history is a question mark but her ‘dislike’ of men finds Kat questioning everything about the man with whom she is falling in love; and Chloe-a local florist who may or may not have something for Nico’s bandmate AJ. AJ is a bit of a conundrum as his acerbic personality and contempt towards Chloe is nothing short of rude and abusive.

There is plenty of lighthearted humor between Kat, Grace and Chloe. The three best friends tell it like it is but in doing so never seem to upset the balance of their friendship. But there are also dark and dangerous moments as Kat and Nico face their fears, their pasts, and the truth. Secrets will be revealed; hearts will be broken; someone close will never again see the light of day. The requisite evil wants to ensure that Nico’s soul will be destroyed for all eternity. The disquietude and angst of the storyline is a roller coaster of emotional push and pull; the turmoil is a never ending path that is a constant source of worry and unease. I had to wonder if Kat and Nico would ever find their ‘happily ever after.’ When Nico’s past catches up Kat will be targeted in a game of cat and mouse.

J. T. Geissinger writes a gritty tale of family and friends; heartbreak and betrayal; love and a happily ever after. The premise is engaging and suspenseful; the characters animated, charismatic and passionate; the romance intense and emotional. The destructive nature of jealousy, rivalry and addiction reveals a traumatic history, and a disturbing past; one that will be difficult to overcome when secrets are kept hidden in the dark.

Copy supplied by Netgalley.

Reviewed by Sandy


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