The Dachshunda Wears Prada by Stefanie London -a Review

The Dachshunda Wears Prada by Stefanie London -a Review


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How do you start over when the biggest mistake of your life has more than one million views?

Forget diamonds—the internet is forever. Social media consultant Isla Thompson learned that lesson the hard way when she went viral for all the wrong reasons. A month later, Isla is still having nightmares about the moment she ruined a young starlet’s career and made herself the most unemployable influencer in Manhattan. But she doesn’t have the luxury of hiding until she’s no longer Instagram poison. Not when her fourteen-year-old sister, Dani, needs Isla to keep a roof over their heads. So, she takes the first job she can get: caring for Camilla, a glossy-maned, foul-tempered hellhound.

After a week of ferrying Camilla from playdates to pet psychics, Isla starts to suspect that the dachshund’s bark is worse than her bite—just like her owner, Theo Garrison. Isla has spent her career working to make people likable and here’s Theo—happy to hide behind his reputation as a brutish recluse. But Theo isn’t a brute—he’s sweet and funny, and Isla should not see him as anything but the man who signs her paychecks. Because loving Theo would mean retreating to his world of secluded luxury, and Isla needs to show Dani that no matter the risk, dreams are always worth chasing.

Paws in the City



The Dachshund Wears Prada by Stefanie London is the first book in her new Paws in the City series. I absolutely love this cover. It’s so different from the usual bare chested dudes holding dogs (?) and I love Stefanie Londons writing style, it has me smiling from almost the first sentence. 

Theo is a recluse, and he likes it that way, grumpy, sullen and a total grump. But today he’s goodbye to his beloved grandmother, the only person he cared about after his parents died (so you could see why he’s the way he is) he doesn’t do public speaking very often, and he hates being in the limelight, but his grandmothers reputation and standing has him swallowing his fear and sadness, he’ll do her proud…..

Isla has gone from influencer to pariah overnight! A simple mistake has her scrabbling around for a job, but nobody wants to hire her! Desperate she takes the only job offered to her. Dog walking a pampered pooch! 

Reading as these two stumble through hilarious moments had me laughing at loud. Then sniffling through tears as heartfelt moments are spoken about. So many emotions in this book. Spicy moments that catch you unawares, and if your reading it on the train (then be prepared to blush ?) There are a also few sad moments that will have you reaching for the tissues. 

I loved Camilla, she just stole the book, a grumpy, snappy dog who hated everyone. But with her going to psychics, and slowly becoming an internet star you fall in love with her, and now I want a Dachshund. 

So can the team of grumpy/sunshine ever work? And what will Theo think of Isla turning his grandmother’s dog into a tool that will push Isla back into the heady heights of social influencer? 

End note to this review, the ending was just perfect. Grab a copy of this book, you won’t be disappointed. Feel good read that I highly recommend. 

Reviewed by Julie

Copy provided by Publisher







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