The Earl of Pembroke by Lauren Smith – a Review

The Earl of Pembroke by Lauren Smith – a Review


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**The Earl of Pembroke is available on the above links for $.99

James, the Earl of Pembroke, falls for a mysterious lady and rescues her from a hell fire club… 

Gillian, the illegitimate daughter of an earl, is hiding her true identity as a servant from James… 

When thrown together at a house party, their passion can’t be denied, but will the truth of Gillian’s past destroy their happiness?



5 out of 5 for this reader folks!

SIGH, SWOON, SIGH, SMILE .. REPEAT!  This is pretty much my experience reading this lovely piece of work!  I read this while traveling from Canada into the southern USA and my heart was light and very happy to begin with.  Add in the warmth of the sun on my face, and a fantastic historical romance, and it was utterly blissful.

Earl of Pembroke by Lauren Smith is the 10th book in the “Wicked Earls’ Club” series.  This series seems to be a collaboration of some of the top historical romance authors current today, and while I haven’t read any of the previous books, I didn’t feel like I was missing out on anything.  I will say, I will be jumping to the first book of this anticipated delicious series and falling in love with more yummy Earls.  

James Fordyce is the Earl of Pembroke, and he is a wonderful addition to my book boyfriend list.  He is kind and caring (especially with his ailing mother), certainly not a pushover, strong, handsome, smart and an all around pretty decent man.  He also is about to have his heart stolen by a mysterious beauty who he will soon rescue from the grasp of a horrible club.

Gillian Beaumont (I remember you from a previous Lauren Smith book), is the illegitimate daughter of an Earl.  Her father was very fond of her and her mother but he didn’t recognize them in his will and this leaves Gillian and her mother barely scraping by.  Gillian decides to take a position as a servant to make end meet.  She is the real deal.  She is very smart, kind and loving especially if you are in her heart.  She is tough, knows her status in society as an illegitimate and truth be told this kind of broke my heart a little.  When she shares an intimate moment with James, she is quick to know that nothing would ever come from this due to the difference in status.  Well, never say never!

After a brief and daring adventure, these two find themselves at a house party and getting to know the other.  You actually not just experience the passion and lust, you experience them falling deeply in love, and that made me fall in love with them.  They both have people in theirs lives who adore them and want the best for them and go to many lengths to make it happen or certainly set the scene.

No more story reveals will be found in this review.  You will have to dive in for yourself.  This is a novella, and Lauren Smith is one of the best of cramming so much story and character in fewer pages.  If you are in the mood for a romance, this is a great book to turn to.  Again, I am rather eager to dive into the other books of this series as well, and see how different the authors are with the similar “theme” novella.

Keep em’ Coming Lauren!


Reviewed by Rachel

Copy supplied for review


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