The Other Miss Bridgerton (A Bridgerton Prequel) by Julia Quinn-Review & Excerpt Tour

The Other Miss Bridgerton ( A Bridgerton Prequel) by Julia Quinn-Review & Excerpt Tour / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play / iBooks / Avon Romance

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date November 20, 2018

She was in the wrong place…
Fiercely independent and adventurous, Poppy Bridgerton will only wed a suitor whose keen intellect and interests match her own. Sadly, none of the fools from her London season qualify. While visiting a friend on the Dorset coast, Poppy is pleasantly surprised to discover a smugglers’ hideaway tucked inside a cave. But her delight turns to dismay when two pirates kidnap her and take her aboard a ship, leaving her bound and gagged on the captain’s bed…

He found her at the wrong time…
Known to society as a rascal and reckless privateer, Captain Andrew James Rokesby actually transports essential goods and documents for the British government. Setting sail on a time-sensitive voyage to Portugal, he’s stunned to find a woman waiting for him in his cabin. Surely, his imagination is getting the better of him. But no, she is very real—and his duty to the Crown means he’s stuck with her.

Can two wrongs make the most perfect right?
When Andrew learns that she is a Bridgerton, he knows he will likely have to wed her to avert a scandal—though Poppy has no idea that he is the son of an earl and neighbor to her aristocratic cousins in Kent. On the high seas, their war of words soon gives way to an intoxicating passion. But when Andrew’s secret is revealed, will his declaration of love be enough to capture her heart…?


REVIEW: The Other Miss Bridgerton is a delightfully written romantic story that is unique and impossible to put down.

The story begins in early summer of 1786. Poppy Bridgerton was a headstrong young woman staying with her aristocratic aunt, Lady Bridgerton and had just finished doing the “season” thing. She was unattached and decided to visit her good friend who was about to have a child. She had taken to walks on the beach, but today she’d ditched her chaperone to explore some caves she’d found. She finds herself being kidnapped.

Captain Andrew James (Andrew Rokesby), is surprised when his men let him know they kidnapped a woman and she was in his cabin. He’s incredibly handsome, witty, well educated. In fact, unknown to Poppy, he’s a part of the Bridgerton’s neighboring family.

That’s the basic, and I do mean basic, setup. I won’t spoil this marvelously written story for you. Let me instead tell you what I found so fascinating.

Getting to know the irascible Poppy was delightful. She a character after my own heart. The original and interesting way the Julia Quinn sets the stage for these wonderful characters is excellent to say the least. Exploring Andrew was also delightful. His dual role in this is totally interesting. The conversations between Poppy and Andrew were, for me, reminiscent of those in my all time favorite The Wolf and the Dove. For anyone who hasn’t read it, it’s by Katherine Woodwiss and needs to be read by everyone.

I was asked to review this one for our favorite site, The Reading Café. However, I was having some issues with my email and ended up purchasing a copy to enable me to proceed with the review. I consider it an early Christmas present to myself. Yes, it’s that delightful. So not only am I reviewing for TRC, I’m a purchasing customer and happy about it. Will I be asking for the other Bridgerton books on my Christmas list? Of course, I will. I can’t wait to delve into more of these. I am an official Julia Quinn fan.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Georgianna S

He motioned with his arm, urging her a few more steps forward. “Careful,” he murmured.
Poppy looked to her toes. The deck came to an abrupt halt in front of her, its elevation dropping by several feet.
The captain hopped down. “The beakhead, my lady,” he said with a gallant wave to the triangular deck that formed the pointy front of the Infinity. He reached up and placed his hands on her hips to help her down.
But when she was steady, he didn’t let go.
“This is as far forward as one can stand on deck,” he told her.
She pointed to a spot a few feet ahead. “What about—”
“As one can stand safely on deck,” he amended. He adjusted their position so that he was standing behind her. “Now close your eyes.”
“But then I can’t see the stars.”
“You can open them later.”
She tilted her head to the left, right, and back again, as if to say, Oh, very well, but she closed her eyes.
“Now tilt your head up. Not all the way, just a bit.”
She did, and maybe it was that motion, or maybe it was just because she’d closed her eyes, but she felt instantly off-balance, as if something far greater than the ocean had stolen her equilibrium.
The captain’s hands tightened on her hips. “What do you feel?” he asked, his lips coming close to her ear.
“The wind.”
“What else?” She swallowed. Licked her lips.
“The salt in the air.”
“What else?”
“The motion, the speed.”
He moved his mouth closer. “What else?”
And then she said the one thing that had been true from the beginning.


#1 New York Times bestselling author Julia Quinn loves to dispel the myth that smart women don’t read (or write) romance, and in 2001 she did so in grand fashion, appearing on the game show The Weakest Link and walking away with the $79,000 jackpot. She displayed a decided lack of knowledge about baseball, country music, and plush toys, but she is proud to say that she aced all things British and literary, answered all of her history and geography questions correctly, and knew that there was a Da Vinci long before there was a code. Ms. Quinn is one of only sixteen members of Romance Writers of America’s Hall of Fame, her books have been translated into 29 languages, and she currently lives with her family in the Pacific Northwest.

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