The Sweetest Match by Abby Tyler-Review & Giveaway Tour

The Sweetest Match by Abby Tyler-Review & Giveaway Tour


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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date March 7, 2019

She hid secret messages in frosting, thinking no one would notice.

Abby Tyler welcomes you to the witty, well-meaning busybodies of Applebottom, Missouri, where the community takes its pies — and its matchmaking — very seriously.

When Sandy Miller emerges from her shack on the edge of town after eighteen years, she finds a job making tea cakes for a little shop on Town Square.

But then everyone starts spotting secret words of love and longing on her cakes.

Andrew McCallister is the first to admit that he never got over Sandy Miller when she dropped out of high school and disappeared. But now she’s back.

He just has to get the guts to talk to her.

When the town summons the pair to a meeting to plan the school’s centennial bash, Andrew and Sandy discover they are the only two members of the committee. As they attempt to rekindle the long-lost flame, they realize the community must come together for more than an anniversary party. For their new relationship to flourish, the old guard must learn to support their most vulnerable members even when times get hard.



The Sweetest Match begins with a town meeting that served up some sweets from the local bakery and decorated by Sandy Miller. The shop owner discovers that there are words ‘hidden’ in the cake decorations that lead everyone to believe that maybe Sandy has a secret crush on someone in town. The women in attendance, pillars of the community, and busy-bodies, make it their mission to find out whom Sandy is secretly pining over…………

Sandy is working in the shop when in walks none other than Andrew McCallister, and the object of her secret crush. The two had been sweet on each other, when another caught her eye and changed the course of her life forever. As Andrew talks to Sandy’s boss, it becomes evident very quickly that something is up when she leaves Andrew and Sandy alone in the shop so that they can catch up. Both are kind of at a loss for words at first, but exchange pleasantries. When Andrew leaves the shop, Sandy finds she is still enamored with him all these years later.

Andrew can’t believe that Sandy is back and working in the bakery. It doesn’t take him long to realize that he is still interested in her, but doesn’t quite know how to go about seeing her again. The town is about to have a huge anniversary celebration and he and Sandy are both invited to be on the committee to plan the activities. Funny that when they show up for the meeting, it’s only the two of them. They laugh and decide that they’ll give the town something to talk about as they head to a local diner to discuss plans for the celebration. What neither counted on was how easy it was to talk to the other and how old feelings have a way of bubbling up.

The Sweetest Match is a wonderfully written story of love, loss and redemption. Sandy Miller is an amazing character. Her devotion to her family, namely her son, will endear her to everyone. But it’s her steadfast belief in right and wrong that will pull you in. Andrew McCallister is a nicely written character as well. He had dreams of leaving his little hometown, but his loyalty to his family kept him there. He never really questioned it and was glad he stayed when he got his second chance with Sandy. The secondary characters are a hoot and totally believable and I hope to read more about them. If you grew up in a small town, like I did, you will certainly be empathetic to the goings on. The Sweetest Match is a real life story with a sweetly developed romance that draws you in. This is the first I’ve read by this author, but certainly won’t be the last. Well done, Abby Tyler! Very well done.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Vickie K

Abby Tyler loves puppy dogs, pie, and small towns (she grew up in one!) Her Applebottom Matchmaker Society books combine the sweet and wholesome style of romance she loves with the funny, sometimes a-little-too-truthful characters she remembers from growing up in a place where everyone knew everybody’s business.

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