Wild Horses on The Salt by Anne Montgomery-a review

Wild Horses on The Salt by Anne Montgomery-a review

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date June 14, 2020

A woman flees an abusive husband and finds hope in the wilds of the Arizona desert.

Rebecca Quinn escapes her controlling husband and, with nowhere else to go, hops the red-eye to Arizona. There, Gaby Strand – her aunt’s college roommate – gives her shelter at the Salt River Inn, a 1930’s guesthouse located in the wildly beautiful Tonto National Forest.

Becca struggles with post-traumatic stress, but is enthralled by the splendor and fragility of the Sonoran Desert. The once aspiring artist meets Noah Tanner, a cattle rancher and beekeeper, Oscar Billingsley, a retired psychiatrist and avid birder, and a blacksmith named Walt. Thanks to her new friends and a small band of wild horses, Becca adjusts to life in the desert and rekindles her love of art.

Then, Becca’s husband tracks her down, forcing her to summon all her strength. But can she finally stop running away?


REVIEW: Wild Horses On The Salt by Anne Montgomery. Rebecca “Becca” Quinn is an abused woman. When she flees for her life she takes refuge at The Salt River Inn, in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona. The Salt River Inn is l owned by Gabriella Strand, who was her Aunt Ruthie’s college roommate. When her Aunt found out how bad things had become she knew Becca would be safe with Gaby.

Becca had gone to college to be a lawyer, but that was something she ended up hating. She was an artist with a soul that was starving to express itself. Later, she tries to call off her impending marriage to her husband, her mother guilts her into going through with it. Being that her future husband was quite wealthy. When Becca finally realizes that he will eventually kill her she tells her Aunt who helps her escape. As Becca begins her journey in the scenic Tonto National Forest, she finds healing and solace in the desert. She finds amazing people in Gaby, Walt and Noah Tanner. Noah knows that Becca needs healing. He becomes the friend that she needs to walk along side her through this journey of healing. Noah and her beautiful surroundings begin to reignite the fire in her soul to be an artist. But unfortunately Becca’s husband finds her and she will comes face to face with her abuser. Is she strong enough to stand her ground? Will she be able to survive.

This was a beautiful and sometimes dark story of abuse and PTSD. Becca recalling different events of abuse at times turned my stomach and made my heart ache for her. You can tell that the abuse has taken its toll on her. She finds friendship and understanding in Noah.

The story beautifully portrays the desert surroundings that lend to healing process for Becca!

An added bonus is the story of The Salt River Horses. What an amazing added Author Note at the end that further explains the situation. Even the acknowledgements at the end were quite interesting.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Erin K.


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