Always the One For Me by Carrie Ann Ryan-Review tour

Always the One For Me (The Wilder Brothers 2) by Carrie Ann Ryan-Review tour / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date August 15, 2022

It took two days for me to know Kendall was the one for me.

And it took two years for me to realize I had to leave in order to protect her.

When I walked away, I told myself it was for the best. But now we work together, and every time we’re in the same room, we end up fighting. If we didn’t, we’d end up naked. Or worse–spilling heartbreaking secrets.

If she knew the truth, she’d either walk away for good or convince me to take a second chance. The first thing would break me, and the second would break her. I can’t let either of those things happen


REVIEW:  The Wilder Brothers are back at it again with the next installment in their series. C.A.R says this book is an enemy to lovers, and I guess in a way it is, however it feels more like a second chance romance to me.

Evan and Kendall married young, with a love that we all dream about, or so she had thought. When Evan blind sides her with a no nonsense divorce, he breaks her heart and her spirit. With her heart now broken and her so called soulmate gone, Kendall has to rebuild her life all over again. Fast forward almost a decade later, and Kendall takes a job at her ex’s family business. Evan is everywhere she looks, and even though she carries the Wilder name, she knows she’s not one of them anymore.

Evan is out of the service and building up the family business. Leaving Kendall all those years ago was the right choice in protecting her from all his baggage, but seeing her everyday involved in his family’s business, it has his feelings all over the place. As Kendall and Evan dance around each other, they also have to deal with the competition that is stealing clients from them.

As Kendall and Evan grow closer to one another, old feelings start to spark and emotions that they both thought were long gone start to swirl again. Life isn’t that easy though, and the past can’t be easily forgotten. Kendall needs answers and Evan is the one that has them, but will he share them with her after all these years.


Evan and Kendall are everything. These two finding one another again after so many years is a treat to read. Kendall has spent so much time thinking about why Evan left her, but when she sees him again she is thrown right back to the day he gave her those divorce papers. Evan protecting her the way he did was a bit of a surprise, I had hoped something else would have come out about it, but it did not. Towards the end, where he finally starts to share about what happened is my favorite, you really get to see him as a character and why he did what he did. C.A.R never lets her readers down and I can’t wait to see what the Wilder family gives us next.

Click HERE for Sarah’s review of book one ONE WAY BACK TO ME

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sarah

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Carrie Ann Ryan is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of contemporary, paranormal, and young adult romance. Her works include the Montgomery Ink, Redwood Pack, Fractured Connections, and Elements of Five series, which have sold over 3.0 million books worldwide. She started writing while in graduate school for her advanced degree in chemistry and hasn’t stopped since. Carrie Ann has written over seventy-five novels and novellas with more in the works. When she’s not losing herself in her emotional and action-packed worlds, she’s reading as much as she can while wrangling her clowder of cats who have more followers than she does.


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