DARK PRINCE (Bratva Academy 2) by Jagger Cole-Review Tour

DARK PRINCE (Bratva Academy 2) by Jagger Cole-Review Tour

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 6, 2021

This is not a fairytale.

There’s no glass slipper, only shards. Prince Charming is the villain, and happily ever afters are a myth.

Except now, I need to construct one.

Me, the fake princess, with a make-believe happily never after, to the anti-Prince Charming himself.

Coldly beautiful, brutally ruthless, and heir to a criminal empire. Misha Tsavakov hates me, but he’ll be my fabricated prince, for a price:

All of me.

I belong to him now. No limits. No mercy. And no kiss before midnight to end this curse. No kissing at all, actually.

The deeper we get, the darker and more twisted this maze of thorns becomes. There’s no way out. But the harder I fight, the more it might be that I don’t want a way out.

Real or not, there’s one thing about fairytales that no one ever warns you about:

When you put on glass slippers, you’d better tread carefully.

Or you’ll bleed.


REVIEW: DARK PRINCE is the second instalment in Jagger Cole’s contemporary, new adult BRATVA ACADEMY erotic, Bratva, romance series-a spin off from the author’s BRATVA’S CLAIM series. This is nineteen year old, heir to one of Russia’s biggest criminal empires Misha Tsavakov, and princess Charlotte Bergendem of Luxlordia, a small Bavarian country. DARK PRINCE can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story line is revealed where necessary.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers. Although most of the characters are high school aged, and attend a private, boarding school for the elite, Royal, rich or connected, the story line contains adult situations, therefore I do not recommend for anyone under eighteen years of age.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Charlotte and Misha) DARK PRINCE follows the marriage of convenience between nineteen year old, heir to one of Russia’s biggest criminal empires Misha Tsavakov, and princess Charlotte Bergendem of Luxlordia. Two years earlier, following an incident aboard a cruise liner, Charlotte Lawrence’s mother Jessica married King Heinrich Bergendem of Luxlordia, making Charlotte a princess by extension. Life at Oxford Hills Academy is anything but royal when our heroine is taunted and teased as a wanna-be princess but life back home finds Charlotte about to be forced into an arranged marriage with Prince Frederick of Norway, in an effort to save the Luxlordian government from collapse. Enter Bratva heir Misha Tsavakov, one-third of the dark and dangerous ‘savage Bratva heirs’ who rule and control Oxford Hills Academy. Desperate to marry anyone other than the crown prince of Norway, Charlotte drunkenly proposes to Misha Tsavakov, whose hatred for Charlotte cannot be explained, but whose own life back home, is increasingly volatile and dark. What ensues is the acrimonious relationship between Charlotte and Misha, and the potential fall-out as years of secrets and lies reveal a twisted and deadly past that is about to destroy the man with whom Charlotte will fall in love.

Misha Tsavakov knows first hand, the cruel and harsh reality of the criminal underworld, having lived a life of savagery at the hands of his father but Misha’s less than worldly antics and attitude have pushes his father one too many times, and his final f-you is marrying our story line heroine. Believing he had one-upped his father, Misha will quickly discover that his father has plans for the princess back home.

The relationship between Misha and Charlotte is a marriage of convenience; a tempestuous and caustic affair wherein Charlotte refuses to marry someone not of her choosing but in choosing Misha places herself in the hands of a dark, cruel and dominant young heir. Charlotte is an innocent but quickly finds herself falling for a man whose own life is spiralling out of control.

We are reintroduced to Bratva Prince/heir Ilya Volkov and Tenley Chambers (Savage Heir 1), and Lukas Komarov: King Heinrich Bergendem and Queen Jessica; Misha’s father Oligarch Boris Tsavakov, and his second in command Kristoff.

DARK PRINCE is a story of cruelty and abuse; secrets and lies; power and control; freedom and love. The premise is heart breaking and twisted; the romance is dramatic and dark; the characters are charismatic, broken but healing.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of book one SAVAGE HEIR.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

A reader first and foremost, Jagger Cole cut his romance writing teeth penning various fan-fiction stories years ago. After deciding to hang up his writing boots, Jagger worked in advertising pretending to be Don Draper. It worked enough to convince a woman way out of his league to marry him, though, which is a total win.

Now, Dad to two little princesses and King to a Queen, Jagger is thrilled to be back at the keyboard.

When not writing or reading romance books, he can be found woodworking, enjoying good whiskey, and grilling outside–rain or shine.

You can find all of his books at www.jaggercolewrites.com

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