An Interview with Dianna Love

An Interview with Dianna Love


The Reading Cafe is happy to welcome Dianna Love as our guest today.

Dianna has a new release upcoming on September 18th, and we were thrilled to be able to offer an early review of The Curse, which we reviewed yesterday.

Let’s begin our interview with Dianna


TRC: Hi Dianna.  Thank you for taking the time to answer some questions today. 
We are always looking forward to reading about the author behind the book. 

Dianna: Thanks for asking me, Barb. I’m thrilled to be at The Reading Café today.

TRC: Would you please tell us about yourself?

Dianna: I live in the Atlanta, GA area with my husband. He’s a long distance motorcycle rider and motorcycle safety instructor. I’ve been a two-wheel enthusiast for many years myself and currently ride a BMW F 650 GS when I can get out of the writing cave for a break.  My other passion is saltwater fishing.  I grew up in Tampa, FL where I fished most nights after school with my dad to feed our household of seven. I prefer to stay busy even on my time off. My husband says I’m like a shark in that I need to always be in motion – except when I write or read.

TRC: On your website, you say you never envisioned yourself as a writer. What changed to start your journey into writing?

Dianna: I guess what really put me on this path was the challenge of writing a book. It’s daunting, especially for someone who had no creative writing training. At the time, I felt very blessed to enjoy a good level of success as an artist, but after all the work and projects I’d done in that field I no longer felt a sense of challenge, and I thrive on tackling something difficult that I’m passionate about. Art will always hold a special place in my heart, but writing is here to stay as well.

TRC: We also read that prior to deciding to give writing a shot, you were an artist.  Can you tell us a little bit about what you did, and why did you stop?

Dianna: I didn’t start out life as a writer, but as an artist and spent most of my life from age seventeen climbing over a hundred feet in the air to paint large murals.  My specialty was photo-realistic portraits, but then I expanded the business to create giant three-dimensional outdoor products for a select group of Fortune-500 companies.  Because I was working so high in the air, I spent a lot of time alone and made up stories in my head as entertainment during the day.  When the business grew and I started spending more time on the ground, I sat down to write one of those stories and got bitten by the writing bug.  I won’t commit to anything I’m not passionate about, but I fell in love with creating stories.  That started in 2001, and I sold that first book, which won a RITA®.

TRC: Many writers bounce ideas and information with either a family member, a Friend, or another writer.  Who inspires you?  Do you have a muse?

Dianna: No one person inspires me, but everything around me triggers my imagination.  I rarely go for a meal or meet someone that an idea doesn’t pop up for a character or a story.  I have a file drawer I throw notes in that are written on everything from napkins (cloth and paper) to paper sacks.  If something hits me, I write it down, no matter how obscure the idea seems. Later on, I’ll read one of those notes and it’s like finding a gold nugget in a mud hole.  With a little attention, that nugget might blossom into something special.

TRC: Was Worth Every Risk your first published book?  You won the RITA award for that book.

Dianna: Yes, that was the first book I wrote and the first one I sold.  I was very flattered to win a Rita® with my first book.  It was originally a single-title-length story, but Harlequin asked for it, so I cut it down to category length for them.  Now, I’m revising it into the original full single-title novel again, and that will come out in February as LAST CHANCE TO RUN.

TRC: You met Sherrilyn Kenyon at a writers conference.  How did the two of you decide to write a book together? 

Dianna: It happened about 2:00 AM one morning in the middle of a tour.  I don’t remember the city now, but we’d just gotten in from a late signing and were trying to unwind quickly so we could grab a couple hours sleep and be ready in time to head out by 6:00 AM.  We started talking about each series she had going and got around to the BAD agency.  She wanted to give it the darker, edgier feel of a thriller so I immediately started brainstorming something off the cuff.  The next thing I know she suggested we write it together. This is where the cartoon dialogue cloud above my head read, ‘Let me think about this…collaborate with a #1 NYT bestselling author?’.  My answer?  Let me put it this way – my mamma drowned the dumb kids. 🙂 But that was the extent of our planning how we’d do it.  Later that day, we started writing on the first book.

TRC: I have always wondered how two authors can work together on the same novel.  Can you please tell us how you and Sherrilyn work to create the storyline, and to write it?  How does it work?

Dianna: Sherrilyn and I are similar in some ways and different in other ways.  She’s been writing since she picked up crayons, but I didn’t start writing until 2001.  Sherri goes to bed at 4:00 am and I get up at 4:00 am. She’s a seat-of-the-pants writer and I tend to plot out complex story threads. We don’t take separate chapters or characters to write.  I like to write the opening of the story, but once we get rolling we’ll hand off the book in the middle of a scene. We both read each other’s words and edit at will.  From the beginning, we had one common goal – the story came first.  Splitting up characters and/or scenes disrupts the author voice, in my opinion.  I’ve read stories written that way and it’s easy to pick up who wrote what because I got pulled out of the story.  I’ve also read stories written the way we write and find myself immersed on the journey, so that works for us. 

TRC: B.A.D. was the first series you co-authored with Sherrilynn.  What is the premise behind this series, and will the series continue?

Dianna: The premise is that B.A.D. is a shadow agency that supports national security by being able to cross any border and launch operations at a moment’s notice without wading through red tape.  Conversely, there’s an international organization similar to the Illuminati that is called Fratelli de il Sovrano, who are an ancient order determined to bring the world back under control.  Their control.  To reach that goal, they’re willing to sacrifice any nation, the US being at the top of that list.  We have the next book in the series in the works and hope to bring it out in 2013.

TRC: The Beladors is your latest urban fantasy series.  How did you come up with the idea for this series, and can you tell us a bit about your latest release The Curse, which is to be released September 18th.

Dianna: Back in 2006, I started thinking about these mythological gods and goddesses, wondering what would happen if a deity from one mythology had a conflict with a god or goddess from another mythology.  In the first novella, then the first book, that happens when warriors of the Celtic goddess Macha have a throwdown with a Hindu warrior who belongs to the god Shiva.  Beladors are Macha’s warriors, and at one time, they were deadly warmongers.  Macha destroyed many of them and laid down the law to the rest. Now each Belador warrior lives by an oath—a code of honor—that if broken, could destroy the warrior’s entire family, spouse and children.  As an Alterant - part Belador and part unknown – in this world, Evalle is an outcast who is accepted by only a few.  She suffered a terrible attack as a teen and is vigilant about maintaining her control or she’ll shift into a beast that is one of the most deadly creatures around...but there’s a sexy Skinwalker named Storm….and that hasn’t stopped him yet from pushing her buttons. *grin*

Links to pre-order The Curse:
Barnes & Noble:

TRC: How many books are planned for the Beladors.  Will Evalle ever have her HEA?

Dianna: We don’t have a set number of books at this time, but we do know there will be several major series arcs, the first of which will be in the fourth book coming out in 2013.  I can’t tell you about Evalle without giving away spoilers, but I will say as a romance reader myself that I’m dying for you to read The Curse and the 2013 book because of Evalle and Storm.  How’s that for a non-answer? 🙂

TRC: What are you currently working on? Any thoughts of a new series?

Dianna: I’m excited about my new Slye Temp romantic thriller series.  I wrote several books in this series years ago, but before I could take it out I made the commitment to collaborate with Sherrilyn.  Now that we have a flow going to handle the work load on the collaborations, I’m ready to expand.  LAST CHANCE TO RUN—the one I mentioned earlier as the first one I wrote—is actually a prequel to this series. It was originally published as WORTH EVERY RISK, but I’m taking it back to a full-length novel to set the tone for the Slye Temp series. Prominent characters in LAST CHANCE TO RUN return  in the first Slye Temp book – NOWHERE SAFE. I   love this series and am having a blast working on the Slye Temp team again.







Do you have any advice for new authors?

Dianna: Don’t let anyone tell you there is only one way to write, because the only rule you must follow is:  Write the best book you can every time.  If you’re new to writing, don’t be surprised if book three is when it all starts to click.  I did sell the first book I wrote and it did win a RITA® that I’m very proud of, but I recently got the rights back and am enjoying going back through to revise.  I’ve learned SO much since then.  Revise and get ‘beta’ reads (not your friends and family) before you put your work out there.  You’ll be judged on that first page and that first scene – make sure they both rock.  Last – writing is hard.  Only the dedicated become career authors.  You have to write when you don’t want to and when everything you put down sounds like garbage.  I promise you when you go back to read later, you’ll be surprised that some of it is better than you thought and you’ll fix the garbage.  I wish you all the best of luck in this business and will cheer your success!

TRC: Would you like to add anything else?

Dianna: Yes, I’d like to invite readers to visit where I and other authors are giving away signed cover cards of books.  I created this program specifically for E-fans who no longer have something to put on their keeper shelves, but all readers are welcome to collect these cards.


Favorite Food: Anything my husband cooks, which is all wonderful (marry a man who cooks!)

Favorite Dessert: Homemade banana pudding

Milk or Dark Chocolate: DARK!!! 🙂

Favorite Author: Besides Sherrilyn Kenyon? <g> I have many favorites, but I give credit to Alexander Thom for reigniting my passion for reading after a hiatus when he wrote From Sea to Shining Sea.  Brilliant.

Last book that you read: Hank Phillippi Ryan’s new thriller – The Other Woman (excellent)

Favorite Movie: I love action movies like the A-Team and Star Trek, but I also enjoy clever story telling in more subtle movies like Lars and the Real Girl.

Favorite TV Show: That’s hard – Amazing Race and Burn Notice

TRC: Thank you, Dianna for answering our questions. We look forward to continuing to read your books, and to work with you in the future.

Dianna:You’re more than welcome!  I’ve enjoyed it, and I love interacting with readers.  It’s my favorite part of being an author. You are all welcome to visit my website where I update the news items every week, and there’s always something going on, including contests and scavenger hunts, at my Dianna Love Fan page on Facebook.

If you would like to find out more about Dianna, you can visit her at the following sites:


Dianna has graciously offered to give a member of The Reading Café a chance to win a signed copy of The Curse and a Keeper Kase*™ loaded with a special selection of Keeper Kase*™ *Cards.  

1.  You must be a member at The Reading Cafe. If you are not a member, please register using the Log-In at the top of the page, or by using one of our social log-ins.

2.  If you are using a social log-in e.g. Twitter, please leave your email address along with your comment.

3.  Please post a comment and say hello to Dianna.

4.  Giveaway open U.S. & Canada Only

5.  Contests runs from September 7th – 10th.


67 thoughts on “An Interview with Dianna Love

  1. Thanks for inviting me here today, Barb, and for the awesome review on The Curse!! I’m always impressed by reviewers who can share the story without giving spoilers – kudos on a great job doing that. I love all the great things on this site for readers and you make an author feel so welcome. I’ll be stopping in all day to chat with everyone. 🙂

    • Thank you, Dianna. We are honored to have you here today. We also thank you for this wonderful fun interview.

      As for The Curse, it was hard not to scream out some of the great parts in the book. lol But I did behave. 🙂

      I had to be careful, as my friend Marcie hates when I leave teasers. *grins*

        • LOL Barb, you are a funny girl.

          Hi Dianna, welcome to TRC, loved the interview and looking forward to checking out your books, especially the one’s you and Sherrilyn co-write together. I’m a huge Kenyon fan, love her DH series. 😉

          • I got my avatar from an online friend who started calling me a little Devil Mouse. It just stuck and voila she found this cute avatar for me. My very own devil mouse. LOL!!!!
            Can’t wait to check out the Beladors, I know I’ll enjoy them. 😉

  2. Great interview. Thanks for asking the questions I would’ve. I am a big fan of the Belador and BAD series and am thrilled to find out they will continue. I recently bought a Piaggio fly 150 (scooter made by Vespa) to putt around town in and because I hadn’t been on a motorcycle of any kind in 30 years I took the GA motorcycle safety course. Not as easy as it looks but the instructors were a great bunch of guys despite the ribbing I took for my little putt putt. Keep writing and I’ll keep reading.

    1_trouble at msn dot com

    • HI Donna –
      My husband’s a motorcycle safety instructor, but he normally teaches in Alpharetta, GA so you may not have had him. Do you remember your instructor names? They (male and female instructors) love what they do – so glad you took the class and am envious. I keep threatening to get a scooter because I love them. Thanks for reading the Belador and BAD series and for visiting here today!

  3. Oh what a wonderful interview. It is so great to see you here, Dianna.
    I got a kick out of you putting all your notes (even on napkins) in the draw. I can just picture that. lol But it must be interesting sorting through that.

    Your new series sounds great, I am looking forward to that, as well as to read The Curse.

    • Hi Alexiis –
      We often eat with a couple we’ve been friends with for years and they’re used to me asking the server for a pen – on the rare occasion I”m not carrying one with a notepad – then they start digging around for something I can write on. Good to have people who understand me. I love going through notes and finding gems that spur a new idea.

      Thanks for stopping by today and for reading The Curse!

    • HI Jennifer –

      I must admit that I do love being up high. There’s something about it that is very free feeling and I have that part of my life to thank for why I started writing. I can remember sitting way up in the air on a narrow piece of scaffolding, eating a sandwich I’d packed and daydreaming about a story for my lunch break. 🙂 I’m glad you’re enjoying the Beladors and am looking forward to getting Slye Temp out at the first of the year. 🙂 Thanks for visiting with us today.

  4. Great interview. I am happy you will continue with this series.
    I enjoyed reading about how you and Sherrilyn can write a book together. Very interesting, though I wonder if either of you don’t like what the other wrote, what do you do?
    This is a great site, glad I found it. I was thrilled to have won the amazon gift card from your 2000 member celebration. Thanks. Keep up the great work.

    • HI Eric –
      lol – we are the oddest writing team, bar none. 😉 But the great thing about our collaborations is that we put the story first. That was our agreement from day one – her words or my words were always up for editing if it made the story stronger. I’ve had the privilege of working with someone who has been writing since crayons, which means that she immediately gets what will make the story stronger, just as I do. That’s probably a bigger issue for newer writers who aren’t as secure in their craft yet and get very “attached” to something they’ve written. I’ve always been open to editing and changing if I could see where it made the story better – and to me that’s usually very obvious.

      I love this site too – have had fun moving around on it to see all the great resources for readers. Thanks for stopping by to say hello today.

  5. Great interview Dianna and Barb

    I am amazed at that way you and Sherrilyn write together. Each writing their own and passing off back and forth.

    Do you ever overlap or change direction on one another?

    • HI Sandy –

      Oh, yes – we both dart in different directions some times, but that’s where fresh things happen in the story. Sherri is a pantser (seat of the pants writer) and I”m sort of a hybrid who leans more toward plotting. I like to write the openings so once the brainstorming is set I generally write a chapter or so to get a feel for characters then I like to plot the complex threads of the story to make sure we don’t hit a dead end or something that isn’t set up early in the story. When we’re on tour, I joke that Sherri doesn’t like to know the ending, so I don’t tell her and she usually comes back that it’s okay because she usually changes something. 🙂

      Thanks for taking time to come by today!

  6. Amazing interview ladies. I love coming to The Reading Cafe.

    Do you and Sherrilyn ever disagree about the storyline developments and how are the changes /disagreements handled?

    • HI Alicia –

      You may have seen my answer to something along the lines of this above, so sorry if this is somewhat repeated. Sherri and I had known each other for a couple years before we started writing together and during that time had never considered collaborating. The great thing about those early years together is that we got to know each other well without the pressure of editing each other’s words. We were always straight forward with sharing our opinions on things in business and while touring, which unknowingly laid the ground work for our future partnership. I strongly suggest that anyone considering collaborating only do so with someone they can be honest with and if they can be open minded enough to really accept another person’s ideas about the story.

      So to answer your question, we discuss something that one or both of us realize is not working or needs adjusting and move forward.

      Thanks for visiting here today!

  7. Great interview Dianna and Barb!! I love both series that you cowrite and look forward to more. I have to say I am SO impressed that you started as an artist! I am googling some of your earlier works! Your Sly Temp series looks excellent too!! Wow, what an accomplished woman! I loved your lightning round answers, Amazing Race is starting soon! WOOT!!!!

    • Hi Jules –

      I feel fortunate to enjoy two passions – art and writing, although writing is my full time passion these days. I’m really looking forward to a new season of Amazing Race, too! I have never been so addicted to a show, but love the challenges. As a writer, it’s fascinating to see how different people handle their personal struggle and the locations they visit are wonderful, far different than a travel show would be.

      Thanks for reading the series and I hope you enjoy Slye Temp when it comes out too! Glad you stopped by.

    • Hi MZ –
      Thanks for the kind words. I’m so glad you enjoy the stories. I have to tell you that I sit for months, anxious for a book to be released I’m so excited. I’m worst than a kid when it comes to something I want to share. I have a hard time waiting for any holiday or birthday to give someone a gift because I want to tell them about so bad. So I’m glad it’s only about another week until the book comes out.

      Thanks for stopping by to say hello!

  8. Fantastic interview… loved hearing about how you developed your writing career later in your life. Also got a chuckle out of hearing about your husband… cooking and motorcycles… reminds me of a couple of my brothers… they rode the big Harleys. 😀 I thought I had all your books until I heard about the new series and the first one that you wrote. Looking forward to reading more.

  9. HI Mary Ann –

    Yay for your brothers! We’ve had all kinds of bikes. The last Harley I had before getting into BMWs was my Heritage Softail and I LOVED that bike. Tell your brothers that I rode it through the Tail of the Dragon and scraped the floorboards the whole time. lol I so appreciate that you’re reading all our books and I’m really excited about the Slye Temp series. I was working on that when Sherri asked me to collaborate with her so I put it aside for a while then took time off the road this year to write more. I’m thrilled to have the rights back on my first one and although it won a RITA award, I’m looking forward to releasing the revised version of LAST CHANCE TO RUN as the bigger book originally intended (had to cut to make it a category size).

    Thanks for visiting with us today!

    • I missed out on all the fun :(, but it’s been so fun reading all the comments. Thank you for visiting with TRC, Ms. Love. I own the Belador series, have yet to start it, but after Barb’s glowing review, it’s moved to the top!!!

      And the bonus, after your fabulous interview? I get to start your own personal catalog with Last Chance to Run. It pays to be late sometimes! 😉

  10. Diana, thanks for coming. Motorcycle rider, painting huge wall murals and now a writer. Haven’t read any of the Beladors books but I will be adding them to my TBR list. The cover or The Curse is beautiful! Huge fan of Sherrlyn Kenyon’s Dark Hunter series so I already know that I’ll love this seires.

    Barb you asked some great questions.

    Last Book Read: G.A. Aikens – How To Drive A Dragon Crazy

    • Hi Lavonda –
      I know – if I ever wrote a resume they would probably toss it in the circular file because they thought I was spoofing them. I do love the cover of THE CURSE – huge thanks to the artists at Pocket Books! Thanks for adding Beladors to your TBR stack and hope you enjoy our adventures. I appreciate you stopping by today!

  11. Great interview Barb & Dianna!!! And, just let me say……………..OMG!!! Dianna, you just made my day. I love love love the BAD series and have been wondering if ya’ll would ever get back around to that series. There is so much more for those guys!! I can feel it in my bones!! LOL!!! I’ve got Belador on my TBR and can’t wait to delve into that series!!

    Thank you so much for stopping by and letting us get to know a little about you Dianna!! Well done!!

    Last book I read: Racing with the Wind by Regan Walker and it was awesome!! 😉

      • Hi Vickie –

        I love the BAD Agency crew, too, so I feel the same way, as does Sherri, about getting another one out next year (fingers crossed, but that’s the plan). The next book is Rae’s and that’s all I can say without giving away spoilers, plus we’re still working through a couple things. I’ve been a suspense fan forever and just love moving around in that world. That’s why everything has to have suspense, action and adventure, including the Belador series. I hope you enjoy giving that a ride.

        Thanks for visiting with us today!

  12. I never put this in The Curse review, as I was too busy concentrating on no spoilers, but I did mention this on my Alterant review.

    I totally love love love…did I say love, FEENIX. “Yeth…Dammit” *grins*

    In case you didn’t know, Feenix is Evalle’s pet gargoyle.
    I’m going to buy a case of lug nuts, in case I meet him. 🙂

    • LOL – I went to NASCAR, er NATHCAR, as Feenix would say, last weekend for the cup race and considered what it would be like to take him to see Danica (his favorite driver). Then I realized we’d never keep him away from all that shiny silver, especially the lugnuts.

      He’s one of my favorites, too. The free download called FIRE BOUND is the story of how Evalle ended up with him.

      Thanks for sharing that. If I’m having a tough day I just think about his toothy smile and laugh.

  13. Hey Dianna and like I said above welcome and I’m looking forward to reading your books. I do enjoy a good fantasy series and your urban fantasy one sounds like it should fit the bill. You’ve also got me intrigued about your romantic thriller series too. Nothing like a good romance with some adventure/action thrown in. Loved you funny story about how you and Sherrilyn decided to get together to write a book, very cute.

    • Thanks, Marcie. Yes, Sherri and I had no idea where our friendship would take us after that first couple times we kept running into each other at writing conferences. We make a good travel team because I get up at o-dawn-thirty and am raring to go when she’s totally out of it that early and she stays up all night so she’s the one on the ball when the sun goes down. It depends on the time of day as to who makes decisions on the road. We’ve muddled our way through several countries that way and managed to survive. 😉

      • O dawn thirty….love it! My husband is a Fire fighter, and is always saying “getting up at O-Dark-thirty.” I am amazed by you early risers! I am SO not a morning person. It is amazing that I have survived my three years of motherhood, and working full time intact….or should I say it is amazing that my hubby has survived intact…

        • Good grief, Miranda – I’m amazed at ALL of you mothers, because I couldn’t imagine keeping up with anyone besides me. I bow to all of you who raise children to being with then do so much else on top of it. I could see me getting up early and some little human in the house before I had coffee… “um, you want what? food?…clean clothes, too? …what math homework? You’re not going to expect this every day are you?…”

          • I would totally be with Sherrilyn in the early riser thing. Not a morning person either over here. I honestly don’t know how ppl do it and the only reason I get up at god forsaken hours in the a.m. is for work. Working in a daycare I have a new found respect for all those moms out there who do what you do Miranda. I don’t know how you do it hun, but I know you’re a great mom.

            Dianna your comments would so be me, if I had kids at home. I have enough of work and they satisfy the ‘mothering’ in me on a daily basis. You are too funny Dianna. 🙂

  14. I loved reading this interview! Bravo Ms. Barb, and thank you Dianna for giving us such insight into your work, and life. I have not had the pleasure to read any of your work, but I am certainly intrigued. I have been known to read a little bit of Fantasy in my day….*cough*

    Loved the comment about your husband motorcycle’s, and cooking. My husband loves to eat my cooking, and I love to ride on his motorcycle. Fair trade I would say. *laughing*

    • That’s too funny, Miranda. My husband would eat my cooking, if it happened, but he’s a far better cook, which I remind him of every night when it’s time to eat. I think you have a great trade off between cooking and riding at your house and am sure your husband is grinning over getting such a good deal.

      It’s funny you mention having read a bit of fantasy in your day, because I read everything for the longest time then I got sidetracked to mainly thrillers and romance until the early 90s then I got back into fantasy and paranormal, too. Then one day I picked up Sci-Fi and got hooked in that all over again and now love many YA books.

      I hope if you try out Belador you’ll find it fun. It’s set in Atlanta, GA and is high action, because anything I write has to entertain me first and I’m easily bored. 🙂 Worst than a kid. Thanks for coming by to hang out with us!

      • As anyone who knows me could tell you Ms. Dianna, my “bit” of Fantasy was sarcasm. *laughing* I read nothing but, until about 10 years ago. My first experience with the romance genre being Christine Feehan. Now I still crave books that are “outside the realm of normal” but I have to have a love story contained in what I read now. I have been ruined for any other type of literature.

        So funny about the attention span. I absolutely will be picking up Belador. I need to read, like I need air–but if something does not grab my attention instantly, and keep hold until the end, I cant finish.

        Thank you so much for the compliment above. (you as well Marcie Mouse) It is the toughest job you will even love being a mother. Honestly, I think back on my life without my daughter and cant remember what it was like, because I am so consumed by my love of life with her in it. I do tease my hubby about having three full time jobs now. As any of us who are married, know that is a job in itself…*snort*

  15. I agree – marry a man that cooks – it is heaven to come home to a good meal after a day at the office (’cause you still work and he’s retired)! I’ve read nearly all of your (and SK’s) books and am looking forward to THE CURSE. Enjoyed the interview.

    • Hi JM –

      You lucky dog, that yours cooks, too!! I’m betting your husband is like mine and he enjoys it. Funny thing was last year when my husband rode his bike in the 11,000 mile/11 day IBA motorcycle rally, put on by the Iron Butt Association that accepts 100 riders from around the world to run this competition every 2 years. These are the top long distance riders and they go through a brutal 11 days of riding to be considered finishers, which many don’t make. My sweetie finished in the Gold medal level this first time. While we were waiting on his name to be called to get his award, we were sitting with four riders and their wives. The next thing I know, the men are trading recipes. I kid you not. I thought it was hilarious. Oh, and there were probably six or seven female riders, too!

      Thanks for reading and for visiting today!

    • Hi Audra –

      Thank you. I so appreciate that you read our books and hope you enjoy THE CURSE. We had too much fun writing that one. Yes, there are long, long and longer hours in the writing cave, but we love this series. 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by to say hello.

    • Hi Karin –

      Oh, Storm… words are not always enough when it comes to him. And there is SO much I wish I could tell you, but I can’t. Dang. I do enjoy the men in this series. Glad you like our collaborations. We’re thrilled that it’s been working out so well.

      Thanks for coming by to visit today!

      • Yayyyyyyyyy I’m Team Storm. Though I kind of think Isak is hot. 🙂

        ummm how long do we have to wait for the next book in 2013, to find out more about Storm. lol The Curse isn’t even out yet, and I’m asking about the next book. Shows how good The Curse is. 🙂

        • Oh, Barb, I’m so with you on wanting to get the next book out. We would love to get it out sooner, but the publishing schedule appears to be this time next year. I have to always stop and think when a book is out to NOT talk about the next one because I’m already deep into that one. And so anxious to have it out I would have loved to release it this year. So glad you like The Curse that much and I will let everyone know if they give us an earlier release on the 2013 book.

  16. Thank you for the great interview! I discovered the Belador series while reading Sherrilyn’s DH series. I think it’s awesome how you have collaborated together and created such amazing stories. The Slye Temp series sound great as well, will be checking that out too. I can’t wait to see what happens in The Curse with Evalle and Storm and how the story advances!

    • Hi Laurie –
      I’m glad you found the Beladors through Sherri’s DH series. She’s an amazing author and so prolific! I feel very fortunate that this has worked out for both of us. The night she asked me to collaborate I told her my greatest concern was anything happening to our friendship, because that meant more than publishing books. All the touring together played a role in this collaboration working, because the traveling part of touring can be brutal and we spent sometimes 3 weeks straight doing it and didn’t kill each other – lol! 🙂

      Thanks for coming by to visit today!

  17. Dianna, I still have my signed copy of Worth Every Risk and am looking forward to the extended version as well as your new Slye Temp series. And I’m eager to see what happens to Evalle. I have a weakness for covers featuring swords, and that one is gorgeous!

    I noticed you watch Burn Notice. We love that show and are always sorry to see it rotate out for the season.

  18. Hello Diana! I’m a huge fan of The Belador series. I’ve loved the first two books. Evalle is my heroine! I have autographed copies of most of your books (when I see you wth SK at signings) and I’d love to have this one too. My husband loved meeting you in New orleans a couplle of years ago. You were playing quarterback with the give-aways, even to the guy on the second floor overlooking us. We had a BLAST! Love ya lots!

    • OMG, Maria – we did have a blast in NO!!!! It’s so wonderful to see all the fans – one of my all time favorite things to do. I love meeting everyone in person. 🙂 And I do love playing quarterback with Tshirts. I laugh whenever we go to a new city for the first time and someone wins then walks up to me. The crowd goes, “You have to go longggg.” Of course, I’ve taken out a couple displays over the years.

      Thanks for reading and for coming by to visit – love ya, too!

  19. I’m signing off for the night since i”ll be rolling out early (yes, even on the weekends I get up early to write). I’ve had a rockin’ time here today and will drop in tomorrow to answer any questions from tonight. Thanks so much again to Barb and gang for having me here, and for the outstanding job she did on this blog.

    And thank you ALL for being readers. You are the BEST!

  20. i missed this interview yesterday. wonderful and awesome responses. i have not read this series, but only in the third book, so this one might be good to read and catch up.

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