Catching Up With Robin D. Owens

Catching Up With Robin Owens

Robin Owens
The Reading Cafe is happy to welcome back Robin D. Owens. Yesterday, Robin released Heart Fortune, her newest release in her wonderful Celta series.  Robin is  here to discuss her new release, as well as to tell us what she may have in store for  us in 2014.

Before we start our interview, let’s refresh your memory about Robin.



About the Author silver

Robin D. Owens has been writing longer than she cares to recall. Her fantasy/futuristic romances finally found a home at Berkley with the issuance of HeartMate in December 2001. My best writing moment— winning the Romance Writers of America RITA award! My worst writing moment is every time a rejection hits.

I’m a true INFJ personality type = Introverted, intuitive vs. factual, “feeling” rather than thinking, and make quick judgments. I’m a nightowl, Scorpio, love pets, and I learn best through touching (tactile). I’m usually optimistic. My other creative outlet (and major achievement) is as a member of the Lungfish Theater improv group.

I love to read and read everything, science fiction, fantasy, mystery, thrillers, romance. I firmly believe that any man who reads a well-written romance will learn what a woman wants.


Interview-Black and Deep RoseHi, Robin.  Thank you for taking the time to visit again us at The Reading Cafe, to discuss your release of Heart Fortune, as well as giving us an update as to what else you have upcoming for us in 2013.

TRC: Heart Fortune is the 11th book in your Celta series.  For those who may not have read your series, can you please briefly tell us the premise of the series?

Robin: Celta was colonized by Earth people with psi power that has now developed essentially into magic, which they call Flair.  It is a pagan-Celtic society and includes telepathic animal companions…most with attitude, which, when talking about cats, is redundant. 🙂

Heart Fortune
With Heart Fortune having been released yesterday, can you please give us a brief description of the book?

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Robin: The heroine is Glyssa Licorice, a librarian, who discovers where her fated mate, her HeartMate, is when he has a life-threatening accident.  Glyssa and Jace had had a brief, hot fling, and he'd left the city, then she'd realized he was her HeartMate.  Now she's ready to travel across the continent to the  excavation site of the "lost" starship, one of three that had brought the colonists to Celta.  Love and danger ensues, along with bonding with Familiar companions, a fox kit and a hawk for Glyssa and Jace.  I use the Fams often for comic relief.

TRC:  When you started the Celta series, did you expect to still be writing this series 11th books later?  Do you have an end in sight, or do you plan to keep writing this wonderful series indefinitely ?  I hope so  🙂

Robin: Wow, of course I didn't know I'd still be doing it…and I have done other series that have let me try other things, and come back to Celta renewed.  Right now I have a 3 book contract and Heart Fortune is the first book of the three, so there will definitely be 2 more.  I have ideas for several more and no intention of ending the series anytime soon.

feral magicTRC:  You recently wrote a novella, Feral Magic.  Is this going to be a new series?  How did you come up with the idea of this book?

Robin: Long answer (as if the others haven't been).  I had the idea some years ago but didn't think a publisher would buy another shapeshifter romance, particularly when the hero was from another world who landed in Denver, Colorado, searching for his lost infant nephew.  When epublishing burgeoned, I thought this would be a good thing to put Feral Magic out.  Again, I have several ideas and should have actually gotten more novellas out by now, but I sold ANOTHER series (Ghostlayer) and Berkley wants very short deadlines on them so my time is booked.

enchanted ever after
You also released Enchanted Ever After (Luna series) in December.  Can you give us a brief description of this series?  Also, how many books are you planning for this series?

Robin: Ah, I loved the Mystic Circle series, again set in Denver with brownies and elves, firesprites and mer people…and Kiri, my heroine in Enchanted Ever After, is a full human who moves into the magical cul-de-sac and becomes transformed…  I had planned nine books in the series, but it didn't sell as well as Luna and I would have liked, so there will be no more unless I do them on my own, and, as I said, my time is booked, though I had the first chapters of the next one written.

Can you please tell us what else you may have upcoming in 2013 or early 2014?

Robin: April 2014, August 2014, December 2014 should see the Ghostlayer series, currently titled, Ghost Seer, Ghost Layer, and Ghost Slayer.

Series Concept:
An edgy lawman whose leg and life have been shattered… an uptight, rational accountant who’s inherited a psychic “gift” along with a fortune…and ghosts of Old West gunmen.

Book One: Ghost Seer:
Contemporary Denver, Queen City of the Plains, modern and thriving…and haunted by restless and reckless ghosts of a dusty past that only a few can sense.

Accountant Clare Cermac doesn’t think of her gypsy ancestry very often, that is until she inherits a fortune, and the gift to see ghosts – and to help them move on to the other side.  Not just any ghosts, but those of the Old West.  Strong and determined, she struggles to save her sanity and her life.

Zach Slade (Jackson Zachary Slade) leaves southern Montana with a disability pension in his pocket and a bitterness in his heart after the recent betrayal of his fellow deputies.  He’d thought he was a member of a team, but he’d been considered an outsider.  And though he has paranormal “hunches” when he sees crows, he doesn’t believe in woo woo.  He can’t work for the public anymore, and going “private” with his investigative skills is being bought.

Two lives derailed, touched with the supernatural, collide…and the ghosts of the wild, wild West are no more reckless than two people challenging each other mentally, emotionally, physically.

TRC: Would you like to add anything else?

Robin: I am deeply indebted to my readers for all their support.  Thank you!  And many, many thanks for giving my enovella Feral Magic, a chance at pleasing you outside Celta.

Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again.  May a little magic always grace your lives.

TRC:  Thank you, Robin for giving us an update on Heart Fortune. We wish you the best of luck and look forward to you visiting us again in the future.

Robin:  Thank YOU!



Robin has graciously offered one lucky member of The Reading Cafe an e-copy of Feral Magic, and a signed copy of any book on her backlist.

1.  You must be a member at The Reading Cafe. If you are not a member, please register using the Log-In at the top of the page, or by using one of our social log-ins.

2.  If you are using a social log-in e.g. Twitter, please leave your email address along with your comment.

3.  Giveaway open  Internationally

4.  Contests runs from August 7 to August 10, 2013


15 thoughts on “Catching Up With Robin D. Owens

  1. This was a wonderful interview. I love when our favorite authors come back to visit and we find out the scoops on what is coming soon. Can’t wait to read Heart Fortune.

  2. Thank you Robin for the great interview answers. It is always our pleasure at The Reading Cafe to welcome the authors we read and love.

    Congratulations of the new and upcoming releases.

  3. Sweet interview Ladies, And it’s nice to meet you Robin your Ghostlayer sounds interesting. Congrats on your new release .
    And thank you for the great giveaway .

  4. First, congratulations on the 11th novel. That is a HUGE accomplishment. I love that the series is so unique and different. The animals are a trip, just what I think talking animals would be..snarky.
    The next series sounds great. Suspense meets Wild West. Great interview.


  5. Thank you all! As I stated in the review section, I’ve had some computer problems that kept me away…but I always feel that if an author is going to promote herself with a giveaway, it should be international.

    YES YOU CAN GET FERAL MAGIC at, also Kobo and itunes. I really appreciate you giving this novella a chance!

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