Dream (Rosewood Bay #4) by Carly Phillips-Review & Excerpt tour

DREAM (Rosewood Bay #4) by Carly Phillips-Review & Excerpt Tour

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ABOUT THE BOOK Release Date October 16, 2018

She was his best friend, his first love. And she broke his heart. Now she’s back. Will they find a second chance?

As a little girl, Andrea Harmon wanted to marry a prince, and Kyle Davenport hoped it would be him. But he never told her how he felt, and lost her as a result. Because sometimes the bad guy gets the girl. And Kyle left town to get over her.

Andi made the wrong choice years ago, choosing the bad boy over the best friend she trusted and she paid for it every day since.

Coming face to face with his former best friend was bound to happen once he moved back to Rosewood Bay, but for Kyle, becoming her son’s new teacher is a painful reminder of what they never had. But this time around, Kyle is determined to change their ending. Prince Charming is determined to break down her walls.

Except that no happily-ever-after is won without a fight—and her ex-husband doesn’t like to lose.


REVIEW:  DREAM is the fourth instalment in Carly Phillips’ contemporary, adult DREAM erotic, romance series. This is primary school teacher Kyle Davenport, and florist Andrea ‘Andi’ Harmon’s story line. DREAM can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous instalments is revealed where necessary. Andrea is Kane Harmon’s (Fearless #1) sister.

NOTE: Due to the story line content and issues of spousal abuse, DREAM may not be suitable for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Kyle and Andi) DREAM is a best friends/second chance romance focusing on primary school teacher Kyle Davenport, and florist Andrea Harmon. Ten years earlier Andrea Harmon broken Kyle Davenport’s heart, in fact, Andrea destroyed any remnants of their friendship by pushing away the only man she would ever love. Broken and bitter, Kyle left Rosewood Bay in search of something more, only to return to his hometown where he will face the woman he has always loved. A single mother of a nine year old boy, Andi will come face to face with her past when she discovers her son’s teacher is the boy whose heart she broke and shattered. What ensues is the rebuilding friendship and love between Andi and Kyle, and the potential fall-out as Andi’s past refuses to let go, and threatens any potential happiness for her future happily ever after.

Andi and Kyle were best friends for most of their lives until the day Andi pushed Kyle away, opting for the high school quarterback, and the excitement it brought for the foreseeable future. Kyle, broken and battered, ran from Rosewood Bay in an effort to forget about the girl he left behind, a girl whose own life would be shattered by the choices she made.

The relationship between Kyle and Andi is a former best-friends to lovers/second chance relationship that quickly develops into something more. As the school year progresses Andi and Kyle would reconnect and revisit what happened and why, until Andi’s past threatens to destroy their hard-fought reunion. The $ex scenes are passionate and seductive without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

All of the previous story line couples play secondary and supporting characters including Kane and Halley (Fearless#1), Phoebe and Jake (Breathe #2) , Braden and Juliette (Freed #3), as well as Kane and Andi’s father, a man whose own demons continue to ride him hard. We are introduced to Andi’s son Nicky, and he ex-husband Billy, a man who is determined to make Andi’s life miserable.

DREAM is a story of family and friendship, romance and love, second chances and happily ever after. The premise is sexy, sassy and inspiring ; the characters are colorful, animated, strong and real; the romance is stirring and moving. DREAM is a quick read; a passionate and energetic story about two people torn apart by stupidity, broken dreams and the volatile nature of domestic abuse.

Reading Order and previous Reviews

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

“I didn’t mean to drag you away from Kimberly. You two seemed to be hitting it off.”
He didn’t pull his hand away from her face, struck by the tinge of something in her voice. Jealousy? And if so, why did it please him that she cared?
“Kimberly was like a leech who wouldn’t let go. She even used her sick brother’s story to hang on to me. I wasn’t doing anything more than offering sympathy,” he said, opting for the truth.
Andi blinked, unmistakable relief in her pretty brown eyes. “Really?”
“Did it bother you when you thought I was into her?” he heard himself asking, knowing he hadn’t planned to go down this road, but the attraction between them was a real, tangible thing.
His fingers itched to run through her thick, wavy hair, and he couldn’t tear his gaze from her glossed lips as she ran her tongue nervously over them. Not to mention the energy it took not to look down at her full breasts beneath the jersey.
“Would it upset you if I said it did? That watching you with her stirred up feelings that took me by surprise?”
“I shouldn’t want you, Andi. You hurt me. Took a fucking knife to my heart. But that was in the past. And what’s going on now between us is the present.”
Her eyes shimmered with unshed tears, the past alive despite them both wanting to put it behind them. But everything inside him was pulled toward her now, drawn to her fragile strength and beauty.
He dipped his head and pressed his mouth to hers. Warm and giving, her soft lips moved beneath his. His hand slid around her jaw, tilting her head, giving him better access as his tongue delved into her mouth and tangled with hers. Finally, finally, finally, finally. His heart beat out the word in rapid rhythm, a long-held desire coming true as her kiss turned him inside out.
He explored the deep recesses of her mouth, tasting her essence, aware of his body’s reaction, the swell of his cock behind his jeans, the spike in adrenaline, the racing of his pulse.
Despite the pain, the anger, the hurt, this was the girl of his dreams and she was in his arms, eagerly accepting his kiss. He slid his hand into her hair, grasping the thick strands between his fingers and tugging as the kiss turned hotter and he backed her against the vanity, his waist flush against hers, his hard erection cradled between her thighs. His cock throbbed with unappeased need, desire flowing between them.
Until a hard knock sounded on the door, startling them into breaking apart. She looked at him, wide-eyed, the surprise etched in her face as strong as the shock rippling through him.
“Be right out,” he called to the person on the other side of the door.
He glanced at Andi, her face now flushed a bright red. “There’s no way to avoid walking out together, is there?” she asked.
“Whether you go first or last, whoever it is heard my voice.” Her blush deepened.
“Well, then here’s to giving them something more to talk about.”

After a successful fifteen-year career with various New York publishing houses, and over 40 sexy contemporary romance novels published, N.Y. Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Carly Phillips is now an Indie author who writes to her own expectations and that of her readers. She continues the tradition of hot men and strong women and plans to publish many more sizzling stories. Carly lives in Purchase, NY with her family, two nearly adult daughters and two crazy dogs who star on her Facebook Fan Page and website. She’s a writer, a knitter of sorts, a wife, and a mom. In addition, she’s a Twitter and Internet junkie and is always around to interact with her readers.

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