Entice (McKenzie Brothers #4) by Lexi Buchanan-a review

ENTICE (McKenzie Brothers #4) by Lexi Buchanan-a review


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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 20, 2014

Lucien McKenzie, has lived a solitary life for the past six years after suffering badly in a car fire. He shut everyone out, but his family. Now Lily’s friend is throwing his emotions all over the place and messing with his head, and not only that, but she’s the only woman to bring his libido back to life.

Sabrina feels like she’s on a rollercoaster ride with Lucien. One minute he’s fuckin’ her brains out, and the next, he’s pushing her away. She just wishes she knew if he was pushing her away because of his scarred body, or because he’s in love with his brothers’ wife, Lily.

Can a man who’s hurting and hides his true self from the world keep the love of a good woman? Or will he push her too far so she walks away from him for good?


ENTICE is the fourth installment in Lexi Buchanan’s contemporary, adult McKenzie Brothers erotic romance series focusing on the McKenzie brothers and the women (and men) that they love. This is eldest brother Lucien McKenzie and Sabrina Walker’s story. Sabrina has been part of the family gatherings for years, a friend of Lily McKenzie (Michael’s wife) and a woman who has loved Lucien from afar.

Told from alternating first person points of view (Lucien and Sabrina) the storyline follows a friends to ‘friends with benefits’ to lovers trope that finds Lucien reluctant to commit to anything beyond sex. Years earlier, Lucien was badly burned while rescuing a mother and her young daughter from a burning car. In the ensuing aftermath, Lucien’s wife walked out of his life and Lucien found himself rehabilitating at his cousin’s house-for two years. Lucien’s self esteem, physical and emotional scars (both inside and out), as well as his inability to let go of the past finds Sabrina caught between her love for Lucien and the painful realization that she will never be anything more than a friend. There is also the issue of Lucien’s apparent attraction to his brother’s wife Lily, one that does not go unnoticed by Sabrina and every one involved.

The relationship between Lucien and Sabrina is difficult, painfully emotional, tumultuous, and full of misunderstandings and miscommunication. Lucien is a difficult man to love in that he is awash in self pity, self flagellation and a low self esteem as it pertains to his physical scars and emotional health. He is a man that will test the patience of Sabrina time and again, until, he may have pushed away the only woman that he will ever love. At times, Lucien is thoughtless, careless and painfully unaware of the damage that he has caused to Sabrina and their growing love yet Sabrina continues to forgive the man who has caused her so much emotional pain. As Sabrina prepares for a fund raiser, another man begins to take an interest in the woman the Lucien loves. The sex scenes are numerous, sensual, erotic and hot.

The world building continues as we get a closer look at the McKenzie clan including all of the previous storyline couples as well as a look to the future and more potential storylines involving extended family and friends. Ramon’s storyline continues to build as the reader is pulled into a struggle of whom it is that Ramon truly loves.

ENTICE is an emotional storyline; full of angst, painful and heartbreaking moments that left me crying and sniffling; but also a story that focused almost entirely on the mental anguish inflicted upon and by Lucien McKenzie. He is a man in desperate need of psychological help but a man who must realize that reaching out for help is not a sign of weakness or giving in.

McKenzie Brothers Reading Order

Seduce (Michael McKenzie)
The Wedding (Novella)
Rapture (Sebastian McKenzie)
Delight (Ruben McKenzie)
Entice (Lucien McKenzie)
Cherished (Ramon McKenzie) early 2015

Reviewed by Sandy


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