Finding My Forever (The Beaumont Series #3) by Heidi McLaughlin-a review

Finding My Forever (The Beaumont Series #3) by Heidi McLaughlin-a review

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FINDING MY FOREVER (The Beaumont Series #3) by Heidi McLaughlin

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date December 30, 2013

Everywhere I look, my friends are settling down – marriage, children, white picket fences; but not me. Marriage isn’t in the cards for me. I’m a ladies man.

A rock star.

I was born and raised in the industry.

I love everything about my life, especially the attention from the women that my status brings me.

Women find me. I don’t chase. I know what they want and they know I’ll deliver.

But after one look, one touch, one night…
Now I’m the one doing the chasing.

I need to find a way to show her that I’m serious, that I can change.
I need to find a way to show her that I can love her fully, and only her.
I need to find a way to show her that she’s my forever.


REVIEW: FINDING MY FOREVER is the third full length storyline in Heidi McLaughlin’s contemporary, new adult Beaumont Series focusing on the lives and loves of the members of the rock group 4225 West. This is guitarist Jimmy Davis and Jenna Palmer’s story-one that begins with a one night stand following the wedding of 4225 West’s lead singer Liam Page to the love of his life Josie. What begins as a night of passion will pull the band into a world of danger, betrayal and an uncertain future. I would strongly suggest reading this series in order as many of the major players and current timeline stories have been introduced in the previous novels.

The premise focuses on Jimmy as he contemplates the meaning of life-his life precisely- and how everything seems to have become a series of meaningless one night stands and forgotten names. The one constant in his life is Jenna Palmer-the woman with whom he had a night of passion-and has had a difficult time forgetting. While the other band mates move forward with their lives, Jimmy is stuck in an unending stream of nameless women who want nothing more than to sleep with the famous Jimmy Davis. As his mind and heart continue to be pulled towards Jenna Palmer his actions scream something completely different. And it is these actions that push Jenna further away with every encounter.

The relationship between Jenna and Jimmy is quick to build when Jenna’s past comes roaring back -there is no denying the attraction between our leading couple but Jimmy’s womanizing history and Jenna’s past are two major stumbling blocks to their happiness and life ever after.

Heidi McLaughlin has written a story about family and friends and those who will stand behind you when you need them the most. This is a story about two people who are meant to be together but so many others in their lives are constantly trying to pull them apart. And this is also a story about growing up and taking responsibility- knowing it was what you wanted all along but wanting something doesn’t necessarily make it easy. Jenna and Jimmy will stumble, as do many couples and in the end, the biggest obstacle of all may be one that they can never overcome.

FINDING MY FOREVER is s storyline that will make you laugh and make you cry; it is both heartbreaking and heartwarming; and it will make you smile when a man who believes he is not worthy realizes that his heart is big enough for more than one love in his life.

The Beaumont Series

Reading Order (Click on the link to read our reviews)
Forever My Girl
My Everything
My Unexpected Forever
Finding My Forever

Reviewed by Sandy


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