Interview with Cover Model-Tessi Le’Anne

 Interview with Cover Model-Tessi Le’Anne

Tessi 1


TRC: Hi Tessi and welcome to The Reading Café.

We would like to start with some background information. Would you please tell us something about yourself?

Follow Tessi: Tessi Le’Anne Facebook

(Image by K.Keeton Designs)



Tessi 3Tessi:  Hello, thanks for having me! My full name is Tessi LeAnne Conquest. ← yes, that is my real last name. I am from a small town, graduating class of 32 people. I am actually a Criminal Justice Major, although most of my working career has been at banking related jobs. I have dog, Nyx, and a small Boer goat herd. My favorite smells are motor oil, vanilla, coconut. Fewer things make me happier than getting mail and the warm feeling of a pile of clothes right out of the dryer.

TRC: What were your goals and aspirations growing up?

Tessi:  Haha, well in 1st grade I was set on being Pocahontas when I grew up. Through middle & high school I wanted to be a High School English teacher. Now…currently, I think I’m still trying to find my niche, my place among the masses.

TRC: Will you please tell us about how you got started in the modeling/cover modeling business?

Tessi:  I started modeling in 2012, doing shoots with photographers here and there. I didn’t started cover modeling until being introduced to Kelsey Keeton of K Keeton Designs, in November 2013. I went to a shoot to observe and things took off from there. Since then I’ve attended a few author conventions and met some incredible people.

burn for You



TRC: What was your first ‘published’ romance cover image and by whom (author)?

Tessi:  My first published Romance Cover image is for Author Marquita Valentine, titled “Burn For You”.





TRC: Do you know the number of covers on which your image has appeared?

Tessa Le'Anne covers

Tessi:  It’s hard to keep track sometimes with which covers have been revealed and which are still in the works. So far, all together, I will have been on around 23 or so.

TRC: Do you have a favorite cover image (book or magazine)?

Tessi LeAnne cover 3Tessi:  Each cover image tells its own story, some are stock images that just happen to match the Authors characters perfectly, and some are custom, being built around the Authors specific wants…my favorite so far would be “Burn For You” by Marquita Valentine or “Seduce Me” by Ryan Michele.

TRC: Have you ever had a photo shoot that went completely wrong?

Tessi:  I guess you could say things don’t always go according to plan…people don’t show up, rain storms and such, but for the most part, the individuals I have worked with have been great at adapting to the situation and we still pull something good out of it.

TRC: Where is the most exotic setting you have had the opportunity to work and model?

Tessi Le'Anne The FallsTessi:  A big part of my work is done in studio; however I just recently shot in a place called “The Falls”. It was pretty awesome.

TRC: Is there a model or photographer with whom you would like to work but haven’t had the opportunity?

Tessi:  A photographer I always wanted to work with was Brian DeMint of Eyeworks Photography…he’s a creative genius, and I recently did that! There are a couple people I have my eye on, whose work I admire, Roland Moriarty, and Chadwick Fowler, their images are always to die for.

TRC: Would you please tell us about K Keeton Designs?

K Keeton Designs

Follow K.Keeton Designs: Facebook / Twitter

Tessi:  Of course…K Keeton Designs is your classic “triple threat”. Kelsey Kukal-Keeton is the mastermind, woman behind the curtain, if you will. Not only is she a photographer, she is a cover designer, and professional hair and make-up artist. Kelsey is a down-to-earth lady who is next to impossible not to like. She literally has a collection of models that would all do just about anything for her. If you’re looking for anything book cover related, she’s your girl.

TRC: Nudity in modeling or acting can be controversial. Some pictures can cross the line between sexuality and pornography. What would you tell young models just entering the business about nude modeling?

Tessi 2Tessi:  My advice would be to always ask, ask, ask for the details. Never be afraid to ask direct questions to a photographer, always take someone with you to a shoot if you do not know the individual or don’t feel comfortable alone, inquire about people you’re thinking about working with—DO YOUR RESEARCH, always read the model contracts you are signing and lastly, don’t be afraid to say no.

(Image by Curtis Almeter)

TRC: Whom do you most admire and why?

Tessi:  I think the people you most admire change throughout your life, depending on particular “stages” and “places” you are. Currently, the two people I admire most are Kimi Flores, and Kathy Coopmans. They each have learned some hard lessons in life, made it through the toughest times and continue to shine with positive attitudes, optimism and kindness. They both remind me on a daily basis to push myself, that I can overcome whatever challenges I face without bitterness and to live a life of kindness.

TRC: Who is your biggest supporter?

Tessa and MonicaTessi:  My biggest supporter of my modeling career would be my little sister, Monica.

TRC: What is your most embarrassing moment?

Tessi:  My most embarrassing moment would probably be at a shoot one time with K Keeton Designs and MJR Photography, the concept we were trying for required me to jump in the air and hit certain poses…well, this particular jump, the paper backdrop I was standing on slid and needless to say, I went down with it…I was fine, and a few laughs later, we were back at it.

TRC: When you are not modeling what can we find you doing?

Tessi:  When I’m not modeling and working, I spend my time with family and my closest friends. I love reading, watching movies, cooking, being outdoors, anything craft related; sewing, crocheting, scrap booking.

Tessi 4


TRC: What three (3) things would you like to accomplish in the next ten (10) years?

(Image by MJR Photography)



Tessi:  This is a hard one, as I’ve learned the hard way, life has a funny way of changing ones plans…
1) I hope to continue growing in my modeling career, and to, at some point, be signed with an agency.
2) I hope to grow as a person, travel the world, chase the things that I want most, and find myself along the way.
3) I know this one is as cliché’ as they come, but hey, I’m a girl right?! In 10years time, I hope to find my counterpart, my significant other and start our journey together.

Tessi 7TRC: What is something that few people (if any) know about you?

Tessi:  Something that few people know about me… one of my favorite things in the world is the first drink of an A&W Cream Soda, but I never drink the rest of it.

(Image: Red Vine Studios/ Tim Miller)

TRC: Would you please tell us what you do to relax?

Tessi:  When I’m trying to relax I like to go for a run, I think it helps me clear my mind and wind down…or veg out to Netflix. I’m a sucker for a good television series!

TRC: On what are you currently working?

Tessi:  Currently, I have a couple custom cover shoots in the works, a handful of events, I am beyond excited to be attending, over the next year, and hopefully some BIG, EXCITING changes to announce soon. 😉

TRC: Would you like to add anything else?

Tessi 6Tessi:  I’d like to thank you, Sandy, and The Reading Café, for inviting me here for the interview. I am thrilled to have had this opportunity to share a little about myself. Again, thank you so very much!

(Image: Peter Bennett)

Tessi:  Please stop by my model page, give it a *LIKE*, and enjoy the ride…lots of exciting things to come =)

Follow Tessi: Tessi Le’Anne Facebook


Favorite Food- Black Olive and Cheese Pizza

Favorite Dessert- No Bake Cookies

Favorite TV Show- Arrow

Last Movie You Saw- Transcendence….Johnny Depp *rawrrr*

Dark or Milk Chocolate- The darker the better!

Favorite Song (at the moment)- The Lonely by Christina Perri

Secret Celebrity Crush- I accidentally gave this one away haha, Johnny Depp

Last Vacation Destination- Atlantic Beach, North Carolina

Pet Peeve- Ahhh, this is a hard one, I might be a little OCD. My biggest would probably be how my towels are folded.

TRC: Thank you Tessi for taking the time to answer our questions. Congratulations on all of your success. We wish you all the best.

(Image: K.Keeton Designs)                            (Eye Works Photography-Brian Demint)                   

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15 thoughts on “Interview with Cover Model-Tessi Le’Anne

  1. Wonderful interview. Congrats Tessi on all of your success.

    Hey ladies-congratulations. I do believe this is your first interview with a female cover model…yaaaaayyyyyy~~~

  2. Very nice interview ladies!! Thanks Tessi for sharing with us. My oldest daughter, too, wanted to be Pocahontas!! Or, as she called it, a-hope-a-hontas!! She has her Pocahontas pillows with her in college!!

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