No Prince /No Romeo by Stevie J Cole & LP Lovell-Review Tour

No Prince / No Romeo (Dayton 1 & 3) by Stevie J Cole & LP Lovell-Review Tour

Dayton #3
Stevie J Cole & LP Lovell
Release Date September 16, 2022
Genre: young adult, contemporary, erotic, romance / / / /

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To everyone in Dayton, Hendrix Hunt was the tattooed bad boy, the bully, the player. The guys hated and feared him; the girls wanted to tame him. And I just wished I could forget him.

Two years ago, Hendrix was my world. My hero, my savior. Then the taint of Dayton ruined everything, breaking both of us with secrets and lies. I destroyed him and now he wants to destroy me…

They say love is patient, that love is kind, but when a love is broken, it becomes filled with jealousy and revenge. The only question is, who will pay first?

Hendrix Hunt was no Romeo, but just like Juliet, I was in love with my enemy.


REVIEW: I have been waiting for this one!! Book three in the Dayton series; No Romeo takes us back to our least favorite High School and back to the lovable, but crazy people that go there. Each book can be read as a standalone, but as always, ya girl is a fan of reading a series in order for all the juicy details.

Hendrix and Lola.

Lola is back in Dayton after being away for two years and not everyone is happy that she is. After a hellish two years, all Lola wants to do is get her life in order, protect her sister and at all cost avoid Hendrix. Yes, her Hendrix. The one that thinks she betrayed him, but all she truly did was protect his sorry bum.

Hendrix is a dude, and does what most dudes do when they want to get rid of the feelings they have. They sleep around. This is what he does for the two years Lola is gone. Well it’s more like what doesn’t he do really, because it’s not much. He does everything he can to get Lola out of his head and out of his heart. Too bad nothing is working. When she arrives back at Dayton, the rug is pulled out from under him and now he has to face her again. They have to face each other.

Oh lordy! These two are like children when they fight over the same toy. Lola protects Hendrix from something, and when he finds out it changes everything for them. Secrets are revealed, scary stuff happens that puts more at risk that they could ever imagine, but when it comes down to it, Hendrix and Lola have one another’s backs. To say this was an easy read would be a lie, however, it was one I could not put down. Lola and Hendrix are each other’s person, and that is just how it is meant to be.

Copy supplied for review

Reviews by Sarah

Click HERE for Sarah’s review of book two NO GOOD


Dayton #1
Stevie J Cole & LP Lovell
Release Date April 6, 2020
Genre: young adult, contemporary, erotic, romance / / / /


Zepp Hunt wasn’t the king of Dayton high school. He was the top of the food chain. And I was next in line to be dragged into the lion’s den. At least that’s what he thought…

Good girls wanted to tame him. Bad girls wanted to be tainted by him. Everyone bowed down to him. And me? I hated Zeppelin Hunt with every fiber of my being. Which was why I stayed away from the arrogant bad boy with tattoos and a rap sheet. Until I couldn’t. Until we traded favors, and I owed him three months of my life.

I never thought I would end up in his bed, and when I did, I had to remind myself that he hated me as much as I hated him. Until I didn’t.

Zepp Hunt was no prince, and I absolutely refused to be his damsel in distress…


REVIEW: Discombobulated. Perfect word to describe my mindset reading this book. Stevie and Lovell play off of one another so well, when they write, you can tell how much they enjoy it, and by it I mean, torturing their readers lol.

No Prince is the first in the Dayton series, a new adult novel. I’m not normally a big fan of this genre, I like my books with a little more fire if you catch my drift, but I was pleasantly surprised with this one. No Prince is an enemy to lovers’ bully romance, but Zepp isn’t your typical bully.

Monroe is such a strong person, she gives off bad bee energy, but under all the bravado she is still a girl, vulnerable and hopeful. She wants what all girls want, secretly or not. Love. Her childhood and family life aren’t the white picket fence that others may have, she wants out, and will do anything and everything to make that happen.

Zepp is all alpha bad boy, liquor, smokes, girls, you name it, if he wants it, he gets it. His loyalty is only to those in his circle. When it comes to Monroe however, he’s a different person. He’s more for her. Their chemistry is off the charts, and together they make one hell of a team. When these two get together the world fades and all you can do is focus on them.

This book has one of my new favorite lines in it about trust, it home with me, as did the characters. They are so believable as people, their emotions and struggles so raw, by the end I wasn’t just reading to read, I was reading to see these two find their HEA. This series is gonna be a kicker for sure.

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About Stevie J. Cole:

Stevie J. Cole likes to write realistic stories with raw, gritty characters you should hate but can’t help but to love.

 She’s obsessed with rock music, loves sloths, and has an unnatural obsession with British accents. 

Her books are not recommended for the faint of heart. 

 Connect w/Stevie:









About LP Lovell:

Lauren Lovell is a ginger from England. 

She suffers from a total lack of brain to mouth filter and is the friend you have to explain before you introduce her to anyone, and apologise for afterwards. 

Lauren loves a mildly…or not so mildly psychopathic hero, and a dark, twisted tale. 

If you like like your boys very very bad, then hop on in.

Connect w/LP:



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