Week 1 / Week 2 in Austin (The Austin Series) by Henriette Vesterbak-Reviews

Week 1 / Week 2 in Austin (The Austin Series) by Henriette Vesterbak-Reviews

WEEK 1 IN AUSTIN (The Chase)
The Austin Series #1
by Henriette Verterbak
Release Date: September 1, 2018
Genre: adult, contemporary, rock, romance

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO /

He’s a world-famous rock star from Texas. She’s his personal assistant. And she has no clue what she’s in for.

“John is gorgeous and annoying and much too much, and I’m worried that I might be falling for him really, really hard.”

This erotic new adult novel follows reality star Heidi Johansen during the first week of her 14-day probation period as personal assistant to the rock band South Bane— 14 days she’ll never forget.

When she’s offered the job of personal assistant to the American rock band South Bane, the 22-year-old Danish fashion blogger and reality star can hardly believe her ears. A bundle of nerves, she travels across the Atlantic Ocean to Austin, Texas, to work for her biggest idol: John Monro, the band’s lead singer.

The charismatic and dominant John immediately finds himself attracted to Heidi, but she resists his advances to the best of her ability to get through her probation period in one piece. Her long-term relationship with her boyfriend back home, not to mention a specific clause in the employment contract, stand between her and her deepest desire: to give in to John. Does she dare?

This novel is part of the Austin Series:
Week 1 in Austin – The Chase
Week 2 in Austin – The Capture

Heidi’s two weeks in Austin pass in a blur of drinking, smoking, cursing, flirting, banging, and kissing, putting all her limits to the test. The eroticism is permeated with intimacy and love, and the intense romance between John and Heidi taps into the desire to be taken—mind, body, and soul.

The Austin Series offers an intriguing combination of excitement and a sizzling affair, delivered with elegance and eloquence.

Stay tuned for:
Week 3 in Austin – The Clause (not yet released)
Weeks 4 & 5 in Austin – The Climax (not yet released)


REVIEW: Ok, I really wasn’t sure.

As you know, I don’t really like first person POV (point of view), the story told by the characters, I’d much rather read it in the 3rd person. But I settled down and opened my kindle …..

Heidi is a reality show star, and a psychology major, but wants a change of career, and becoming a roadie to a band seems like a good idea…. but she doesn’t get it, what she gets is a personal assistant to the band job, she will have to organise them and have them ready in three months time for a tour.

Heidi wants this, she knows she can do this, but there are stipulations …… In her contract it clearly states that getting romantically or sexually involved with any band member is strictly forbidden, it will lead to instant dismissal and possible legal problems.

She needs to be on call to the band 24/7, she will have to keep them motivated, and she has to be ready to go in less than a week !!
She’s so excited, she’s a huge fan, and then guilt hits …. what about Daniel ? (That’s the boyfriend) they won’t see each other until it’s done, how will their relationship survive? And as it is, Heidi is a little worried as two years down the line, the passion is gone, and they live like an old married couple……

John is a rock star, living the dream …..
But he’s not really happy, he’s drunk most of the time, but he needs something, but isn’t sure what ….. until he meets the bands new personal assistant Heidi, there is interest in her eyes, and he’s seen it all before, but still, John is drawn to her.
He’s possessive and very controlling toward Heidi from day one.

It’s written like a diary entry, which made it a different way to read. This book is just that “Week 1 in Austin”, it all literally transpires in one week !!!

After their initial meeting, there is lots of flirting and looks between the couple.

And by the end of the week, they’ve slept together !!

She is so confused ….. he wants her, he’s possessive, but after sex ignores her !! Then when the guilt about Daniel creeps in, she becomes very confused ….

she can’t get a reading on his emotions (and studying psychology, you would have thought she would be able to read him a little better ?!

The by-play between the two characters is very tangled, lots of mixed messages (in fact I think too many mixed messages)

So I’m hoping the next book will slow down and clarify a few things, and these mixed messages need to lessen (as I go really dizzy at one point) ?

Julie ?

Copy supplied for review


WEEK 2 IN AUSTIN (The Capture)
The Austin Series #2
by Henriette Vesterbak
Release Date: September 1, 2018
Genre: adult, contemporary, rock, romance

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO 

He’s a world-famous rock star from Texas. She’s his personal assistant. Can they make it work?

“I’m in charge. You understand that now, don’t you?”
“Yes,” I gasp.
“Good. Glad we sorted that out,” he answers coolly.

This erotic new adult novel follows reality star Heidi Johansen during the second week of her 14-day probation period as personal assistant to the rock band South Bane—14 days she’ll never forget.

A week in, she throws caution to the wind and lets herself give in to John and his incessant flirting. Heidi quickly comes to realize that she’s completely unprepared for the kind of relationship John’s looking for. Total submission. She finds herself wondering, Can I handle this?

The sudden romance puts all her limits to the test. Her physical and emotional limits become lines in the sand, and the more John pushes her, the harder she falls for him. But the crossing of her personal boundaries is the least of her problems – there’s still a clause in her employment contract standing between her and the great love affair she can just about see on the horizon.

John presents her with one alluring demand after the other, as Heidi fights to keep their romance secret from Ben and Mason. She wants him more than anything, but getting a pink slip from the job that brought them together in the first place could ruin everything before it has even really started. Will they find a way to make it work?

This novel is part of the Austin Series:
Week 1 in Austin – The Chase
Week 2 in Austin – The Capture

Heidi’s two weeks in Austin pass in a blur of drinking, smoking, cursing, flirting, banging, and kissing, putting all her limits to the test. The eroticism is permeated with intimacy and love, and the intense romance between John and Heidi taps into the desire to be taken—mind, body, and soul.

The Austin Series offers an intriguing combination of excitement and a sizzling affair, delivered with elegance and eloquence.


REVIEW: This is part two, and you really need to read book one.

This whole book covers just one week duh ?
so ….

week 2 and the chemistry is still hot between Heidi and John (but still plays games with her head and heart, is he testing her ? And if so why ?)

But he continues to blow hot and cold, and the dominance he tries to pull on Heidi is definitely not fifty shades, he sounds like a petulant child. And Heidi needs to say no mean no…..

Heidi needs to keep their romance under cover (if she’s found out, she’ll be sacked and sent back home) but the other band members are beginning to suspect a few things.

John wants total obedience, and he gets a little nasty with it (is it because of his drinking ? Or is there a more sinister reason?)
He can’t work Heidi out, so he continues to push her buttons.

And what happens when the other band members find out ? Will they insist she leaves ? And why is everyone warning her away from John ?
And what about Daniel ? What will he think if the gossip about the P.A and the rock star hits the news ?

Roll on week 3 ?

Julie ?

Copy supplied for review


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