King of Devon (Kings of the Castle #4) by Naleighna Kai-a review

King of Devon (Kings of the Castle #4) by Naleighna Kai-a review

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date December 6, 2019.

When a coma patient becomes pregnant under mysterious circumstances, Jai’s medical facility and employees come under intense government, media, and law enforcement scrutiny. During the investigation, he receives a mysterious call summoning him to The Castle following an attempt on his mentor’s life. Soon, Jai is thrust into a position and a brotherhood that will require more of him than he’s prepared to give. With it, a dark family secret explodes that has the potential to destroy the people he loves most.

Temple Devaughn survives a horrific ordeal that lands her in a year-long coma. She finally awakens, only to find she’s been violated and now has a child. The police are investigating the men who cared for her at a medical center that employs “controversial” but highly successful methods. Yet, she has no choice but to trust Jai after she learns the lengths her family has gone to get their hands on a fortune they’ve kept hidden all this time. Complications arise, and Jai is forced to step in to protect Temple from the revenge-seeking perpetrator while showing that he can guard her heart as well.

Will Jai be able to fend off their enemies, fulfill his destiny at The Castle, and navigate a relationship with Temple that is marred by betrayal, mystery, and deadly attempts to silence her once and for all?


REVIEW:KING OF DEVON by Naleighna Kai is the fourth instalment in the multi-authored/multi-cultural KINGS OF THE CASTLE romance series focusing on nine nine ‘brothers’ from the streets of Chicago (Vikkas, Reno, Shaz, Jai, Daron, Kaleb, Grant, Dro and Dwayne) mentored and taught by the mysterious Khalil Germaine at the exclusive Macro International Magnet School in Chicago. This is King of Devon and holistic healer Jaidev ‘Jai’ Maharaj, and Temple Devaughn’s story line. KING OF DEVON can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty but I recommend reading KINGS OF THE CASTLE (Book one) for backstory.

NOTE: Due to the nature and content of the story line premise, there may be some triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from several third person perspectives including Jai and Temple, following numerous intersecting pathways KING OF DEVON is a detailed and complex addition to the Kings of the Castle. Jai Maharaj owns and operates a nursing facility where it is discovered that one of his young comatose clients, Temple Devaughn, have become pregnant while under his care at the Chetan Healing Center. An investigation into the staff throws shade at all of Jaidev’s employees but none more so than the man himself. Meanwhile several people with connections to Temple, to the Center, to law enforcement, and with the Castle elite all have an axe to grind or are looking for a pay out at the end of the day. But the birth of Temple’s daughter India finds our hero taking full responsibility for the little child, a responsibility that will come with feelings and emotions for Temple, herself. What ensues is the investigation, research and revelations about the who, how, and why, as the betrayal, secrets, lies, and greed slowly bleed the life and power from more than one person hell-bent on destroying them all.

Temple Devaughn has survived not one, not twice but three times against the abusive powers of the people sworn to love and protect. Sexually abused as a child, then again while under the care of the Chetan Healing Center, our heroine is made stronger but that which did not kill her or destroy. Jaidev Maharaj knows to fall in love with Temple goes against everything he has sworn to protect but something about Temple calls to our hero, something he is unable to resist or defend. The $ex scenes are limited but passionate.

Meanwhile Vikkas Germaine prepares to marry the love of his life but family secrets threaten to throw everything into disarray. From his father’s secret past to betrayal and lies, Vikkas will come face to face with the siblings he has never known, siblings who remained hidden to protect them from the fall-out and collateral damage of numerous affairs, marriage, threats and greed.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful and energetic secondary and supporting characters including all of the Kings of the Castle and their significant others, Khalil Germaine, and his son Vikkas, as well as the introduction of a new generation of Kings known as the Knights including Hiram Fosten and his girlfriend, Bureau investigator Marilyn Spears . We are introduced to Donald Amos, and Big Red, Temple’s mother Sharon Liscell, and Temple’s ex ‘fiance’ Curtis Burnside.

KING OF DEVON is a captivating, intricate, revealing and meticulous instalment in the Kings of the Castle series. The world building continues to expose a little more about Khalil Germaine, the man who mentored the nine boys from the streets of Chicago, a mentor whose own life what barely under control. The premise is intriguing, fast paced and engaging; the romance is seductive and intense.

Previous reviews and reading order
King of Chatham
King of Evanston
King of Devon
King of Morgan Park
King of South Shore
King of Lincoln Park
King of Hyde Park
King of Lawndale

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy


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