King of Hyde Park / King of Lawndale by Lisa Watson & Janice M. Allen

King of Hyde Park/King of Lawndale(Kings of the Castle 8 & 9) by Lisa Watson & Janice Allen-reviews


(Kings of the Castle #8)
by Lisa Watson
Genre: adult, contemporary, romantic, suspense / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters/Indigo /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date December 20, 2019

Alejandro “Dro” Reyes has been a “fixer” for as long as he could remember, which makes owning a crisis management company focused on repairing professional reputations the perfect fit. The same could be said of Lola Samuels, who is only vaguely aware of his true talents and seems totally oblivious to the growing attraction between them. His company, Vantage Point, is in high demand and business in the Windy City is booming. Until a mysterious call following an attempt on his mentor’s life forces him to drop everything and accept a fated position with The Castle which blindsides him with an enemy he never saw coming.

Public relations maven, Lola Samuels, has just been given an impossible task to fix the tarnished image of longtime bad boy, Shawn Mayhew. She reaches out to Dro for assistance, unaware of the underlying tension between the Mayhews and Reyes families. What starts out as a cut and dry working arrangement becomes complicated by danger, ulterior motives, and a fierce heat that won’t be denied.

When Alejandro discovers the lengths that the Mayhews will go to unseat him and ruin his family who has a decades long affiliation to The Castle, he calls in a few reinforcements of his own from his brother Kings. But there’s a hidden agenda that Alejandro doesn’t see coming who threatens his life, his woman, and his throne.


REVIEW:KING OF HYDE PARK by Lisa Watson is the eighth instalment in the multi-authored/ multi-cultural KINGS OF THE CASTLE romantic, suspense series focusing on nine ‘brothers’ from the streets of Chicago (Vikkas, Reno, Shaz, Jai, Daron, Kaleb, Grant, Dro and Dwayne) mentored and taught by the mysterious Khalil Germaine at the exclusive Macro International Magnet School in Chicago. This is fixer Alejandro ‘Dro’ Reyes, and PR agent Lola Samuels’ story line. KING OF HYDE PARK can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty but I recommend reading KINGS OF THE CASTLE (Book one) for backstory and history.

Told from several third person perspectives including Dro and Lola KING OF HYDE PARK continues to focus on the threats against the Kings of the Castle. Alejandro ‘Dro’ Reyes is a fixer, and is desperate to uncover the people behind the attack on his mentor Khalil Germaine, an attack that recalled Dro and his ‘brothers’ back home. Hoping to get closer to Lewis Wingate and Alistair Mayhew, current and former members of the Castle, Dro begins a slow seduction of Alistair’s PA Lola Samuels, only to find himself quickly falling for the woman herself. What ensues is the building relationship and romance between Dro and Lola, and the potential fall-out as Lola becomes collateral damage in the war between The Castle, and its’ former members.

The relationship between Lola and Dro is a rapid building affair of insta-lust to love. Dro knows immediately that Lola is the woman that calls to his heart but Lola struggles in the face of potential betrayal knowing Dro was using her to get close to the Mayhew clan. 

KING OF HYDE PARK is a story of family, friendship, betrayal and control. Once again, several of the Kings of the Castle play secondary and supporting roles including Daron, Jai, Grant and Shaz; Khalil and Vikkas Germaine; Grayson and Travers. We are introduced to Dro’s blood family including brother Esteban and Raul, as well as their parents Victor and Valentina Reyes, and uncle Santiago; Lola’s mother Maggie; Alistair Mayhew and his son Shawn; and security specialist Alexa King.

KING OF HYDE PARK is another fast pace and entertaining instalment in the Kings of the Castle series. The premise is engaging and captivating; the romance is passionate; the characters are numerous and dynamic.

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy


Kings of the Castle #9
by Janice M. Allen
Genre: adult, contemporary, romantic suspense / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters/Indigo /

Release Date: December 23, 2019

Dwayne Harper’s passion is giving disadvantaged boys the tools to transform themselves into successful men. Unfortunately, the minute he steps up to take his place among the men he considers brothers, two things stand in his way: a political office that does not want the competition Dwayne’s new education system will bring, and a well-connected former member of The Castle who will use everything in his power—even those who Dwayne mentors—to shut him down.

Tiffany Mason is harboring a dark secret that can shatter Dwayne’s dream, not to mention his heart. While he is everything she could want in a handsome, intelligent, and driven man, her past makes her second guess the acceptance of his recent proposal. But while she’s searching for a way to disengage from the best relationship she’s ever had, a mutual female friend goes full throttle in an undercover mission to help Dwayne fight those who oppose him. Things become complicated for everyone involved when Tiffany’s past becomes part of a blackmail scheme with the ultimate goal of another woman wanting Dwayne all to herself. Now Tiffany wishes she had been honest with Dwayne from day one so she wouldn’t become a weapon that could be used against him on more than one level.

One of these women holds the key to Dwayne’s success. The other can cause his downfall. Dwayne must choose the right queen, fend off his powerful enemies, and forge toward the success that’s due him as a King of the Castle.


REVIEW: KING OF LAWNDALE by Janice M. Allen is the ninth and final instalment in the multi-authored/ multi-cultural KINGS OF THE CASTLE romantic suspense series focusing on nine ‘brothers’ from the streets of Chicago (Vikkas, Reno, Shaz, Jai, Daron, Kaleb, Grant, Dro and Dwayne) mentored and taught by the mysterious Khalil Germaine at the exclusive Macro International Magnet School in Chicago. This is Dwayne Harper, and Tiffany Mason’s story line. KING OF LAWNDALE can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty but I recommend reading KINGS OF THE CASTLE (Book one) for backstory and history. There is a slight cross-over with the author’s THERE IS NO RIGHT WAY TO DO A WRONG THING where the reader is first introduced to Uncle Bubba and Dwayne. You do not have to have read the aforementioned story in order to understand or follow the current time line.

Told from several third person perspectives including Tiffany and Dwayne KING OF LAWNDALE follows several converging paths including the building relationship between Tiffany and Dwayne, as well as the ongoing struggle with the attempts to destroy and discredit Dwayne Harper, and his Excel Charter School on Chicago’s Westside. Dwayne Harper has always been about the education of the under privileged, and starting his own charter schools gave Dwayne a chance to pay back to the community but Alderman Eduardo Sanchez sees competition and trouble from Dwayne Harper, and does everything in his power to take down Dwayne Harper including going after the woman with whom Dwayne is in love. Enter Tiffany Mason, whose own three year battle with her soon to be ex, is draining the life out of our story line heroine. What ensues is the building romance and relationship between Tiffany and Dwayne, as Dwayne and the Kings of the Castle forge closer to the people h*ll bent on taking it all.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including all of the previous story line couples, Khalil Germaine and his large extended family; Alderman Eduardo Sanchez, and several of his goons; as well as a number of boys who attend Dwayne’s Excel Charter School.

KING OF LAWNDALE is the culmination of nine story lines, each focusing on one of the ‘Kings’ of Chicago, Kings who work tirelessly to bring positivity, and abundance to the out of control, gang infested neighborhoods of Chicago’s crime riddled streets and homes. As each King wages battle in his own district, the men are pulled together in an effort to ferret out the people responsible for trying to kill their mentor and friend Khalil Germaine. The premise is engaging, entertaining and exciting; the romance is clean and sweet; the characters are numerous, energetic and colorful.

Previous reviews and reading order
King of Chatham
King of Evanston
King of Devon
King of Morgan Park
King of South Shore
King of Lincoln Park
King of Hyde Park
King of Lawndale

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy


King of Lincoln Park by Martha Kennerson-a review

KING OF LINCOLN PARK (Kings of the Castle #7) by Martha Kennerson-a review

ebook ONLY 99¢ / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo /

Grant Khambrel, a sexy, successful architect, worked hard to build a thriving business only to have it threatened by mistake that someone has laid at his door. The man who raised Grant after his parents died, made arrangements for Grant to receive the funds necessary to start a lucrative construction company. Soon Grant learns the money came from questionable means with strings attached; strings that took him years to cut and bury. After winning a multi-million dollar contract to renovate the United Center in Chicago, his bid comes under fire when rumors of improper business ethics arise. Grant is blackmailed by a powerful local politician for access and control of something money can’t buy, but will cost him everything if he gives in.

Autumn Knight, the beautiful Administrative Director of the United Center, grew up around both sides of Chicago politics. Her father, a local real estate tycoon and powerful Alderman, believes he should financially benefit from the good works he provides to his community. Autumn loves her father, but disagrees with how he operates and refuses to follow his path. Her career requires interaction with the new architect selected by her father’s committee. When Grant and Autumn meet, their chemistry is overwhelming, and they’re eager to explore their romantic possibilities. Unfortunately, lies and secrets threaten the future they both believe is possible.


REVIEW: KING OF LINCOLN PARK by Martha Kennerson is the seventh instalment in the multi-author / multi-cultural KINGS OF THE CASTLE romantic, suspense series focusing on nine ‘brothers’ from the streets of Chicago (Vikkas, Reno, Shaz, Jai, Daron, Kaleb, Grant, Dro and Dwayne) mentored and taught by the mysterious Khalil Germaine at the exclusive Macro International Magnet School in Chicago. This is King of Lincoln Park, architect Grant Khambrel, and twenty-eight year old, administrative director of the United Center Autumn Knight’s story line. KING OF LINCOLN PARK can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous instalments is revealed where necessary.

NOTE: For fans of Martha Kennerson, there is a cross-over with the characters Meeks Montgomery and the Blake Sisters from the author’s Protecting the Heiress, Seducing the Heiress, and Tempting the Heiress.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Grant and Autumn) KING OF LINCOLN PARK follows architect Grant Khambrel in the wake of winning the bid to renovate and upgrade the United Center, a win that places Grant in the direct line of fire when a dirty alderman, and his goons, threaten the vendors Grant is hoping to hire. Enter Autumn Knight, the administrative director of the United Center, as well as the daughter of the James Knight, the alderman in question. As Grant embarks on hiring his team, the Kings will come under a different kind of threat, when the historical society demands control of the Castle.

Autumn Knight is aware of her father’s questionable ethics but is shocked to learn, to what depths, he is willing to secure his power. From threatening would-be admirers or choosing the men with whom Autumn can date, Alderman James Knight is a force to be reckoned, a force that stands in the way of Grant current plans.

The relationship between Grant and Autumn is one of instant attraction but an attraction tempered by issues of trust, and Alderman Knight’s unethical control. Grant knows that Autumn is his happily ever after but Autumn has yet to realize to what depth her father controls everything he touches. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

Several of the Kings of the Castle play secondary and supporting roles including Daron and Jai, and several of the young Knights (Hiram , Falcon, Michael, Ryan, Kevin). We are introduced to Grant’s uncle Ben and his partner Sam, Autumn’s administrative assistant Jenna Lowe, community activist Mark Nadler, Alderman James Knight and his right hand man Richmond Kane, as well as security specialist Meeks Montgomery.

KING OF LINCOLN PARK is a fast paced, intriguing and revealing story line wherein not only does Grant struggle to regain control but the Castle, itself, is threatened by an outside source. The premise is engaging and captivating; the romance is seductive and intense; the characters are colorful and energetic. KING OF LINCOLN PARK is a wonderful addition to the Kings of the Castle series.

Previous reviews and reading order
King of Chatham
King of Evanston
King of Devon
King of Morgan Park
King of South Shore
King of Lincoln Park
King of Hyde Park
King of Lawndale

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy


King of Devon (Kings of the Castle #4) by Naleighna Kai-a review

King of Devon (Kings of the Castle #4) by Naleighna Kai-a review

ebook only 99¢ / / B&N / KOBO /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date December 6, 2019.

When a coma patient becomes pregnant under mysterious circumstances, Jai’s medical facility and employees come under intense government, media, and law enforcement scrutiny. During the investigation, he receives a mysterious call summoning him to The Castle following an attempt on his mentor’s life. Soon, Jai is thrust into a position and a brotherhood that will require more of him than he’s prepared to give. With it, a dark family secret explodes that has the potential to destroy the people he loves most.

Temple Devaughn survives a horrific ordeal that lands her in a year-long coma. She finally awakens, only to find she’s been violated and now has a child. The police are investigating the men who cared for her at a medical center that employs “controversial” but highly successful methods. Yet, she has no choice but to trust Jai after she learns the lengths her family has gone to get their hands on a fortune they’ve kept hidden all this time. Complications arise, and Jai is forced to step in to protect Temple from the revenge-seeking perpetrator while showing that he can guard her heart as well.

Will Jai be able to fend off their enemies, fulfill his destiny at The Castle, and navigate a relationship with Temple that is marred by betrayal, mystery, and deadly attempts to silence her once and for all?


REVIEW:KING OF DEVON by Naleighna Kai is the fourth instalment in the multi-authored/multi-cultural KINGS OF THE CASTLE romance series focusing on nine nine ‘brothers’ from the streets of Chicago (Vikkas, Reno, Shaz, Jai, Daron, Kaleb, Grant, Dro and Dwayne) mentored and taught by the mysterious Khalil Germaine at the exclusive Macro International Magnet School in Chicago. This is King of Devon and holistic healer Jaidev ‘Jai’ Maharaj, and Temple Devaughn’s story line. KING OF DEVON can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty but I recommend reading KINGS OF THE CASTLE (Book one) for backstory.

NOTE: Due to the nature and content of the story line premise, there may be some triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from several third person perspectives including Jai and Temple, following numerous intersecting pathways KING OF DEVON is a detailed and complex addition to the Kings of the Castle. Jai Maharaj owns and operates a nursing facility where it is discovered that one of his young comatose clients, Temple Devaughn, have become pregnant while under his care at the Chetan Healing Center. An investigation into the staff throws shade at all of Jaidev’s employees but none more so than the man himself. Meanwhile several people with connections to Temple, to the Center, to law enforcement, and with the Castle elite all have an axe to grind or are looking for a pay out at the end of the day. But the birth of Temple’s daughter India finds our hero taking full responsibility for the little child, a responsibility that will come with feelings and emotions for Temple, herself. What ensues is the investigation, research and revelations about the who, how, and why, as the betrayal, secrets, lies, and greed slowly bleed the life and power from more than one person hell-bent on destroying them all.

Temple Devaughn has survived not one, not twice but three times against the abusive powers of the people sworn to love and protect. Sexually abused as a child, then again while under the care of the Chetan Healing Center, our heroine is made stronger but that which did not kill her or destroy. Jaidev Maharaj knows to fall in love with Temple goes against everything he has sworn to protect but something about Temple calls to our hero, something he is unable to resist or defend. The $ex scenes are limited but passionate.

Meanwhile Vikkas Germaine prepares to marry the love of his life but family secrets threaten to throw everything into disarray. From his father’s secret past to betrayal and lies, Vikkas will come face to face with the siblings he has never known, siblings who remained hidden to protect them from the fall-out and collateral damage of numerous affairs, marriage, threats and greed.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful and energetic secondary and supporting characters including all of the Kings of the Castle and their significant others, Khalil Germaine, and his son Vikkas, as well as the introduction of a new generation of Kings known as the Knights including Hiram Fosten and his girlfriend, Bureau investigator Marilyn Spears . We are introduced to Donald Amos, and Big Red, Temple’s mother Sharon Liscell, and Temple’s ex ‘fiance’ Curtis Burnside.

KING OF DEVON is a captivating, intricate, revealing and meticulous instalment in the Kings of the Castle series. The world building continues to expose a little more about Khalil Germaine, the man who mentored the nine boys from the streets of Chicago, a mentor whose own life what barely under control. The premise is intriguing, fast paced and engaging; the romance is seductive and intense.

Previous reviews and reading order
King of Chatham
King of Evanston
King of Devon
King of Morgan Park
King of South Shore
King of Lincoln Park
King of Hyde Park
King of Lawndale

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy


KING OF EVANSTON (Kings of the Castle #3) by J.L. Campbell-a review

KING OF EVANSTON (Kings of the Castle #3) by J.L. Campbell-a review

ebook only 99¢ / / B&N / KOBO /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date December 3, 2019

Shaz Bostwick’s personal views and business ethics collide when Camilla Gibson walks into his office, seeking his help.The treatment her daughter needs is available in Chicago, but Camilla is almost out of time and has several issues working against her. Raised as an immigrant, Shaz knows the heartache of family separation firsthand. In a race against the clock and the authorities, he calls in favors but receives a disturbing offer. Let baby Ayanna slip through the cracks in exchange for a handsome reward. Fed up with politicians and businessmen with too much money and too little scruples, Shaz and his fellow Kings of the Castle band together to stem the flow of illegal adoptions, while they solve the mystery of who wants their mentor dead.

Camilla Gibson has traveled the world in her capacity as an adventurer, sometime model, and blogging celebrity. In her eyes, the charming, but tough lawyer is her last resort before deportation. Shaz is smart and tenacious, with renowned negotiating skills and a reputation for making a way when there seems to be none. If she can get past the biggest crisis in her life, then maybe the spark of attraction that sizzles between them will develop into something magical.


REVIEW: KING OF EVANSTON by J.L. Campbell is the third instalment in the multi-authored/ multi-cultural contemporary, adult KINGS OF THE CASTLE, erotic, romantic suspense series focusing on nine ‘brothers’ from the streets of Chicago (Vikkas, Reno, Shaz, Jai, Daron, Kaleb, Grant, Dro and Dwayne) mentored and taught by the mysterious Khalil Germaine at the exclusive Macro International Magnet School in Chicago. This is attorney Shastra ‘Shaz’ Bostwick, and single mother Camilla Gibson’s story line. KING OF EVANSTON can be read as a stand alone but I recommend reading book one KINGS OF THE CASTLE for backstory and history between Shaz and Camilla.

SOME BACKGROUND: Nine men, all ‘brother’s in arms’ from the mean streets of Chicago, have been called together by their former mentor Khalil Germaine in an effort to re-make and reclaim the restrictive and exclusionary THE CASTLE, an institution now involved with illegal activities including drug trafficking, human sexual slavery and more.

Told from third person perspective (Shaz Bostwick) KING OF EVANSTON focuses on the search for an illegal adoption and child slavery ring. Four years earlier, while on vacation in America, Jamaican born Camilla Gibson got pregnant by a man who wanted nothing to do with our story line heroine. Fast forward to present day wherein Camilla has returned to the States, along with her daughter Ayanna, who needs emergency surgery to correct a heart defect but all does not go according to plan when the child’s father offers up his estranged young daughter to the highest bidder. Enter attorney and King of Evanston Shastra ‘Shaz’ Bostwick, and the man with whom Camilla will fall in love. What ensues is the building relationship between Shaz and Camilla, and the potential fall-out as numerous attempts to abduct Ayanna place the child in dangerous and precarious position.

KING OF EVANSTON focuses on the imprisonment of young women, and the illegal procurement and adoption of their newborn children. As the nine Kings of the Castle begin an investigation of their own, all clues lead back to The Castle, and the previous and current members who operated a series of illegal endeavors.

The relationship between Shaz and Camilla begins as a business association that soon turns into something more. Shaz finds himself attracted to a woman whose time in the States is coming to an end, an end that places Ayanna between the two worlds of her mother and her nefarious father. Camilla Gibson is drawn to the enigmatic and powerful attorney Shastra Bostwick but Camilla’s first priority is the protection and safety of her ailing daughter. The $ex scenes are intmate, passionate and limited but saying that I did not feel any palpable sexual heat or attraction, in fact, I felt little to nothing in the way of love or romance, and in this, I struggled to enjoy the overall story.

KING OF EVANSTON is a dramatic story of family, betrayal, illegal activities and tragic circumstances that fulfills another happily ever after for one of the Kings of the Castle.

Previous reviews and reading order
King of Chatham
King of Evanston
King of Devon
King of Morgan Park
King of South Shore
King of Lincoln Park
King of Hyde Park
King of Lawndale

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy


Kings of the Castle /King of Chatham 1 & 2 by Naleighna Kai – reviews

Kings of the Castle /King of Chatham 1 & 2 Naleighna Kai and London St. Charles – reviews

(Kings of the Castle #1)
by Naleighna Kai and S.L. Jennings
Release Date:November 19, 2019
Genre: adult, contemporary, romantic suspense

ebook only 99¢ / / B&N / KOBO

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date November 19, 2019

Fate made them brothers. Protecting the Castle, each other, and the women they love will make them Kings.

When their mentor and founder of The Castle ends up on the business end of an assassination attempt, Grant, Alejandro, Shaz, Mariano, Vikkas, Jai, Daron, Kaleb, and Dwayne are snatched from their daily lives and successful businesses in order to right old wrongs and track down the men responsible for the attempt on his life.

However, The Castle, which was built on humanitarian purposes and has amassed a substantial amount of wealth, is now overrun with dirty politicians, the Russian mafia, American crime lords, and businessmen with their own sordid agendas. They have every intention of keeping the current state of things intact. Even if they have to increase Chicago’s body count to do so.

Calling in his former students and two outsiders is the beginning of a series of dangerous challenges that will alter the path of their lives forever. Not to mention, it will also draw the ire and deadly intent of current Castle members who wield major influence across the globe. Powerful men unexpectedly brought together by their pasts and current circumstances will become a force to be reckoned with.


REVIEW: KINGS OF THE CASTLE is the first instalment in the multi-authored / multi-cultural KINGS OF THE CASTLE erotic, romantic suspense series focusing on nine ‘brothers’ (Vikkas, Reno, Shaz, Jai, Daron, Kaleb, Grant, Dro and Dwayne) mentored and taught by the mysterious Khalil Germaine at the exclusive Macro International Magnet School in Chicago.

Told from several third person perspectives KINGS OF THE CASTLE follows in the aftermath of an attempted assassination of Khalil Germaine, founder of The Castle, a restrictive and exclusionary institution, an institution currently on a downward spiral of crime, immoral and unethical practices in the absence of its leader and owner. The attempt on his father’s life finds Vikkas Germaine contacting his father’s former students as he and his father endeavor to persuade the nine to take over, and remake The Castle into what is was always meant to be…but each new member of The Castle is facing an uphill battle in both their personal and professional lives, a battle that began on the cusp of their mentor’s assassination.

KINGS OF THE CASTLE introduces the players and Kings of the Castle, once boys, plucked from the streets of Chicago who have developed into strong and learned young men: Head master and mentor Khalil Germaine: Reno (King of Chatham) is responsible for rescuing the trafficking victims filtered through The Castle: Grant (King of Lincoln Park) is responsible for untangling The Castle’s properties from illegal deals; Jai (King of Devon) is responsible for the health and well being of The Castle and its Kings: Daron (King of Morgan Park) responsible for vetting members, contractors and the security of The Castle; Dro (King of Hyde Park) responsible for special assignments; Shaz (King of Evanston) responsible for all legal documents and systems for The Castle;Vikkas (King of Wilmette) responsible for the international holding of The Castle;Kaleb (King of South Shore) responsible for development projects in the underprivileged neighborhoods in Chicago; Dwayne (King of Lawndale) responsible for the IT specialities. Each member of the nine has a story to tell; a woman to love; and the responsibility to remain strong in the face of threats by a number of The Castle members who struggle with the emergence of a new family of leaders. The premise is complex with a large amount of exposition and information that reveals just enough clues to keep the reader in suspense; the characters are numerous, energetic, strong and capable.

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(Kings of the Castle #2)
by London St. Charles
Release Date: November 26, 2019
Genre: adult, contemporary, romantic suspense

ebook only 99¢ / / B&N / KOBO /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date November 26, 2019

Mariano “Reno” DeLuca uses his skills and resources to create safe havens for women who find themselves in dangerous situations. Unfortunately, a surge in criminal activity in the Chatham area threatens the women’s anonymity and security, including the mysterious beauty who landed on the doorstep of The Second Chance at Life Women’s Shelter right before an all hands on deck call that summons him to The Castle.

When Zuri Okusanya, an exotic Tanzanian Princess, arrives seeking refuge from an arranged marriage and its deadly consequences, Mariano is now forced to relocate the women in the shelter to an even more secluded place. He is striving hard not to lose his heart to the forbidden goddess, all while fighting an enemy who’s supposed to be an ally and fending off immoral attempts by men who covet his seat on The Castle’s board.

Will Mariano have the power to defeat his adversaries before they destroy him and the woman he loves?


REVIEW: KING OF CHATHAM by London St. Charles is the second instalment in the multi-authored / multi-cultural contemporary, adult KINGS OF THE CASTLE erotic, romantic suspense series focusing on nine ‘brothers’ from the streets of Chicago (Vikkas, Reno, Shaz, Jai, Daron, Kaleb, Grant, Dro and Dwayne) mentored and taught by the mysterious Khalil Germaine at the exclusive Macro International Magnet School in Chicago. This is King of Chatham, Mariano ‘Reno’ DeLuca, and Tanzanian Princess Zuri Okusanya’s story line. KING OF CHATHAM can be read as a stand alone but I recommend reading the series in order for back story and cohesion. Some of the events in King of Chatham run parallel to and cross over with the events of book one Kings of the Castle.

SOME BACKGROUND: Nine men, all ‘brother’s in arms from the mean streets of Chicago, have been called together by their former mentor Khalil Germaine in an effort to re-make and reclaim the restrictive and exclusionary THE CASTLE, an institution now involved with illegal activities including drug trafficking, human sexual slavery and more.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Reno and Zuri) KING OF CHATHAM focuses on the safety of Tanzanian Princess Zuri Okusayna. Several years earlier, Zuri’s mother and the women of Zuri’s tribe helped rescue our heroine by sending her to the USA to avoid female genital mutilation, and the forced marriage to a man as brutal as her father. Zuri’s father Godfrey had sold his daughter to an older man, for money and prestige, money with which Godfrey wasn’t willing to part. But the death of her mother found Zuri back in her homeland facing down her father and the man who claimed Zuri as his own. Once again, Zuri would need the help of the women in the community in an effort to remain free of the absolute rule and abuse of the men of her tribe in Tanzania. Enter King of Chatham, Mariano ‘Reno’ DeLuca, and the man with whom Zuri would fall in love. What ensues is the building relationship between Zuir and Reno, and the potential fall-out as all attempts to protect Zuri fail when her father, and the older members of The Castle, battle to prove they are still in control.

King of Chatham, Mariano ‘Reno’ DeLuca, is a wealthy Italian American who knows racism and prejudices first hand having witnessed his father’s attacks against anyone he deems unworthy including men and women of color. Mariano DeLuca runs a private clinic for abused and battered woman, and will find his happily ever after in the guise of Tanzanian Princess Zuri Okusayna, a client with whom he has no business getting involved.

Meanwhile the Kings of the Castle begin to unravel some of the horrendous crimes of their predecessors including human trafficking when a series of young, Russian girls are brought into Reno’s sister’s medical clinic.

The relationship between Reno and Zuri is one of immediate attraction but forbidden by the rules and ethical issues of Reno’s position as owner of the women’s centre where Zuri has been placed. Zuri knows Reno is the man that calls to her heart but her past is determined to reclaim what is not his to own. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate without the use of over the top, sexually explicit language and text.

All of the Kings of the Castle play secondary and supporting roles including the quick reappearance of their mentor Khalil Germaine. We are introduced to Zuri’s mother Suby and father Godfrey; Reno’s sister Sofia, and their parents Giacomo and Emma DeLuca; women’s shelter receptionist and Reno’s assistant Skyler Pierson ; Mama Winnie; Djimon, the man to whom Zuri was sold; Detective Carter and Detective Xavier Sharpe; several women living and working at the shelter including Olga Smirnov and her son Yvengy; and Frank Maddox, a man deep into the trafficking and demoralization of women and girls.

KING OF CHATHAM is a story of family and betrayal; sacrifice and love. The fast paced premise is engaging and captivating; the characters are numerous, energetic and dynamic; the romance is seductive and tender.

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy
