SHADOW RISING (The Shadow Slayers #2) by Cassi Carver-a review

SHADOW RISING (Shadow Slayers #2) by Cassi Carver

SHADOW RISING is the second storyline (September 25, 2012 release) in Cassi Carver’s The Shadow Slayers series. At the end of Slayer’s Kiss we discover that Kara Reed is the daughter of the late Fallen Demiare king and her rightful place is now on the throne. But when her bond-mate Julian is killed trying to protect her, she is unwilling to let go. Hoping their supernatural abilities will help to regenerate the love of her life, Kara will soon find out, that what you wish for isn’t what you will always get.

Gavin, a member of the Fallen and Julian’s best friend, had pledged to stay by Kara’s side, to guard, protect and to love, but Gavin has been MIA for close to 9 weeks and Kara has felt betrayed. With her guardian Jaxon now falling for her BFF Abbey, Kara is depending on Aiden who seems more than perturbed when he is called to perform his duties. But Kara is one of the few females born to the Demiare and as a princess-in –training it is the Fallen’s responsibility to protect and guard in the absence of her mate. When a coven of witches demands the blood of a Dark Wing angel, Kara knows that her task will be next to impossible-the Dark Wing are the enemy. But when a Dark Wing enters her life, who looks suspiciously like her fallen mate, Kara’s hopes soar thinking the impossible has come true.

Kara’s friend and witch Abbey was injured in the last storyline. As a being of supernatural powers Abbey should have healed, but all attempts have failed. There is one possible cure for Abbey, and if Kara agrees to the witches’s terms, she hopes that both her life and the life of her friend will be spared. But when Gavin returns from his 9 week absence he is shocked to discover that the Fallen angel he once knew as Julian, is now a Dark Wing who is on the verge of plunging in to the abyss. Without their help, the Dark winged Julian will be lost to them forever.

Shadow Rising is an intriguing storyline that builds on the world created by Cassi Carver. We learn more about the clan and the coven of witches, as well as their connection to one another. I enjoyed Shadow Rising and felt it was a much better storyline than the first book- Slayer’s Kiss, but I will add, that many introductory books in a new series tend to be over saturated with too much information that can actually detract from the premise and enjoyment of the book. The character development continued as Cassi delves deeper into the lives of the Fallen, and more of the background history of the Demiare is revealed. Although Jaxon and Abbey are an integral part of the series, they were basically in hiding through most of this book, but Cassi will bring them into focus with their own novella-Silverwing’s Sorceress in December 2012.

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Reviewed by Sandy
