The Enforcer’s Holiday Package (RBMC) by Crimson Syn-review tour

The Enforcer’s Holiday Package (RBMC) by Crimson Syn -review tour / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date December 17, 2021

Stay tuned as the Founding Members of the RBMC get an unforgettable holiday package!

Siege has the world in the palm of his hands.

He’s working on getting promoted to the RBMC’s Road Captain,

His new business is booming,

And he is flying high.

Being an Enforcer to the RBMC has its challenges but it also has its perks.

Bikes, women, and liquor all served on a silver platter,

And he’s not looking to change his life for anybody.

That is until a knock at the door turns his world upside down.

The past comes hurling back at him,

and with it a beautiful stranger,

holding an unexpected holiday package.

This biker is about to get a wake up call his heart never expected.


REVIEW:THE ENFORCER’S HOLIDAY PACKAGE is a Christmas novella 3.5 in Crimson Syn’s contemporary, adult RBMC (Royal B*stards MC:NewOrleans) erotic, MC, romance series. This is RBMC enforcer Adam ‘Siege’ Young, and twenty year old, nursing student Harmony King’s story line. THE ENFORCER’S HOLIDAY PACKAGE can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Harmony and Siege) THE ENFORCER’S HOLIDAY PACKAGE follows a case of mistaken identity, and a secret baby. Harmony King’s twin sister Amber is wanted by the Russian Bratva but Amber is dead, and Harmony is about to pay the price for sins of the past. With her sister’s infant son Gabriel left to her care, Harmony goes to find Adam Young, the child’s father, and hopefully, the man who can rescue our heroine from the Russian mob. What ensues is the quick building sexual relationship between Harmony and Siege as Siege believes our heroine is Amber King, and the fall-out as the Russian Bratva continue to target our story line heroine. As Harmony finds refuge at a local B&B, the proprietor Soul, suffers at the hands of the men looking fore revenge.

The relationship between Siege and Harmony is quick to develop. Within hours of meeting Siege and Harmony are physical with one another, while the Russian Bratva are only minutes behind. The $ex scenes are erotic and intense; Siege wants to be called Daddy, and our couple both like it rough in the bedroom.

We are reintroduced to former Fire Chief Brimstone, the woman he loves Soul, as well as several members of the RBMC and their Prez Bulldog. Brim and Soul’s story line is next.

THE ENFORCER’S HOLIDAY PACKAGE is a fast paced, short read that sees another RBMC member find his own happily ever after. The MC is gearing up for a potential war with the Russian Bratva, as no conflict resolution came to fruition, and the Bratva plot line was overall, somewhat confusing and never truly explained. The premise is engaging but felt rushed; the romance is intimate and seductive but I struggle with the hero wanting to be called ‘daddy’, and calling the heroine his ‘sl*t’; the characters are energetic and dynamic but the development is limited. THE ENFORCER’S HOLIDAY PACKAGE was a bit of a struggle, somewhat confusing, needing a little more fleshing out.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

My name is Crimson Syn, not really, but what fun is it to use my real name. Instead I’ll use my inner goddess’ name, it’s much more fun that way. I grew up in New York City where I had a wonderful education, loving parents and awesome friends. What more could a girl ask for?

I started writing at the age of sixteen. The first romance I read was Stephanie Laurens’ Devil’s Bride. Since then I have been influenced by dozens of flourishing romance authors and even more dashing and daring rogues. I must say it, but Fifty Shades was not my first erotic romance, nor did it influence me to start writing them. If you’ve never read Mary Balogh, Elizabeth Hoyt, Lisa Kleypas, Bertrice Small or A.N. Roquelaure’s Sleeping Beauty trilogy, then you’re missing out. Those were my sweet introductions to erotic romance, and boy were they hot.

So here I am, after reading so many wonderful stories, I have too many sinful tales of my own not to share. I like my alphas rough and possessive, and I have no shame in saying it or writing it. I had delightfully wicked teachers growing up, their books took me to new worlds and brought me new loves. So, I want to do the same for you. I want to indulge my readers in those steamy reads that will send them into the arms of dangerous alphas and deliciously sexy rogues, without leaving the confines of their nice warm bed. If I am able to entice your inner goddesses, then I have done my job and I am satisfied.

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