Always You (Bachelor Brotherhood #3) by Denise Grover Swank-Review, Excerpt & Giveaway

ALWAYS YOU (Bachelor Brotherhood #3) by Denise Grover Swank-Review, Excerpt & Giveaway

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Bachelor Brotherhood #3
by Denise Grover Swank
Release Date: November 28, 2017
Genre: adult, contemporary, romance

Always You / / B&N / KOBO / Google Play / ibooks /

About the book: RELEASE DATE November 28, 2017

First love is better the second time around.

Matt Osborn had no idea coaching his five-year-old nephew’s soccer team would get him so much attention from the mothers-attention he doesn’t want now that he’s given up on love and having a family of his own. Yep, Matt’s the last of his bachelor buddies, and plans on staying that way. That is, until he finds himself face-to-face with the woman who broke his heart.

Single mom Anna paused her life in England to help her father recover from an illness. She can’t afford complications, and too-hot-for-his-own-good Matt Osborn-her almost former fiancé-is definitely a complication. He’s a reminder of what might have been-or should have been. That irresistible pull between them isn’t over. Not even close. But if she’s not careful, she’ll break both their hearts . . . again.


REVIEW: ALWAYS YOU is the third (and final) instalment in Denise Grover Swank’s contemporary, adult BACHELOR BROTHERHOOD romance series focusing on three friends (Kevin, Tyler and Matt) who call themselves The Bachelor Brotherhood. This is construction company operator / soccer coach Matt Osborn, and single mom/international financial consultant Annaliese Fischer-Robins story line. ALWAYS YOU can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary. The Bachelor Brotherhood series is a spin off from the author’s The Wedding Pact Series but you do not need to have read the previous series to enjoy The Bachelor Brotherhood.

SOME BACKGROUND: Years earlier, best friends Matt Osborn, Tyler Norris, and Kevin Vandemeer, following three mutually disastrous relationships and breakups, loosely formed what came to be known as the Bachelor Brotherhood. Tyler and Kevin quickly found love but our hero struggled with moving forward, never forgetting about the woman that broke his heart.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Anna and Matt) ALWAYS YOU follows the rekindling romance between former lovers Anna Fischer-Robins, and Matt Osborn, whose relationship twelve years earlier was destroyed when Anna walked out of Matt’s life in order to pursue a career in international finance. Fast forward to present day, wherein Anna Fischer, now a single mother of a five year old son, returns home to help her ailing father. Registering Toby for soccer, Anna will come face to face with her past-Matt Osborn-the man whose heart she broke when she refused his proposal of marriage, and any chance at a happily ever after. What ensues is the second chance relationship between two people who have never stopped loving one another in the face of heartbreak, pain and thousands of miles of open sea, and the potential fall out when Anna’s recent past comes looking for a second chance.

Matt Osborn was destroyed the day Anna Fischer walked out of his life claiming she didn’t want marriage or children but was destined for the world of international finance overseas. Caring for his sister’s five year old son Ethan has our hero longing for a family of his own with a woman whose return to America is only temporary and fleeting. Anna’s return to US soil finds our heroine a divorced mother of one blowing all of her personal proclamations out of the water adding more anger to an already tepid situation between she and the man she once loved.

The relationship between Anna and Matt is one of second chances; a rekindling romance that quickly develops into something more but something that may only be temporary as Anna is legally obligated to return overseas. Matt’s seduction of Anna pulls our heroine closer to the man she would always love but a man, who for so long, struggled in the face of betrayal and lost love. The $ex scenes are limited but passionate.

Lanie and Tyler (Until You #2), and Kevin and Holly (Only You #1) return as secondary and supporting characters. We are introduced to Anna’s father Albert Fischer, her son Toby, and her ex-husband Phillip Robins; as well as Matt’s nephew Ethan, his mother, and his sister Abby Osborn.

ALWAYS YOU is a sweet story of second chances; a delightful and heart warming tale of one man’s struggle to let go of the past; and one woman’s battle to secure her future. The premise is enjoyable; the romance is tender and fated; the characters are colorful and real.

Reading Order and previous reviews
Only You
Until You
Always You

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Always You Teaser


What would make her happy was standing right in front of her, and she was struggling to remember why this was a bad idea. “I have an appointment at one,” she said. “Another assisted living center tour. With the friend you recommended.”
“We can work around it.”
She should turn him down. She knew she should, so why was she saying, “Okay.”
He smiled, looking more like good-natured Coach Matt and not Alpha Male Matt, the man she’d gotten to know well in her bed twelve years ago.
Damned if she didn’t want Alpha Matt.
He was less than two feet from her, watching her with an intensity that suggested he knew he was making her squirm and loving every minute of it.
“Great,” Matt said, as though he hadn’t made the air temperature rise twenty degrees just from the timbre of his voice. “If you want, Toby can stay with us when you go to your appointment, and then we’ll all go after you’re done.”
“Yeah.” It was a great plan, but standing this close to him made her nervous. She didn’t trust herself to walk out the door without doing something foolish, like kiss him, because right now that seemed like a real possibility. “I should go.” She took a step back and lost her footing.

Matt reached for her, snaking an arm around her back and pulling her upright against him.
Anna sucked in a breath at the contact. Her hands rested on his chest, and she realized it was just as solid as she’d remembered. Shivers ran up her arms and she found herself molding her body to his.
His hand stayed in place on her back, pulling her even closer.
She knew she should back away, but she wanted this, wanted him, and that was dangerous. She was a mother now. Her son had to come first.
“I can’t stay, Matt,” she said again, feeling like a broken record, but she had to make sure he didn’t feel deceived by her again. He deserved full honesty. “I have to think about Toby. I can’t hurt him.”
He looked surprised. “Anna, I would never willingly hurt Toby.”
“But this…us…if we do this…” Did she confess her son’s deepest desire for a father to love him and her worry that this would only confuse him? Was it her secret to tell? “I have to think about Toby. And Ethan.”
“We’re not going to hurt them, Anna.”
“We might. If we get too close.” I might get hurt if we get too close.
Too late for that…
He kept his hand on her back, and lifted the other to the side of her neck. He didn’t answer, at least not with words. He lowered his face, his lips gently brushing hers.
Her breath caught. His touch was like a jolt of electricity to her heart, bringing her back to life.

about the author

Denise Grover SwankNew York Times and USA Today bestselling author Denise Grover Swank was born in Kansas City, Missouri and lived in the area until she was nineteen. Then she became a nomadic gypsy, living in five cities, four states and ten houses over the course of ten years before she moved back to her roots. She speaks English and smattering of Spanish and Chinese, which she learned through an intensive Nick Jr. immersion period. Her hobbies include witty (in her own mind) Facebook comments and dancing in her kitchen with her children. (Quite badly if you believe her offspring.) Hidden talents include the gift of justification and the ability to drink massive amounts of caffeine and still fall asleep within two minutes. Her lack of the sense of smell allows her to perform many unspeakable tasks. She has six children and hasn’t lost her sanity. Or so she leads you to believe.

Follow: Website / Facebook / Book Bub / Amazon Page

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NOTE: The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway. If you have any questions, please contact the tour promoter.

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Forever romance


Until You (Bachelor Brotherhood #2) by Denise Grover Swank-Review, Book Tour & Giveaway

UNTIL YOU (Bachelor Brotherhood #2) by Denise Grover Swank-Review, Book Tour and Giveaway

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Bachelor Brotherhood #2
by Denise Grover Swank
Genre: adult,contemporary, erotic, romance
Release Date: May 30, 2017

Until You / / B&N / KOBO / ibooks / Google

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date May 30, 2017

Never settle down. Ever.

Workaholic Lanie Rogers lives a completely nomadic lifestyle. Her job keeps her on the move, and relationships are a complication she doesn’t need. That is, until she meets Mr. Tall, Dark, and Hotness at a pre-wedding party. Complicated? Maybe. But lately, Lanie’s life has been missing a little something—and sexy playboy Tyler Norris offers something she definitely can’t refuse.

Tyler has always been a little too popular with women for his own good. Ever since he and his buddies vowed to remain bachelors, Tyler figured he was safe from temptation. Lanie and her gorgeous brown eyes are about to prove him so, so wrong. With one kiss, the heat is intense. After one night, it’s pure combustion. It was supposed to be a no-strings fling—until these two commitment-phobes each discover the one undeniable exception to their rule.


REVIEW: UNTIL YOU is the second installment in Denise Grover Swank’s contemporary, adult BACHELOR BROTHERHOOD erotic, romance series focusing on three friends (Kevin, Tyler and Matt) who call themselves The Bachelor Brotherhood. This is Kansas City attorney Tyler Norris, and Atlanta-based retail specialist Lanie Rogers’ story line. UNTIL YOU can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story line is revealed where necessary.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Lanie and Tyler) UNTIL YOU follows several paths including the secret relationship between attorney Tyler Norris, and retail specialist Lanie Rogers. Tyler and Lanie have been paired together in their mutual friends’ wedding-Brittany and Randy-but Brittany has a bad habit of interfering where she doesn’t belong. Brittany is a woman determined to match-make all of her friends, and Lanie refuses to have Brittany interfere in her private life. Enter attorney Tyler Norris, who offers himself up as a ‘secret friends with benefits’ when Lanie begins to panic about Brittany meddling ways. What ensues is the building romance and love between Lanie and Tyler, and the potential fall –out when Tyler’s latest client is in direct competition with the woman with whom he is falling in love.

Lanie Rogers is determined to keep her relationship with Tyler a secret. Brittany’s continuous need to set up all of her friends pushes Lanie out of her comfort zone, and our heroine does not want Brittany to find out about her affair with Tyler Norris. Tyler is a man who is falling for our story line heroine but Lanie refuses to acknowledge the relationship in public. The ongoing lies and secrets begin to build throwing Lanie Rogers into a spiral from whence she may never recover. Lanie’s need to keep their relationship a secret makes for many uncomfortable situations. Her actions are questionable; her continuing reluctance to reveal the truth exacerbates the already slow building story line.

The relationship between Lanie and Tyler is one of immediate attraction but Lanie does not want Brittany interfering in her life, and continues to push Tyler into a temporary arrangement. The back and forth, secrets and lies continues throughout most of the story all to keep Brittany from interfering in her friend’s relationship. The $ex scenes are intimate, intense and seductive without the use of sexually graphic language and text.

We are introduced to the bride and groom-Brittany and Randy- as well as Tyler’s younger brother Eric, and one of Tyler’s former girlfriends –Celesta-who is determined to make Tyler her own; Lanie’s co-worker and friend Stephanie, as well as her best friend Aiden. There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including the return of Matt and Kevin, and Kevin’s wife Holly Vandemeer.

The world building focuses on the upcoming wedding of Brittany and Randy; Tyler and Lanie’s attempts to keep secret their relationship, as well as Lanie and Tyler’s potential fall out when Tyler’s latest client interferes in Lanie’s plans.

UNTIL YOU is a slow building story line where I struggled with the heroine’s need to keep quiet her relationship with the leading hero-sometimes too much is too much especially when the lies begin to compound adding more conflict than necessary. The premise is sexy; the romance is provocative; the characters are colorful and energetic.

Reading Order and Previous Review
Only You
Until You
Always You (November 2017)

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy

Until You Teaser

Q & A

TRC: Hi Denise and welcome to The Reading Cafe

We would like to start with some background information. Would you please tell us something about yourself?

Denise: I’m a lover of wine and Netflix, mother of six, and an author of over thirty books. (Not necessarily in that order.) I’ve written romance, urban fantasy, and mystery. I’ve hit the New York Times list with seven different books (most are with my Rose Gardner mystery series).

TRC: What challenges or difficulties have you encountered writing and publishing your stories?

Denise: I started out intending to publish traditionally but after three books and still no agent or book deals, I indie published Twenty-Eight and a Half Wishes, the first book of my Rose Gardner Mystery series. I loved being in charge of my own career and went on to publish quite a few indie books. I am now hybrid published with both Amazon imprints (47 North and an upcoming mystery series with Montlake), my YA romance with Blink, and my Bachelor Brotherhood series with Grand Central, but my most successful books have been indie published. I’ve sold about 2.2 million books.

TRC: Would you please tell us something about the premise of UNTIL YOU and the Bachelor Brotherhood series?

Denise: The Bachelor Brotherhood is a spinoff of my indie published The Wedding Pact. In the Wedding Pact three friends made a vow to marry by the time they were thirty, but only one of them takes it seriously. In the Bachelor Brotherhood, Kevin Vandermeer, the brother to Megan in The Substitute, forms that Bachelor Brotherhood with his two best friends. All three men have had disastrous relationships and they vow to stay away from women. Tyler is the second bachelor—a recovering player—who gets thrown off his game when he meets the career driven Lanie.

TRC: How do you keep the plot(s) unpredictable without sacrificing content and believability?

Denise: That’s always a struggle with any book, but I try to look at what’s probably expected and got the opposite direction.

TRC: Thank you Denise for taking the time to answer a few questions. Congratulations on the new release.

Denise: Thanks for having me!

about the author

Denise Grover SwankNew York Times and USA Today bestselling author Denise Grover Swank was born in Kansas City, Missouri and lived in the area until she was nineteen. Then she became a nomadic gypsy, living in five cities, four states and ten houses over the course of ten years before she moved back to her roots. She speaks English and smattering of Spanish and Chinese, which she learned through an intensive Nick Jr. immersion period. Her hobbies include witty (in her own mind) Facebook comments and dancing in her kitchen with her children. (Quite badly if you believe her offspring.) Hidden talents include the gift of justification and the ability to drink massive amounts of caffeine and still fall asleep within two minutes. Her lack of the sense of smell allows her to perform many unspeakable tasks. She has six children and hasn’t lost her sanity. Or so she leads you to believe.

Follow: Website / Facebook / Book Bub / Amazon Page

rafflecopter giveaway

NOTE: The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway. If you have any questions, please contact the tour provider

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Forever romance


Only You (Bachelor Brotherhood #1) by Denise Grover Swank-a review

ONLY YOU (Bachelor Brotherhood 1) by Denise Grover Swank-a review

Only You / / B&N / KOBO / BAM /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Re-Release Date October 25, 2016

Never say never . . .

Romance isn’t an option for Holly Greenwood. With her wedding planner career on the line she needs to stay focused, and that means pleasing her demanding boss, not getting distracted by her mind-alteringly hot neighbor . . .

Ex-Marine Kevin Vandemeer craves normalcy. Instead, he has a broken-down old house in need of a match and some gasoline, a meddling family, and the uncanny ability to attract the world’s craziest women. At least that last one he can fix: he and his buddies have made a pact to swear off women, and this includes his sweetly sexy new neighbor.

After one hot night that looks a whole lot like a disaster in the light of day, Kevin and Holly are about to learn that true love doesn’t play by the rules


REVIEW: ONLY YOU is the first installment in Denise Grover Swank’s contemporary, adult BACHELOR BROTHERHOOD romance series focusing on three friends (Kevin, Tyler and Matt) who call themselves The Bachelor Brotherhood. This is former-Marine Kevin Vandemeer, and events planner Holly Greenwood’s story line. The Bachelor Brotherhood series is a spin off from the author’s The Wedding Pact Series but you do not need to have read the previous series to enjoy The Bachelor Brotherhood.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Holly and Kevin) ONLY YOU follows Holly Greenwood as she struggles in both her personal and professional life-a demanding boss who thinks of Holly as her very own personal assistant; a bridezilla client who could make or break Holly’s career; a grandmother whose dementia and mind are quickly deteriorating; and a new neighbor who is everything Holly wants but is strictly off limits and insists on being part of Holly’s life-one way or another. What ensues is the building relationship between Holly and Kevin, and a series of misunderstandings and revelations that force Holly to push Kevin into the friend-zone.

ONLY YOU is a sweet, fun and humorous look at two people as they struggle with family issues, and well-meaning friends. Kevin is caught between trying to please his family as his sister Megan (The Wedding Pact #1) and his mother Nicole continue to meddle in the relationship department. As an events planner Holly is making a name for herself but struggles with a boss who refuses to acknowledge all of our heroine’s hard work.

The relationship between Holly and Kevin is one of immediate attraction but both have sworn off relationships for the forseeable future. Holly’s cousin Melanie is a pitbull as it pertains to Holly’s relationship and potential broken heart, and gives Kevin fair warning if something where to happen. The $ex scenes are intimate and romantic without the over the top graphic imagery and text.

The world building looked at the frenetic life of a wedding planner-the clients, the rants, the back room drama when things don’t go according to plan. We are also up close and personal as Kevin enters the world of home renovations-broken pipes and all.

We are introduced to Holly’s cousin Melanie and their grandmother Barb. Holly and Melanie were raised by Grandma Barb, and they are both struggling, in different ways, with their grandmother’s deteriorating condition. Kevin’s well-meaning but interfering family continue to intrude in his ‘lack’ of a personal life-sister Megan whose impending baby shower throws another wrench into Kevin and Holly’s relationship status; and mother Nicole whose own plans for Kevin include a crazy woman who believes that Kevin is the one. Kevin’s friends and beer drinking bromance with Tyler and Matt add some comic relief as each reveals their disastrous dating relationships with no plans for the future. There is plenty of easy going, back and forth banter between the story line characters that will elicit a smile or two on every page.

ONLY YOU is a lighthearted and delightful story line. The premise is heartwarming and wonderful; the characters are playful and energetic; the romance is provocative. Denise Grover Swank invites the reader into the world of the Bachelor Brotherhood, and three men who never expect to find love.

Copy supplied by the publisher

Reviewed by Sandy
