Before Nightfall by Kat Martin – a Review

Before Nightfall by Kat Martin – a Review


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When her best friend’s son is kidnapped, private detective Lissa Blayne drops everything to focus on the missing boy. Julie and Lissa have been close for years, so when Julie’s friend Colt Wheeler joins the investigation, Lissa bristles at the former ranger’s take-charge attitude. Lissa doesn’t need a man calling the shots, even if there is something about Colt’s protective side that has her tough exterior melting away. As Lissa and Colt take their search on the road, the tension between them slowly morphs into trust and understanding—and they’ll need both in order to outsmart the dangerous abductor they’re tracking. The only thing hotter than their attraction is the heat of the Mexican sun, but this road trip is no vacation…




Before Nightfall by Kat Martin is a novella in her Maximum Security series. Lissa Blayne is a private detective for Maximum Security, and when her best friend calls for immediate help, Lissa drops everything to go to her friend.  Lissa’s friend Julie is desperate, as her abusive ex-husband, whom she has not seen in 8 years, kidnaps her 11-year-old son.  Her ex has no interest in the little girl, but he wants his son to train him to be like him.  When Lissa runs into the house, there is another man, whom she mistakes for the ex, only to learn that this man, was a friend of her deceased husband (she remarried. 

Colt Wheeler is a former Ranger, who was Liam’s (Julie’s deceased husband) friend, and has always tried to make sure the family was doing well.  When he was traveling to a possible job, he stopped in to visit, just after her ex kidnapped the boy.  Colt is determined to help find the boy, and Lissa is not thrilled that he plans to go with her.  Colt has friends who can help in Mexico, where the ex is heading, since he is part of the cartel.  Lissa knows that she will need help trying to get the boy back alive, especially going against a powerful cartel.  In a short time, they both will begin to feel the attraction they have for each other. 

What follows is an exciting, suspenseful adventure where Colt and Lissa find themselves in intense and dangerous situations as they get closer to finding the boy. Even with the help of powerful friends in Mexico, they must deal with not only the cartel, but with the Mexican police who are threatening Lissa and Colt to not interfere with their plan to bring them down.  But Lissa and Colt know they cannot wait any longer, as the boy could be in middle of an attack.

Before Nightfall was an intriguing, action packed, suspenseful, exciting story line that had me on the edge of my seat throughout the book, even though it was a novella.   I also loved Colt and Lissa together, as they made a great couple that we rooted for.  Once again, Kat Martin gives us another exciting thriller. If you enjoy action, suspense, fast paced thriller, and romance, you should read anything by Kat Martin

Reviewed by Barb

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