BLAZING THE TRAIL (The Dragon Diaries YA #3) by Deborah Cooke-a new release review

BLAZING THE TRAIL (The Dragon Diaries YA #3) by Deborah Cooke

BLAZING THE TRAIL (The Dragon Diaries YA #3) by Deborah Cooke

BLAZING THE TRAIL is the third novel and June 2012 new release in Deborah Cooke’s Young Adult series-The Dragon Diaries. Zoe Sorensson is the only female dragon and Wyvern in a world of the shape-shifting supernatural, and must learn about her powers and abilities on the fly-literally. But when the 4 remaining shifter-lines are targeted for death by the Mage, Zoe and her friends must find a way to stop the Valentine’s Day ritual that could end all of their lives.

At the end of WINGING IT, Zoe and her friends had virtually destroyed the collective mind of the Mage. Without memory or purpose, the Mage numbers were dwindling. But those too young to be caught in the mind-sweep were banding together and targeting the remaining shifters-Dragon, Thunderbird, Wolf and Cat. With her powers as the Wyvern came dreams and pre-cognition of what may or may not happen. Without the guidance of the previous Wyvern, it is up to Zoe to decipher the messages that continue to haunt her nightly dreams. But a new dream ally will surface with both a weapon and advice that will aid Zoe with her fight to stay alive.

Knowing that the shifters are targeted by the Mage, an Alliance is formed between the remaining groups to help strengthen and combine their knowledge regarding their survival or demise. But the powerful spell-songs (of) and the use of the Nightblade by the Mage will trap more than one of Zoe’s friends and it will take the new-found powers of a young Wyvern to discern and break through the tangle of spell-light weaves. But it is the Shadoweaters (former Mage) who find the portal between their worlds that will place everyone in danger. With guilt weighing heavily, Zoe must tap into her dreams hoping to solve the puzzles and clues that will bring an end to the Mage and the Shadoweaters that many will become. And it is the revelation as to the origins of the Shadoweaters that will have you scratching your head wondering if the Mage have any concept as to the evil that will eventually take hold and destroy.

Many of Zoe’s allies and friends return. Meagan, her BFF and Mage is learning the power of spell-song; Derek the shy and quiet wolf-shifter who is hoping for more than friendship; Kohana the Thunderbird and sometime friend; Jessica and her new-found abilities; and Jared-Mage and Zoe’s long time crush. Fellow Dragon-shifters Nick, Garret and Liam are called in to aid and protect Zoe. And we will see the development of a couple of potential relationships between the young dragons and some of the other supernatural friends.

The return of Jared will force Zoe to make a choice between two friends, but it is Jared who will sacrifice more than his friendship to save the life of someone he has grown to love. Kohana is still an enigma. Like Zoe, the reader is unsure as to his true purpose until the death of a friend will find the Thunderbird paying back a debt owed to the young Wyvern.

BLAZING THE TRAIL is another fantastic addition to Deborah Cooke’s Dragon Diaries series. As a lover of all things dragon, my only complaint-we didn’t see enough of the young Pyr. Blazing The Trail focuses more on the Mage and the other shape-shifters. I also liked the fact that Deborah does not concentrate on the typical teen love-triangle. Although there is the potential, it was not the center of the story. Many YA authors tend to write a series around a trio of friends who will inevitably come to odds with regards to relationships and love. Deborah allows the story to develop, but keeps the angst-filled relationships on the periphery. Blazing The Trail is a wonderful story from a great author.

1. Flying Blind
2. Winging It
3. Blazing The Trail

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Reviewed by Sandy


Blazing the Trail-The Dragon Diaries

Blazing The Trail:  Deborah Cooke’s third instalment in The Dragon Diaries–Young Adult series will be released June 2012.

Blazing The Trail: An excerpt from Deborah’s website:

It’s almost Valentine’s Day, and Zoë Sorensson’s love life is heating up. Cute, loyal, and understanding, wolf shifter Derek is pretty much the perfect guy. He likes Zoë, and he knows what it’s like to have to keep a secret. Yet, Zoë can’t help but wish it was rebel rocker Jared asking her to the Valentine’s dance instead. But Jared’s too busy playing hot and cold with her heart, calling Zoë his dragon girl one minute and then taking special interest in her best friend the next.

Zoë is just about ready to breathe fire, especially once she uncovers a new threat that targets her friends. Although Zoë thought the Mages were defeated, they’re back and have invoked an old spell to give them new power – they plan to eliminate all shape shifters on the night of the big dance. Now, Zoë must lead an alliance of young shifters to battle the Mages and figure out exactly what – and who – she wants, before it all goes up in smoke…

Stay tuned for my upcoming reviews of Flying Blind and Winging It.–Sandy

To read more:


Deborah Cooke has always been fascinated with dragons, although she has never understood why they have to be the bad guys. She has an honours degree in history, with a focus on medieval studies. She is an avid reader of medieval vernacular literature, fairy tales and fantasy novels, and has written over forty romance novels and novellas. She has also been published under the names Claire Cross and Claire Delacroix.

Deborah makes her home in Canada with her husband. When she isn’t writing, she can be found knitting, sewing or hunting for vintage patterns.

In October and November 2009, Deborah was the writer in residence for the Toronto Public Library, the first time that the library has hosted a residency focussed on the romance genre.
