Crush Me Tenderly / Hold Me Wickedly by Kira James-reviews

Crush Me Tenderly / Hold Me Wickedly by Kira James-reviews

(Dark Alliance prequel 4.5)
by Kira James
Genre: adult, paranormal, romance



When my brother is captured by a vile werewolf, I’ll do anything to free him. The full moon is approaching, and along with it the threat that he will soon become one of the monsters that secreted him away by night.

When a charismatic and dangerous hunter offers his aid, I eagerly accept. Our deadly quest brings us impossibly close, and I soon find myself falling under his spell. Hunting by day and surrendering to our passion by night, I have no doubt that Tiberius is the other half of my soul.

But when it’s time to make our daring rescue, I learn that the shifters who stole my brother aren’t the only monsters drawing close…


REVIEW:  CRUSH ME TENDERLY is a prequel novella found in Kira James’ adult DARK ALLIANCES erotic paranormal romance series. CRUSH ME TENDERLY focuses on the back story and beginning of vampire Tiberius and Carissa’s history and love. Tiberius and Caris story continues in HOLD ME WICKEDLY(see below).

NOTE: CRUSH ME TENDERLY is  bonus content found at Kira James’ website and can be downloaded for FREE here:

Told from dual third person perspectives (Tiberius and Caris) CRUSH ME TENDERLY focuses on the search and rescue of Caris’ young brother Antonio, taken by Baluch Di Fioro, the Alpha Werewolf, a payment for a debt. Tiberius is an ancient vampire, indebted to protect the descendants of the man that had saved his life centuries before, a debt he will honor to his dying breath but Tiberius never expected to fall in love with Carissa, the daughter of the man  whose son is now missing. As Tiberius and Carissa go in search of Antonio, something more sinister awaits our couple back home.

CRUSH ME TENDERLY is a fast paced, engaging and entertaining ‘Romeo and Juliet’ style love story of betrayal, honor and death; the backstory of how and why, to be continued in HOLD ME WICKEDLY.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
Crave Me Roughly .5
Embrace Me Darkly
Torture Me Gently
Tempt Me Deadly

If you haven’t started the series, the introductory novella  CRAVE ME ROUGHLY is FREE  at Bookfunnel

Copies supplied for review

Reviews by Sandy



Dark Alliance 5
by Kira James
Release Date January 19, 2023
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, paranormal, romance, / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: n this life, there’s one thing I know for certain: I’ve got to look out for myself, because nobody else is going to do it.

I learned that the hard way when my mate Tiberius cast me aside, leaving me to walk the lonely shadows of exile.

Now the vampires and werewolves are at war, and I have the power to pick the winning side—or to ensure they both lose. The fanged ones think I’m a traitor, while the shifters refuse to trust me or my intentions.

Only the one I loved so long ago—only Tiberius—believes I can save our world from a violent end. But this irresistibly sexy alpha vampire could be even more dangerous than the encroaching apocalypse… especially when it comes to my heart.

This book features Tiberius and Caris


REVIEW:HOLD ME WICKEDLY is the fourth full-length instalment in Kira James’ contemporary, adult DARK ALLIANCE paranormal romance series. This is the continuing story of vampire/werewolf hybrid Caris de Soranzo, and ancient vampire Tiberius’ story line. HOLD ME WICKEDLY should not be read as a stand alone, I recommend reading the couple’s prequel short story CRUSH ME TENDERLY (available through Bookfunnel) for back story and cohesion

NOTE: Originally published as the Shadowkeepers series this paranormal romance series has been extensively revised.

Told from third person perspective HOLD ME WICKEDLY follows thirty years after Tiberius pushed his mate, Caris de Soranzo out of his life. Caris is a danger to the world; an experiment that could destroy every living creature, and Tiberius did not want the responsibility or guilt to end anyone’s life including his mate’s. Fast forward to present day, Weren Cyrus Reinholt is asking for help from ancient vampire Tiberius to locate his missing daughter but Reinholt doesn’t survive to see her release. Caris is the prime suspect in Reinholt’s murder, and The PEC (Preternatural Enforcement Commission), a Division of Homeland Security is searching for the supernatural responsible for the death. Meeting up with the man that broke her heart means facing the truth about what happened years before but both Caris and Tiberius are determined to find the young woman, a woman who may be more dangerous than Caris, herself. What ensues is rebuilding relationship between Caris and Tiberius, and the potential fall-out as their time together comes to a close.

Caris de Soranzo was first and foremost an obligation. Tiberius had pledged his life to take care of the deSoranzo family but falling in love with Caris was never supposed to happen. Caris is searching for the man that destroyed her life, the man that tortured and experimented on our story line heroine, a man to whom she owed no allegiance. Tiberius had claimed Caris as his mate but centuries later, death and madness would push Caris out of his life. Caris never forgave Tiberius for breaking her heart but she knows that she is a danger to all living creatures, and the PEC had only one plan if they caught our story line heroine.

The relationship between Caris and Tiberius begins as a bond made between Tiberius and the family that saved Tiberius’ life (Crush Me Tenderly). An attack against his mate forced Tiberius to walk away, destroying both of their hearts in the process but Tiberius needed Caris’ help to locate a young woman who could end the world, a young woman with similar abilities as the woman he still loved. The $ex scenes are limited but passionate.

There is a large ensemble cast of supernatural and human secondary and supporting characters (Weren, demons, ogres, Fairy, hellhound, trolls, vampires, including members who work for the PEC, the Alliance , and Division 15 Violent crimes. The requisite evil has many faces.

HOLD ME WICKEDLY is a story of love and loss, betrayal and vengeance, family and relationships, acceptance and understanding. The fast paced premise is intriguing and entertaining; the romance is limited but affectionate; the characters are powerful, deadly and dangerous.

Reviewed by Sandy

Copy supplied for review
