Daughter of the Gods by Stephanie Thornton – a Review

Daughter of the Gods by Stephanie Thornton – a Review


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Egypt, 1400s BC. The pharaoh’s pampered second daughter, lively, intelligent Hatshepsut, delights in racing her chariot through the marketplace and testing her archery skills in the Nile’s marshlands. But the death of her elder sister, Neferubity, in a gruesome accident arising from Hatshepsut’s games forces her to confront her guilt…and sets her on a profoundly changed course.

Hatshepsut enters a loveless marriage with her half brother, Thut, to secure his claim to the Isis Throne and produce a male heir. But it is another of Thut’s wives, the commoner Aset, who bears him a son, while Hatshepsut develops a searing attraction for his brilliant adviser Senenmut. And when Thut suddenly dies, Hatshepsut becomes de facto ruler, as regent to her two-year-old nephew.

Once, Hatshepsut anticipated being free to live and love as she chose. Now she must put Egypt first. Ever daring, she will lead a vast army and build great temples, but always she will be torn between the demands of leadership and the desires of her heart. And even as she makes her boldest move of all, her enemies will plot her downfall….


If you are a historical fiction fan and love exotic places like ancient Egypt, then Daughter of the Gods by Stephanie Thorton is for you! It’s well researched (meaning the important parts are fact). It’s extremely well written, I laughed, I cried, I was appalled, I loved, and I was thoroughly engrossed!

This is the story of Hatshepsut, one of the few women pharaohs in Egypt’s history. She started as the second daughter of Pharaoh Tutmose and his Great Royal Wife Ahmose. Her older sister dies unexpectedly and she must now be the one to marry their half-brother Thutmosis. The linage and marriage rules of the Egyptian royals are very interesting.

The story is one of a young woman, her wants, needs, mistakes and eventually her successes on behalf of her country and people. She was one of the best and most successful rulers Egypt ever had, but it was a huge undertaking with incredible sacrifices.

Stephanie Thornton has filled this book with wonderfully described locations, ideals, and motivations. It’s an incredible journey through this woman’s life and times. It has all the elements needed for a first class romance novel, love, betrayal, intrigue and so much more.

I never felt overwhelmed with descriptions. I was thoroughly enchanted by the dialog and story. It felt like living her life with her as she made her choices and came to learn so much.

I warn you, make time when you start, you won’t want to leave this story and go back to your life… well not for long anyway.

Required equipment: your favorite beverage, snacks to crunch on (not your fingernails), tissues are a must!

Enjoy everyone, I certainly did!

Reviewed by Georgianna

Copy provided by Publisher
