Chaser (Dive Bar #3) by Kylie Scott-Review & Excerpt Tour

CHASER (Dive Bar #3) by Kylie Scott-Review & Excerpt Tour

Dive Bar #3
by Kylie Scott
Release Date: April 17, 2018
Genre: adult, contemporary, romance / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play / BAM / IndieBound / iBooks

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 17, 2018

Given his well-earned bad boy reputation, Eric is having a tough time scoring.. When single Jean moves to town, she seems heaven sent by the sex gods. Only problem is, she not only wants nothing to do with him, but it turns out that she’s pregnant.

Starting over in a small town, Jean is determined to turn her wild lifestyle around and be the kind of mother she always wished she’d had. Since local bar owner and all round hottie, Eric Collins, is now determined to steer clear of her pregnant self, it should be easy. When she goes into labour during a snow storm and her car slides on some ice, it’s Eric who comes to the rescue.

There seems to be a bond between them now, but is it enough? And can Eric give up his manwhore ways to be the man Jean needs?


REVIEW: CHASER is the third instalment in Kylie Scott’s contemporary, adult DIVE BAR romance series-a spin off from the author’s STAGE DIVE rock series. This is bar owner Eric Collins, and Jean Antal’s story line. CHASER can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary but I recommend reading the series in order for cohesion and back-stories.

Told from first person point of view (Eric Collins) CHASER follows the building relationship between thirty year old bar owner Eric Collins, and new comer Jean Antal-a twenty two year old, pregnant and single young woman who has moved from her home town in Jacksonville, Florida to start a new life in Coeur d’Alene, on the invitation of her friend Nell Hewson. Moving into the vacant apartment above the Dive Bar found our heroine face to face with one of the owners, Eric Collins, the man with whom Jean will fall in love. What ensues is the slow building relationship between Eric and Jean, and the potential fall-out as Jean considers moving back to Jacksonville Florida; and the ongoing turmoil between Eric and his business partner Nell Hewson, a woman whose tirades against our story line hero are nothing less than venomous and rude.

Eric’s reputation as a manwh*re finds our hero the target of Nell Hewson’s countless verbal attacks; Nell’s constant berating and censure gets olds pretty fast for Eric as well as this reader but Eric and Nell’s history is rocky, at best. Eric is determined to clean up his act but the non-stop reminders of his previous reputation is disheartening as Eric struggles to move on from his past. Jean Antal just wants to start over in a new town, far away from her unsupportive parents. Befriending Eric Collins led to a familiar support system that allowed our heroine to survive the early days after her child’s birth. Falling in love was never on the agenda but the heart knows what it wants, against the advice of family and friends. With so many people warning Eric against hurting our story line heroine, it is a wonder he didn’t walk away, and start over himself.

The relationship between Jean and Eric is one immediate attraction tempered by Nell Hewson’s belligerent and constant belittling of our story line hero. With the help of the Dive Bar owners and friends but especially her friendship with Eric Collins, Jean’s life begins to flourish. The slow building romance is palpable; the $ex scenes are limited but passionate and seductive.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including Vaughn and Lydia (Dirty #1), Alex and Joe (Twist #2), Nell and Patrick, as well as Jean’s parents Leah and Will, and Eric’s mother Audrey; Eric’s best friend and owner of the building Andre, Dive Bar staff Taka, Rosie and Boyd, as well as the cameo appearances of the members of the rock band Stage Dive including fan favorite Mal.

The world building continues to focus on the family and friends at the Dive Bar including the acrimonious relationship between Nell and Eric, a relationship damaged by grief and loss. Eric’s growth and his maturity level blossoms throughout the story, a growth noticed by everyone but Nell. The witty, back and forth banter between characters is absent, something that is definitely missing from the last few stories-I miss Mal and his unfiltered antics, playful attitude and sense of humor.

CHASER is a story of friendship, love, family and heartbreak. The premise is intoxicating and inspiring; the characters are energetic and sassy; the romance is intimate and captivating. CHASER is an encouraging and uplifting story about two people finding love against the odds.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews

New RE


I’d been tricked. Betrayed.
After Andre and Jean ate their lunch, we headed outside to deal with her stuff. The cold wind suited my mood to perfection.
Talk about disappointed.
“Don’t lift that, it looks heavy,” I snapped.
Jean blinked. “It’s a pillow.”
“The world’s largest pillow ever. You can’t be too careful.” My gaze roamed over her swollen middle. “You’re . . .”
“Pregnant?” she asked with a voice dripping poison and sugar.
“Are you having trouble with the concept?”
“Absolutely not. I was just going to say huge, that’s all.”
She blew out an exasperated breath. “Thanks, Eric. That makes me feel so much better.”
“I just . . .”
“Don’t bother.” The woman turned back to her sensible, medium-sized SUV and got busy riffling through the contents. I was surprised she’d been able to squeeze into the driver’s seat.
Boxes and stuff took up almost every inch inside the vehicle. Each and every box seemed to have been neatly labeled with the contents.
The woman took her organization seriously. She looked over her shoulder. “You know, I can’t help noticing that Eric-the-smooth-moving-flirt has been suddenly replaced by Eric-the-awkward-jerk.”
“Well, you said you were single.” I folded my arms defensively across my chest.
“I am.”
And then there was an awkward silence.
“Yeah, but . . . I mean, in your condition . . .” I fumbled to a halt.
She turned, face all scrunched up. Like I was the one with the problem.
“Just hop out of the way so I can grab some boxes,” I said, voice gruff.
Still nothing from her. “It’s a second-story walk-up and you have a lot of stuff to get up there. You should be taking it easy.” Hands on hips, I tapped my black leather boot against the sidewalk, waiting her out. “Jean, I’m not trying to insult you. It’s the truth.”
She swore quietly, going back to fussing with the contents in the vehicle. I don’t think any woman has ever given me the silent treatment quite this quickly. Usually I’m good for at least a couple of hours after seeing them naked.
Man, I still couldn’t believe this was happening. God hated me or something. Pregnant women and me were enema. Anathema. Whatever. Now that I’d seen her out in the autumn light, however, she looked younger than I’d first guessed. Despite her tired eyes, her skin was smooth, soft looking. She was likely closer to her early twenties than mid.
“How old are you?” I asked.
“Why do you care?”
I shrugged one shoulder. “Just curious.”
“How old are you?”
“Nearly thirty.”
She sniffed. “I’m twenty-two.”
Young, like I’d thought. She was probably too immature for me, anyway.
“Come on, Jean. Let me get some of the boxes.”
Boyd ambled out of the Dive Bar, turning his head this way and that, looking up and down the street. I raised my hand and he started over in our direction. The big cook would make short work out of moving all this stuff. Behind us, Andre and Nell came out of the tenants’ entrance to the Bird Building. The place was a big brick building about a hundred years old. Just past the door was an entryway with stairs leading up to the second floor, followed by two empty shops, their windows covered in flyers about local events. Concerts and parades and shit. They’d been vacant for a while, unfortunately. Andre’s Guitar Den came next, then Pat’s tattoo parlor Inkaho, and the Dive Bar on the corner.
“Everything’s good to go. Alex and I gave it a cleaning last week just to be sure,” said Nell, smacking a kiss on Jean’s cheek.
“You’ll meet Alex later. She’s probably busy working or something now. She’s sort of a shut-in.”
“You two didn’t have to do that,” said Jean. “Thank you.”
Andre leaned against the SUV. “Your furniture got delivered yesterday too, so it’s all good to go.”
“Excellent,” said Jean. “I can’t wait to sleep in a decent bed again. Road trips when you’re seven months’ pregnant kind of suck.”
“I bet.”
“Who’s minding the kitchen?” I asked.
“Lydia will text Boyd if they need something,” said Nell.
“We’re only going to be a few feet away from the place.”
I frowned.
“I own the kitchen, Eric. Not you,” she said. “You’re in charge of the bar, that’s all.”
One of Jean’s eyebrows inched up slightly. So I might have implied that I was the sole owner. Shit happened.
I crossed my arms. “Fine. No need to bite my head off.”
“My best online friend just moved to town. We’ve been texting and skyping for months. She’s been an absolute rock for me through all the nerves of being pregnant again,” said Nell. “Stop messing with my happy.”
And then there was an awkward silence. Great. If only there was some way to get out of helping without looking like a raging asshole. The possibility of anything happening between me and Jean had been buried six feet deep, never to be spoken of again. 

Kylie is a long time fan of erotic love stories and B-grade horror films. She demands a happy ending and if blood and carnage occur along the way then all the better. Based in Queensland, Australia with her two children and one delightful husband, she reads, writes and never dithers around on the internet

Kylie is represented by Amy Tannenbaum at the Jane Rotrosen Agency, New York.

Stalk Kylie Scott: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


Twist (Dive Bar #2) by Kylie Scott-Review and Book Tour

TWIST (Dive Bar #2) by Kylie Scott-Review and Book Tour

Twist Bannerjpg

Dive Bar #2
by Kylie Scott
Release Date: April 11, 2017
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, romance

Twist / Amazon UK | Amazon AUS iBooks | / Google Play |

  B&N / KOBO / BAM /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 11, 2017

When his younger brother loses interest in online dating, hot, bearded, bartender extraordinaire, Joe Collins, only intends to log into his account and shut it down. Until he reads about her.

Alex Parks is funny, friendly, and pretty much everything he’s been looking for in a woman. And in no time at all they’re emailing up a storm, telling each other their deepest darkest secrets… apart from the one that really matters.

And when it comes to love, serving it straight up works better than with a twist.


REVIEW: TWIST is the second installment in Kylie Scott’s contemporary, adult DIVE BAR romance series – a spin off from her popular Stage Dive series. This is bartender/builder Joe Collins, and interior designer Alex Parks’ story line. TWIST can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story line is revealed where necessary.

Told from first person point of view (Alex ) TWIST follows the building relationship between builder/bartender Joe Collins, and interior designer Alex Parks. For weeks Alex has been communicating online with a man she believes to be Eric Collins but a surprise visit to the man in question finds Alex stunned when Eric denies all knowledge of their online affair. Enter Eric’s older brother Joe, and the man with whom Alex will fall in love. What ensues is the rebuilding of a friendship between Alex and Joe, and Alex’s struggle to not fall in love with the man who has lied to her for several months.

Alex Parks doesn’t do relationships but her online friendship with ‘Eric Collins’ finds our heroine entering new territory and stepping out of her comfort zone when she makes a surprise visit to Eric’s hometown. But to Alex’s dismay and shock Eric knows nothing about Alex believing she is a groupie from his days as a rock star and musician. Joe Collins struggles with his place in the family and keeping his identity a secret from Alex Parks has stirred up a hornet’s nest of distrust and anger from not only Alex but from his brother as well- a man who directs his anger at our story line heroine. Joe is a bit of a push over as it pertains to his family and his friends making for some awkward moments between Joe and the woman with whom he will fall in love. While Alex remains in town to help Joe with a renovation project, she discovers that falling for the man will only lead to heartbreak-once again. Some drama of another nature forces Joe to reevaluate his relationship with Alex Parks forcing our heroine in another direction.

The relationship between Alex and Joe begins as a lie; an online deception that Alex struggles to forgive and forget. Joe is determined to make things right with the woman that calls to his heart but an accident will cause Joe to push Alex out of his life, and in doing so, force Alex to walk away for the very last time. Their lack of confidence and uncertainty about the future overshadows their developing love. The $ex scenes are intimate, seductive and intense, without the use of over the top sexually graphic language and text.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including Joes’ brother Eric, and his parents Stan and Audrey Collins; Nell and her ex husband Patrick; Dive Bar employee Rosie; Vaughn and Lydia (Dirty #1) and Alex’s best friend Val, as well as cameo’s appearances by the rock band Stage Dive including our beloved Mal. The requisite conflict is a not so subtle ex who wants a second chance with our story line hero.

TWIST is a slow building story about family, friendships, loyalty and second chances. Joe and Alex’s relationship has issues of trust, not only from Joe’s original deception, but also from demons of the past, for both of our story line characters. The premise lacked something in its’ presentation- perhaps the anticipation factor or lack of any real emotion from either leading character. In the end, the conflict was too quickly resolved for all of the struggle between our leading couple. The romance was provocative; the characters were affectionate and sensitive but missing some of the fiery emotional connection I want in my story line couples.

Reading Order and Previous reviews

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Twist Teaser

About the author

Kylie ScottKylie is a long time fan of erotic love stories and B-grade horror films. She demands a happy ending and if blood and carnage occur along the way then all the better. Based in Queensland, Australia with her two children and one delightful husband, she reads, writes and never dithers around on the internet

Kylie is represented by Amy Tannenbaum at the Jane Rotrosen Agency, New York.

Stalk Kylie Scott: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


Dirty (Dive Bar #1) by Kylie Scott-Review and Book Tour

DIRTY (Dive Bar #1) by Kylie Scott-Review and Book Tour

Dirty Banner

Dive Bar #1
by Kylie Scott
Release Date: April 19, 2016
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic romance

dirty kylie / / B&N / KOBO /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 19, 2016

The last thing Vaughan Hewson expects to find when he returns to his childhood home is a broken hearted bride in his shower, let alone the drama and chaos that comes with her.

Lydia Green doesn’t know whether to burn down the church or sit and cry in a corner. Discovering the love of your life is having an affair on your wedding day is bad enough. Finding out it’s with his best man is another thing all together. She narrowly escapes tying the knot and meets Vaughan only hours later.

Vaughan is the exact opposite of the picture perfect, respected businessman she thought she’d marry. This former musician-turned-bartender is rough around the edges and unsettled. But she already tried Mr. Right and discovered he’s all wrong-maybe it’s time to give Mr. Right Now a chance.

After all, what’s wrong with getting dirty?


REVIEW:   DIRTY is the first installment in Kylie Scott’s contemporary, adult DIVE BAR rocker, romance series- a spin off from her popular Stage Dive series. This is musician/bartender Vaughan Hewson, and real estate agent Lydia Green’s story line. You do not have to have read the original series to understand or follow DIRTY.

Told from first person point of view (Lydia) DIRTY follows Lydia- a runaway bride- who finds herself hiding in Vaughan Hewson’s tub. On her wedding day, Lydia is sent a video of her soon to be husband sexing it up with his best man, and instead of confronting the man she is about to marry, Lydia tucks tail and runs for the hills. Only Lydia doesn’t get too far, and breaks into the neighbor’s house where she comes face to face with the ‘prettiest’ man she has ever met. Enter Vaughn Hewson-home owner- and the man who would make all of Lydia’s dreams come true.

The Dive Bar is the local bar where friends meet, musicians play, and all around chaos ensues. Vaughn’s sister Nell is the co-owner of The Dive Bar, and is currently hoping for a quick infusion of cash but Vaughn’s band split when the lead vocalist went solo, and Vaughn isn’t in any position to help out his sister. What ensues is the building relationship between Vaughn and Lydia, and their interim positions working at Nell’s Dive Bar.

DIVE BAR has a large ensemble of secondary and supporting characters including Vaughn’s sister Nell, her ex husband and tattoo artist Pat, as well as Nell’s staff of Andre, Joe, Masa and Eric. Eric is a piece of work-a manwhore who has found his way into his boss’s pant. Mal Ericson (Stage Dive) makes an appearance allowing for many swoon worthy moments and several sighs.

There is quite a bit of humorous banter as per Kylie Scott’s writing style as well as a number of heartbreaking scenarios when Lydia and Vaughn place an expiry date on their relationship.

The world building focuses on The Dive Bar-the people, the atmosphere, the behind the scenes affairs and $ex lives. The story line is fast paced, and smooth flowing. The sexual tension between Lydia and Vaughn is heightened by the playful sexual banter between our couple.

DIRTY is a sexy read with lighthearted humor, and fascinating characters. The premise is spirited and oft times melodramatic; the characters are animated, colorful, hopeful and intense; the romance is a quick build to a happily ever after. Kylie Scott adds another dimension to her rock romance series with a look at the people a The Dive Bar.

Copy supplied by the publisher through Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy

Dirty Teaser


“Once upon a time,” he began, voice low and measured. “There was a princess. A beautiful, occasionally annoying princess.”

“What was her name?”

“Ah, Notlydia.”

I frowned. “Her name is Notlydia?”

“You wanted a story, I’m giving you one. Shut up.”


An even heavier sigh from the man. “Anyhoo, Notlydia was all set up to marry this prince. We’ll call him Prince Bag of Dicks.”

“Works for me.”

“But on the day of her wedding, when she was wearing this sweet dress that served her tits up like they were a fucking platter—”

“Is this an R-rated story?”

“Please,” he said, sliding an arm around my bare waist. And I let him. “R is for rubbish. If you don’t get to see any penetration then you’re wasting your time. This is XXX.”

I laughed.

“So on the day of her wedding to Prince Bag of Dicks, Notlydia kisses him and he turns into a big slimy two-headed toad with terrible breath and even worse foot odor.”

“Whoa.” I rested my head back against his shoulder. “Poor Notlydia.”

“Hell of a plot twist, right?”

“Never saw that one coming.”

“Mm.” He rested his cheek against the top of my head.

“What happens next?”

“Well, she’s completely freaked out, of course.”

“Of course.”

“And she takes off into the woods. She’s running through bushes, jumping fences, climbing trees, you name it. Nothing’s going to stop her from getting the hell away from that toad, Prince Bag of

Dicks.” He took a sip of beer. “Unfortunately, she loses her fancy dress along the way. She’s just down to some skimpy underwear and a corset and with all that jogging through the forest, it’s barely holding her in. One decent breath and there’s going to be nipple out there for all the world to see.

Did I happen to mention she’d been voted Best Rack in the kingdom four years running? Anyway, eventually she finds this small cottage. Now, what you don’t know about Notlydia is that she has a shady past.”I tried to look up at him. But with the angle, all I got was stubble and cheekbone. “That doesn’t sound like Notlydia.”

“Be quiet.” A hand covered my mouth. “Notlydia’s a dirty, dirty girl. Got a bad side like you wouldn’t believe. A little breaking and entering is nothing to her. So into the house she goes. But she’s all muddy from running through the woods, see? She can’t let people see her like this, she’s a princess, for fuck’s sake.”

The hand remained over my mouth. Which was fine, I had nothing to add to his pornographic fairy tale.

“Notlydia gets in the shower and starts soaping herself. There’s lots of bubbles and steam, and she’s a modern woman so there’s a bit of self-love. She even finds time to wash her hair, shave under her pits. Things like that. But then the owner of the cottage wakes up and hears the water running. He stomps into the bathroom saying, someone’s using up my hot water. Notlydia cries out, not me, not me.”

He craned his neck, meeting my gaze. “See, babe, what did I tell you? That Notlydia is a filthy little liar.”

I looked up to heaven. No help was forthcoming.

“Someone’s using up all my soap, says the owner. Not me, not me, cries Notlydia.” He put his lips next to my ear. “She should be ashamed of herself, shouldn’t she? If ever a busty princess deserved a spanking.”

I bit at the palm of his hand, teeth catching at the fleshy mound beneath his thumb.

“Ow.” He laughed, pulling his hand free. “Then the owner said, someone’s been fingering herself in my shower.”

“Stop!” I put my hands over my ears, trying desperately to hold in my laughter. “This is the worst story ever. The Brothers Grimm are rolling over in their graves.”

“Notlydia throws back the shower curtain and says, oh yeah, big boy, that was me. Come and get it. And they have wild sex all over the cottage.” Vaughan’s body jerked beneath mine as he laughed his ass off. “The end.”

“No way. Notlydia is virtuous and pure. She’d never pull that sort of shit.”

“Nah.” He chuckled. “It all happened exactly as I said. Dirtiest princess in all the land.”

“Like hell. The owner of that cottage was a pervert and a deviant. Why, he would have picked the lock on a chastity belt. She never stood a chance.” Difficult to maintain my pious stance, given I’d started laughing so hard tears were pouring down my cheeks. The funny bastard. “I want to know more about this cottage owner. What’s his name?”

“I don’t know. Let me think . . .” He rested his chin back on top of my head. “He definitely isn’t Prince Charming.”

“He could be!”


“If he wanted to. Or not. Whatever,” I added weakly. Crap. “Let’s go back to not talking.”

I was a moron.

We’d been all relaxed and laughing. Me and my idiot mouth. Way to go, Lydia. Just shout out any old impossible daydream to the dude who’s made it clear there was no future “we.” If someone could just direct me to the nearest brick wall, I’d knock a little sense into myself.On the other hand, it was two stupid words. Surely he could have ignored the last hundred years of Disney perpetuating slick-haired young royals gallivanting around the countryside saving hot babes in distress. For the sake of getting along. God knows, Chris never had any problems ignoring or placating me. I’d seen his thoughtless gorgeous smile aimed my way a hundred times. No, a thousand. If only I’d recognized it for what it was.

Ugh. Just the thought of it made me want to punch the douche all over again.

Maybe I needed a bit more than a week to get over that catastrophe. The money would help. Substantially. I’d never imagined that compromising my morals and taking hush money from such foul woe-begotten assholes would feel so good. Maybe I should sell out more often.

“This, ah, this Prince Charming of yours,” he said haltingly.


Vaughan shifted beneath me, pushing out a heavy breath. “I mean, it doesn’t make sense, does it? Why would he be in a cottage instead of a castle?”

“Well . . . his parents, the king and queen of the neighboring kingdom, died in a terrible accident.”

I stayed perfectly still, waiting to see how he’d react.

“I see.”

“And it hurt him so bad he just, he didn’t want to be a prince anymore.”

Nothing from him.

“Bad things happen in fairy tales sometimes.”

A grunt.

“It’s not fair, but it happens,” I said, feeling my way with more caution than skill. “The prince loved his parents and the castle had too many memories.”


“So he ran away into the woods too.”

“Doesn’t sound like much of a prince if he can’t handle his shit,” he said.

“Princes are just men too, human beings. I don’t think a crown or a penis gives you magical invulnerability to loss and pain.” I stared at the wall, thinking the problem through. “Life is hard.

Terrible things happen. We all have feelings. We’re all just flesh and blood, trying to do our best.”

“Running away from problems isn’t doing your best.” His voice echoed around the small room, the same as around in my head.

What with holding the Coeur d’Alene title for runaway bride of the year, I had no answer. None at all. So much for my half-assed wisdom.


About The author

Kylie ScottKylie is a long time fan of erotic love stories and B-grade horror films. She demands a happy ending and if blood and carnage occur along the way then all the better. Based in Queensland, Australia with her two children and one delightful husband, she reads, writes and never dithers around on the internet

Kylie is represented by Amy Tannenbaum at the Jane Rotrosen Agency, New York.

Stalk Kylie Scott: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


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