Mind Bender / Dueling Timelines by Dean C Moore-reviews

Mind Bender / Dueling Timelines (It Takes Two 1 & 2) by Dean C Moore-reviews

(It Takes Two 1)
by Dean C Moore
Genre: adult, futuristic, sci-fi, speculative thriller

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk / Amazon.au /

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Globetrotting assassin, Amy Farr, and her ex-Navy SEAL partner, Trevor Hunter—the good guys—cross one continent and one country after another in an effort to retrieve a scientist’s formula.

Once injected with the mind-bending substance, ‘mind over matter’ stops being a catchy saying and becomes a reality.

In the right hands, it’s the stuff that new generation soldiers are made of. And in the wrong hands? When you think that few have the mind control of a Zen master, empowering the average joe’s imaginings, well . . . The formula is Armageddon in a bottle.

To get their hands on the substance, Amy and Trevor must face off against their counterparts: Curt Hammon, a sadist and Delta Forces commander with more than one team at his disposal; and Lara Lietoman, a mastermind and corporate head of a transnational empire of crime.

There’s nowhere to go in this world where Lara and Curt can’t track you. And the only one more tech-loving than our assassin Amy Farr, with her hands on even more cutting-edge stuff, is Lara.

It’s a clash of titans grown small in a world where each new tech breakthrough makes yesteryear’s giants seem like today’s roadkill.


REVIEW: MIND BENDER is the first instalment in Dean C Moore’s adult, futuristic IT TAKES TWO speculative/science fiction series.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the story line premise including graphic violence, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told in five acts, from several third person perspectives MIND BENDER focuses on the hunger for power; the ultimate control of the human psyche, and the world at large. Many of the world’s population are transhuman, injected with powerful nanobyte technology creating a humanistic cyborg but a scientist has developed a formula that when administered has the potential for biological warfare including the ability for humans to use thought projections turned into reality. From telekinetics, telepathy and manifestation, assassin Amy Farr, and ex-Navy SEAL Trevor Hunter find themselves in the jungles of Mexico, as self-administered guinea pigs when Amy ‘disposes’ of a vial of futuristic powers. Hoping to build an army of super soldiers, already genetically enhanced with nano technology, CEO Lara Lietoman and Curt Hammon, go in search of Amy and Trevor, in an effort to take back what doesn’t belong.

MIND BENDER is a story of what ifs? Of psychobiology in a world with a sentient AI reaching for singularity, at the expense of humanity and the world, at large. Dean C Moore pulls the reader into a fast paced, graphic, violent, complex and detailed adventure of science fiction and potential fact.

Copy supplied for review


(It Takes Two 2)
by Dean C Moore
Genre: adult, futuristic, sci-fi, speculative thriller, satire

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk / Amazon.au /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 1, 2022.

He’s the perfect assassin. He’s never failed. It doesn’t matter what the resistance is; he cuts through it like Kerry Pure Irish butter. Some are saying he’s enhanced; he’s gotta be. Android maybe. Nano-enhanced maybe. Genetically altered possibly.

But Amy Farr, the trained assassin sent after him, and her partner, Trevor Hunter, former Navy SEAL, fear something far worse.

They fear he isn’t enhanced at all.

So, either he’s some super-powered Zen monk China flushed out of a monastery in Tibet when they should have had the good sense to leave those poor people alone. Or, he’s an extraterrestrial. Those are about the only two options left.

It doesn’t help that Agent X has a penchant for taking out the most politically corrupt, highest-ranking string pullers on the planet; people whose every decision affects billions of lives for the worse. He gives them a choice: confess your crimes on tape, or eat the bullet.

That creates a moral dilemma for Amy and Trent. They see themselves as the avengers. And he’s definitely making them look like slackers on the subject of holding the really bad and entitled accountable to the really needy and disenfranchised.

But that’s what romantic relationships are for, to drive each other absolutely crazy second-guessing their every decision, in between all the smooching and ripped-through Spandex.

As Agent X gets one deep state operative to confess after another, their shocking testimonials are broadcasted into another timeline as part of the experiment. Does the truth set us free, or is too much too soon too detrimental, if people are jumping out of windows out of the sense of horror?

Tired of an era of endless deep state overreach, of false flag events and psyops run against the many peoples of the world, Amy and Trevor are eager to prop up The Truth Shall Set You Free Timeline with the right strategic moves. But which timeline truly serves the greater good?


REVIEW: DUELING TIMELINES is the second instalment in Dean C Moore’s adult, futuristic techno-thriller IT TAKES TWO speculative /sci-fi series. DUELING TIMELINES is a stand alone, not connected to book one, but a stand alone with the same lead characters as MIND BENDER-Amy Farr and Trevor Hunter. You do not have to have read MIND BENDER to understand or comprehend the current timeline.

Told from third person perspectives DUELING TIMELINES is a satirical look at real-world conspiracy theories come to life in a futuristic time. Earth is now occupied and controlled by a serpent-like species known as Draco, and assassin Amy Farr, and her now husband, former US Navy SEAL Trevor Hunter work for an organization called Earth Command. Nano-byte technology has improved such that reanimation, cloning and molecular transportation are the norm but the people of Earth are unaware and oblivious to what’s going on.

DUELING TIMELINES is a satirical tale blending as many modern-day conspiracy theories into a sci-fi adventure of dueling timelines, fallen angels, God and spirituality. From the ultimate control by the world’s oligarchs-Big Pharma, Industry, Financial, Military and Technology to the ascending knowledge of the Dark Web, Deep Web, Deep State and ‘Dark ET’ powers, the conspiracies turned reality asks the questions: Are we all actors on a giant stage controlled by a higher power? Or are we all watching a fraudulent play from the false comfort of our homes as the world implodes?

Copy supplied for review

Reviews by Sandy
