Embracing the Light by M.A. Abraham – a Review

Embracing the Light by M.A. Abraham – a Review


Embracing The Light.Dec 3:13jpg

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The toddlers are spending the day at Gabriel and Eden’s and as they gather they find a new speed… supersonic… in the way of toddlers the world over there is nothing slower, and they are ready to challenge the world. Marious’ sons are there, proving the adage, “like father like sons” and Gabriel’s sons, are another chip off the block. The girls are not going to allow the boys to show them up, and are quite capable of rising to the challenge. It doesn’t take long for the competition to begin. Of course there are those who don’t feel the need to compete, they are just there for the fun. Some may even get a glimpse into their future, and others are already showing signs of being haunted by powers they will never be able to live with easily.

As the day progresses Daroth begins to welcome his guests to the festival as everyone is interested to see what this new tradition is all about. They have heard a lot about this festival of Daroth’s. Will it live up to their expectations? Would the people in their Kingdoms enjoy it too? All these questions and more are answered in this wild romp as Marious and Branith lead their band of merrymakers into the crowd for a little fun, and with those two in the lead you can’t help but ask, is anyone safe? The toddlers are definitely ready to join the celebration as they follow their leader into the spirit of the season as they all prepare to ‘Embrace The Light’



Embracing the Light by M.A. Abraham is a Christmas themed novella, in her Elven Chronicles series. Abraham, last year, gave us a look at the Elves first celebration of their version of Christmas, with Celebration of Light. Embracing the Light was a delightful and fun book to read. I found myself laughing early on, and the young children played like the warriors their families are. 

All the children from the characters we have come to love, Gabriel & Eden, Marious and Tamarak, Haylo & Larek, Torrent and Serenity, Daroth & C’liandra, etc.  It was hilarious to see them gang up at different times on their parents, and others. Just the shout of “attack” had everyone run for cover. 25 or so little bodies were enough to bury the strongest warrior.  

This is a simple sweet enjoyable and fun read at the perfect time for the holidays.  Many of the other kings, and their families showed up to find out for themselves what this annual celebration entailed, and everyone had fun. 

It is hard to write a review, as the description above explains all.  I will end with this…if you want a fast book that is mindless fun, nothing tense, pure family type of entertainment and to visit our beloved elves again..look no further then Embracing the Light.   I enjoyed it thoroughly.  M.A. Abraham has given us some joy to spend during the holidays.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Author

