A Sinful Gift by Emma Castle – a Review

A Sinful Gift by Emma Castle – a Review


Amazon / B&N / Kobo / Apple / Google Play / Bookbub

Kidnapped by one man and given to another…to be shared…Feisty, brave and intelligent, Hazel Callahan isn’t afraid of many things in life. Until she’s kidnapped while leaving a bar by a gorgeous mountain man. Her mysterious captor tells her that she’s to be a gift to his friend. When she meets the man who will be the master of her fate, she never imagined she would actually be tempted to surrender to him, or that she’d be willing when he tells her he plans to share her with the mountain man who first took her. A game of seduction begins and soon Hazel fears she may never want to leave…




A Sinful Gift by Emma Castle is a spicy novella. Hazel Callahan has just won her law case, against her rival, Blake.  She celebrates her win at a bar, and meets a hot sexy man; but decides to go home alone.  As she leaves to her car, she is kidnapped by her mysterious captor, and he tells her he is bringing her to a friend as a gift.  Hazel isn’t afraid of anything, as she is intelligent and feisty, able fight off anyone, but this hunk of a man carries her to the house where she will meet the man who is to be her gift.

To Hazel’s surprise, the man who was gifted, turns out to be her rival, Blake; as they had a relationship years ago, and Blake has never forgotten her. Blake tells her he plans to share her with her captor, Mason, who is his best friend.  Hazel finds herself totally attracted to both men, and a game of seduction begins. They tell her that she would be worshipped like a goddess, with both sharing her.  Hazel willingly knows she will love the attention and all the steamy sex; especially with two men who are swoon worthy.  Blake & Mason (best friends) were determined to win her over, with an overload of pleasure; and Hazel worries that she may never want to leave.

What follows is a very steamy and sexy story, that was constant sex from start to finish. I liked each character individually, as they were loving and caring. Blake having not forgotten about Hazel, was going to do all he could to not let her get away again.  I did think this was a bit too much constant sex scenes.   For those of you who like this steamy storyline, you probably will need to take a cold shower.  😊    

Reviewed by Barb

Copy supplied for review



Love in the Wild by Emma Castle – Dual Review & Giveaway

Love in the Wild by Emma Castle – Dual Review & Giveaway


Amazon / B&N / Kobo / Google Play / Apple / BAM / Book Depository


A Sensual, Powerful, And Thought Provoking Tarzan Retelling

Eden Matthews stumbled upon the discovery of a lifetime while photographing wildlife deep in the heart of Africa…

A gorgeous god of a man living in the wilds of the African jungle among a family of gorillas…

When he saves her life she’s compelled to uncover the man’s tragic past and the fate which led him to grow up in the wild.

But Eden soon learns she can take man from the wild, but she can’t take the wild out of the man…

When her savage savior soon shows her just want he wants of her…her sensual surrender, she finds she can’t resist him teaching her how to love…in the wild.



Barb’s Review:

Love in the Wild by Emma Castle is a standalone novel that is a wonderful modern retelling of Tarzan.  I wasn’t sure what to expect from this retelling, but I am happy to say that I absolutely loved Love in the Wild.  I am amazed how Emma Castle made this into such a great story that I was unable to put down, which I read in one day. 

The story starts off with a couple and baby having survived a plane crash in Africa, unable to get help. Then danger comes when a group of poachers (looking for gold) comes across the couple, and kills them, leaving the 3-year-old alone in the plane to die of natural causes.  Young Thorne is found by a band of Gorillas, with the mother of the leader enamored by the little human baby.  She takes him and he slowly learns to live in the wild, learns their language, and becomes part of their family, especially his new mother and brother

22 years later, we meet Eden Matthews, our heroine, who is a wildlife photographer. Her entire group of coworkers and friends are all killed by poachers (who years later are still looking for the gold mine), with the men planning to take Eden with them, until they hear a roar of the wild, and the workers who live in the area know that sound and run.  The leader then decides to kill Eden and run.  Only a wild man comes out and kills the bad man, and saves an injured Eden.

When he takes her to his cabin high in the trees, to help her recover, and though he doesn’t speak English, she slowly begins to trust him and not be afraid.  When he takes her to the river to clean up from the mud, she sees a gorgeous hunk of man, and in a short time manages to learn more about Thorne. She was amazed to learn he grew up in the wild with Gorillas, and knew when he became a teenager that he was different, but he still remained loyal to his only family.

What follows is a wonderful story of Thorne becoming enamored of Eden, and the feelings she gives him; he wants her as his mate.  Eden was so great with him, as she too is falling hard for the sweet wonderful Thorne.  A slow build romance begins, and it was so well done by Castle.

The last third of the book was Eden finding Thorne’s uncle, proving he is real, and bringing them together. This was a sweet scene when they realize the baby did survive to be Thorne.   But threats remain, as the man behind the killings 22 years ago, and in current, is still around. This evil man wants to find the gold mine, and will do anything to get what he wants.  Eden’s life is in danger, and Thorne with his newfound family will return to Africa to save her.  Will Thorne be in time to save Eden?

Love in the Wild was a such a great sensual romance between Eden and Thorne, as well as an exciting finish to the wild climax.  Bravo to Emma Castle for such a wonderful adventure. I wholly suggest to read this book, which was so well written.

Copy supplied for Review


Julie’s Review:

Love a good Tarzan and Jane story. It does jump around a little for the first couple of chapters. But bear with it, it’s worth the wait. 

Jane (Eden) is an up and coming wildlife photographer. With a chance of a lifetime trip to africa, Eden jumps at the chance. But the chance of a life time trip turns into a nightmare, her party is hijacked, and the people she bonded with were cruelly slaughtered! Thinking she was next, Eden closes her eyes and nothing….. but she hears noises to keep her eyes closed and hopes her death is a quick one. 

Tarzan (Thorne) is a modern day Tarzan, lost as a child, brought up by gorillas, friends to the animals. 

An innocent in the world of men (he lost his parents to killers at the age of three) he knows a little of the outside world (he had a tribesmen as a friend) but nothing prepares him as he gazes upon Eden for the first time. 

It’s beautifully written. With descriptions that bring the jungle alive. We wander through the jungle, trail our hands through clear cool water. Listening to birds and wildlife. It’s a descriptive joy. I was ready to swim in the waterfalls and lay on the furs. 

Thorne is aware he’s different from the animal in the jungle, he’s also aware that the female in from of him is no gorilla. He thinks she’s he’s mate, and will do everything in his power to care and protect her. 

After Eden gets over her initial shock of not being dead, and living in a treehouse, she needs to tame this wild man, and keep him at arms length (which proves difficult when he’s so sweet) she is amazed when he speaks to her (although a little rusty) he remembers a little of his past, and takes her to the plane that brought him here. 

With a little detective work Eden discovers Thorne has an uncle in England. She tries to persuade Thorne he needs to go, but he can’t leave the jungle, he needs to protect the animals that live there, so with a sad heart Eden makes the decision to leave Thorne. (There is also the matter of her dead companions, they need justice) 

And when Eden has to leave Thorne, you know your leaving your heart with that jungle man. He’s desperate roars of sorrow tug at your heartstrings, and your desperate for Eden to realize her mistake and turn back to Thorne. 

It’s not long before Eden and Thorne are reunited, and she persuades him to go to England. He will as long as she is by his side. His childlike wonder is infectious, it makes Eden look at her world through different eyes. She’s enjoying showing Thorne her world, but she wonders how he will cope when she has to go home? But with any luck his uncle will take care of him. But how will she explain that she has to leave him?! 

Oh and don’t forget the poachers/smugglers, they are hot on Eden’s trail, she can’t be a witness to the crimes they committed. And when they find out Thorne knows where vast amounts of treasure is hidden in the jungle, Eden becomes a target twice over! 

So will Eden and Thorne settle in the hassle and bustle of the modern world? Or will the call of jungle become too much for Thorne to ignore?  

I would love to read a second book (maybe visit them wherever they decide to settle. Another author I’ll be adding to my reading list. Another highly recommended book. 




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The Krinar Code by Emma Castle – a Review

The Krinar Code by Emma Castle – a Review


Amazon / B&N / Kobo / BAM / Book Depository / Google Play / Apple



She isn’t supposed to fall in love with him… He’s one of the aliens who invaded Earth.

Harper King is like most humans—she works hard at her job and does her best not to think too much about the Krinar. 

The mysterious aliens took over her planet five years ago, and since then, rumors have surrounded them… whispers of super strength and speed, incredible beauty, and advanced technology. 

Harper should hate them, since her parents died the day they invaded, but something about the infamous Krinar fascinates her. 

Little does she know that the sinfully gorgeous drifter who rescues her from a bar fight will give her the close encounter she’s always dreamed of.

Sef is supposed to be infiltrating a human resistance group, not seducing sweet little human females. But from the moment he sets eyes on Harper, he knows he must have her and will do anything to possess her. Using his human disguise, he lures Harper into his arms and his bed. When it’s far too late for her to escape him, he reveals that he’s a Krinar, one of the powerful and terrifying aliens she’s always wanted to meet. 

He gives her a choice: to save her brothers, she must give herself to him—heart, body, and soul.

Will she choose her dark, seductive alien lover to save her family? Or will she resist the secret desires of her own heart in order to be free?




The Krinar Code by Emma Castle continues The Krinar World series. We first meet Sef in The Krinar Eclipse (he’s Soren’s twin brother) he’s been altered to look more human, he’s been assigned to find, infiltrate and eliminate any resistance fighters that he comes across. But what he finds instead, is a beautiful thing woman on the wrong side of a human males fist!!! 

Tending to her, he realises he may have just found a new toy!!! Krinar are rarely monogamous, but after seeing his brother happy with his “charl” that’s beloved or soulmate in his language, Sef wonders if it’s a one off.

Harper is a hard working human. By day she works in a garage as the mechanic, and in the evenings she works in the bar adjoined to the garage. The bar belongs to her family (her brothers usually run it) she helps out when she can, or when the brothers need her to fill in. Her brothers are resistant fighters. They have been ever since first contact was made, there were pockets of fighting, but no one is a match for the Krinar. 

After saving Harper from a bar full of angry men, he tends to her bruised face. He’s annoyed that she doesn’t have protection. But seducing this tasty human shouldn’t be his priority, he needs to finds the resistance fighters in this area. But one taste won’t hurt, will it? 

Finding out Seth is in fact a dreaded and feared Krinar, and it’s Sef both Seth is bad enough, but when he tells Harper that he knows her brothers are part of the resistance fighters, they will be found and they will be ended!!!! But he’s willing to negotiate…… be his for as long as he wants her, no resistance, her body is to be his and his alone, then he will forget he’s seen her brothers. 

Harper likes Sef, but to be forced…. her choice has been taken away, so it becomes a battle of wills, he may have her body ….. but her heart and soul!!! Never!!!! 

Again it’s a short story from the author. (Same author just another Pen name) We get a little more information on both the resistance and the Krinar people. They think they are entitled to this planet, they find the resistance an irritation, but it’s growing, so things must be done. Enter our hero (another arrogant Krinar) Sef. (Twin to Soren) 

I liked Harper, her dyslexia was handled well (too many authors can come across as unfeeling or condescending) she loved her family and there wasn’t nothing she wouldn’t do to save them. 

We get a little more on the Krinar people. Cramming a lot of information into a novella is always difficult, how much to add, add too much and it just seemed jumbled. Could it be made longer? I think so, there was so much more we could have heard about. I like this world, and I’ll have to come back and visit it soon?

Reviewed by Julie B

Copy supplied for review


A Wilderness Within by Emma Castle – a Review

A Wilderness Within by Emma Castle – a Review


Amazon / B&N / Kobo / BAM / Book Depository / Google Play


The world he knows and loves is gone…

Lincoln Atwood survived the contagion that wiped out the nine tenths of humanity. As the last survivor in a secret government bunker and a Delta Force soldier, he knows that the other survivors are scared, angry and dangerous, just like him. After weeks alone with the mummified bodies of his colleagues, he escapes the bunker. But the world outside has changed. Among the empty cities and crumbling ruins of civilization, he loses himself to the wilderness in his soul. When he sees Caroline, a fellow survivor, she is vision of light in a world gone dark. He wants to help her, but she won’t trust him, when there’s danger around every corner. How can he convince her that fate has brought them together?

She will not go quietly into the night…

Caroline Kelly survived hell when she escaped quarantined Chicago in search of her family after the outbreak. But it’s not as easy to travel from Illinois to Missouri with the world gone dark in the space of three months. The last she thing she needs is to get captured by a muscled, bearded mountain man who looks and acts like a damn super soldier. When it’s clear she can’t escape him, she finds herself becoming fascinated with the brooding, intense man who knows how to survive. He makes her heart race and blood pound. When tragedy strikes, Caroline realizes she might have a plan to save the world, but she’ll need Lincoln’s help. Can she trust Lincoln not only with humanity’s future, but also her heart?



A Wilderness Within by Emma Castle is the 2nd book in her Unlikely Heroes series. This story revolves around a contagion that kills the majority of the world.  Only those immune to the disease have survived, and very few have any hope, as everyone is out for themselves.

We meet Lincoln Atwood, our hero and a Delta Force soldier, who protected the President, as well as other politicians and soldiers, in a bunker; until he was the last one left.  Lincoln travels alone in this dark dystopian world, trusting no one; until he comes across a woman who is also surviving alone. 

Caroline Kelly, our heroine, was the lone survivor at the first airport where the disease was rampant, unable to leave until everyone died, as she escaped.  Caroline is desperate to travel to find her family and pray they survived.  When a bearded hunk of man approaches her, Caroline tries to escape, but gets hurt and the man (Lincoln) carries her to safety.  Caroline trusts no one, and fears for her life.

In a short time, Caroline will first become friends with Lincoln, and eventually an unlikely romance begins, with each now trusting each other and helping to find survivors who want to join and help find a cure. Lincoln recognizes that Caroline makes him believe there is hope out there, and together they will move forward in this bleak dark journey.

What follows is an intriguing and very well written storyline that was not only exciting, but also a story of tragedy and survival.  Lincoln and Caroline were fantastic characters, and despite the circumstances, they managed to find a way to fall in love and give each other the inspiration that there is a future for them together.  In a short time, we became invested in Lincoln and Caroline, their strength and determination and I loved them together.   Along the way they will come across survivors both good and bad, but it will be Caroline’s persistence in using media to convince other survivors to come together and find the cure.

A Wilderness Within was an emotional and gripping journey in a world destroyed by a horrific pandemic.  It is a story of survival, and the fears of family, loss, destruction and the ability to believe in hope for the future. It is also a story of love that will survive.  I do not want to give spoilers, as you really need to read this fantastic story. Emma Castle has written a wonderful, intense and emotional story that is not only believable, but inspirational, with a nice HEA.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy supplied for Review


Midnight with the Devil by Emma Castle – a Review

Midnight with the Devil by Emma Castle – a Review


Amazon / B&N / Kobo / iTunes / Google Play / BAM / Book Depository


He’s sexy as sin and hotter than hell and—oh wait.

What would you do to save a loved one’s life? Make a pact with the Devil?

In Diana Kingston’s defense, it was the middle of the night in the deserted hospital chapel… surely it was just a dream. She hadn’t really sold herself to a brooding stranger to save her father’s life, right? Then she wakes and her father is fully recovered and a mysterious letter arrives from the tall, dark, handsome—um, Devil? Yep, it was right there on the contract, Lucien Star, aka Lucifer Morningstar, that had been his name in the dream… Gulp. What would the Devil himself want with her? Sex. Three months of hot, sweaty, Friday night sex.

Ooookay. Breaking a pact with the Devil doesn’t seem like a smart move. So she’ll do it—but she won’t like it. Not much anyway. But she starts liking it – a lot—and every night they spend together, she likes it and Lucien a little more. Being with him allows her naughty side to come out and play, but Diana starts to see more than just a sexy-as-sin, rock-hard … er…Anyway, he might be Satan, but even he was an angel once. Kind. Noble. And she sees glimpses of that man still inside him… But how in Heaven’s name do you save the Devil from himself?




Midnight with the Devil by Emma Castle is her debut novel, and  I have to say it was an awesome start.

Diana Kingston, our heroine, is at the hospital, watching her father slowly dying.  She prays for a way to save him, and out of the blue, Diana is offered a chance to make a deal to save her father’s life.  But the person who is offering the deal is the devil himself, Lucifer Morningstar, and all he wants is her is to give herself to him to do whatever he wants for three months; every Friday night at midnight.  All Satan wants is Diana’s pure soul to keep the gates of hell closed & eventually turn her dark.   With a contract in hand, despite her misgivings and disbelief, Diana accepts the contract, to save her father. 

We all know the story of Lucifer and how he became a fallen angel and bad boy in charge of Hell.  Lucien Star (Lucifer Morningstar) is the name he uses now, since is tired of living in hell, and lives on earth among humanity, in his penthouse and night club. It did have a short similar ring to the tv show Lucifer.  Diana at first is nervous when she arrives at Lucien’s penthouse, and in a short time she cannot resist him.

What follows is an unlikely romance with Diana in time falling for the forbidden Lucien, and he feels himself starting to have feelings for her, which has never happened to him before.   This was a hot sexy as hell romance that caught me by surprise.   I expected this to be a dark romance, but it was anything but that.  Lucien was handsome, sexy, demanding, but he treated Diana with what would turn out to be love.  I absolutely loved them together, despite knowing somehow it had to come to an end.   

Midnight with the Devil was a wonderful fun steamy romance, written so very well by Emma Castle.  She made us fall in love with both Lucien and Diana, who were truly an unlikely pair, and made this work so well.  It was amazing to see how both of them began to change in a short time; those sex scenes were as I said…hotter than HELL.  I really enjoyed all the secondary characters, and the ending of this story was so fantastic, it left me feeling very emotional.  Bravo to Emma Castle for this sexy, beautiful, wonderful, satisfying and unexpected romance.  I suggest to jump on the bandwagon and start reading Emma Castle now.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy supplied for review
