Evil Empire (Ruthless Revenge 3) by Kristen Luciani -Review Tour

Evil Empire (Ruthless Revenge 3) by Kristen Luciani -Review Tour

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date May 6, 0202

Love runs deep but hatred runs deeper…
It started out as the perfect day.
Marrying the man of my dreams in a gorgeous white gown surrounded by the people I love.
Then our blissful fairy tale took a very dangerous turn,
And ‘happily ever after’ turned into a tangled mess of secrets, lies, and betrayal.
Blind trust thrust me into the darkness with no hope of escape.
I made a deal with the devil when I agreed to this twisted arrangement.
My father-in-law preyed on my fear, shackling me to his corrupt empire.
I should have known any hopes and dreams for a future with Massimo would go up in flames.
There is only one way to sever the puppet strings forever.
But what happens when you try to kill the devil?
What if you miss?


REVIEW:EVIL EMPIRE is the third and final instalment in Kristen Luciani’s contemporary, adult RUTHLESS REVENGE, dark erotic, Mafia series. This is the continuing story focusing on criminal underground heirs Massimo Marrone, and Kristina Ivankov. EVIL EMPIRE should not be read as a stand alone as it picks up immediately after the events of book two STOLEN SOUL. The RUTHLESS REVENGE series is set in the author’s RECKLESS REIGN and SINFULLY SAVAGE worlds.Several characters cross over for cohesion and familiarity.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

SOME BACKGROUND: Weeks earlier Kristina’s parents were killed, and Kristina is now the sole heir to her father’s fortune and dynasty but our heroine will quickly discover that all is not as it appears to be within the Ivankov Crime family. Believing she was deceived by her parents, and betrayed by the man with whom she is falling in love, Kristina struggles with her attraction to and need for our story line hero, a man whose demons runs dangerous and dark. Caught between several factions of the criminal underworld, Kristina and Massimo are forced into a marriage not of their making, a marriage that is meant to unite two powerful families for control at the top but our couple battle between head and heart to trust anyone connected to the Leota Commission, a group of connected underworld families vying for leadership, money and control.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Massimo and Kristina) EVIL EMPIRE continues to focus on uncovering the truth. Massimo Marrone’s father Savio Marrone wants it all including the Ivankov dynasty, all of its’ holdings, and the seat at the top of the Leota Commission. To push for control, Savio continues to control a dangerous game of power, murder, and destruction targeting anyway remotely connected to both Massimo and Kristina. Forced into marriage, Massimo and Kristina struggle to trust family and friends, acquaintances and the people in charge, as murder and mayhem quickly follow anyone who tries to help or is connected to our story line couple. Knowing the answer to their problems may be found within Kristina’s father’s business files, our couple find themselves facing a potential storm of secrets and lies that threaten any sense of well being and peace for now or in the future, as well as the advice and warnings from a mystery person who claims to be helping at every turn. Caught between his father’s wrath, the Mexican Cartel, the Irish Mob and the Russian Bratva, Massimo must call in help, help that threatens everyone involved. Needing to remove the head of the proverbial snake, Massimo places himself in the direct line of fire, as betrayal and deception give way to heart break and loss.

EVIL EMPIRE is an age gap, forced marriage, dark, violent, Mafia romance series focusing on power and control, betrayal and vengeance, obsession and desperation , life, love, death and destruction. The relationship between Massimo and Kristina continues to be highly sexual, erotic and obsessive. Most, if not all, of the previous story line characters play a significant role in this particular instalment with the return of Kristina’s sisters Sofia and Maria; Massimo’s business partner Patty Mulligan and his wife Kyla; Quinn Mulligan; Massimo’s childhood best friend Joey, Joey’s sister Cari, and their parents Teresa and Dino; Gemma and Ronin Valenti; Dante Villani; Matteo and Heaven; and Massimo’s father, mob boss Savio Marrone. The requisite evil has many faces. Here’s hoping the author has plans for Kristina’s sisters.

EVIL EMPIRE is a heart breaking and emotional story line; the characters are broken, desperate , charismatic and lost; the romance is seductive and provocative.

Reading Order and Previous Review
Killer Kiss
Stolen Soul

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

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Kristen Luciani is a self-proclaimed momtrepreneur, beauty product junkie, and USA Today bestselling romance author with a penchant for stilettos, Silicon Valley, plunging necklines and grapefruit martinis.  As a deep-rooted romantic who prefers juicy drama to fill the lives of anyone other than her, she tried her hand at creating a world of enchantment, sensuality, and intrigue, finally uncovering her true passion. No pun intended…
