Lightning in a Mirror by Jayne Ann Krentz – Review & Giveaway

Lightning in a Mirror by Jayne Ann Krentz – Review & Guveaway



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Olivia LeClair’s experiment with speed dating is not going well. First there was the nasty encounter with the date from hell who tried to murder her and now the mysterious Harlan Rancourt—long believed dead—sits down at her table and tells her she’s the only one who can help him locate the legendary Vortex lab.

This is not what Olivia had in mind when she signed up for the Four Event Success Guaranteed package offered by the dating agency. She doesn’t have much choice, though, because her psychic investigation firm works for the mysterious Foundation and Victor Arganbright, the director, is adamant that she assist Harlan. There’s just one problem—no one knows Harlan’s real agenda. His father once ran the Foundation like a mob organization, and Harlan was destined to be his heir. There’s a real possibility Harlan has returned to claim his inheritance.

For now, however, it’s a case of the enemy of my enemy is my friend because others are after the secrets of the long-lost lab. Unfortunately for Olivia, the one thing friend and foe have in common is that everyone is convinced she is the key. Her unique psychic talent is required to defuse the ticking time bomb that is Vortex.

Neither trusts the other but Olivia and Harlan soon realize they must work together to survive and unlock the Bluestone Project’s most dangerous secrets before more innocent people die.




Lightning in a Mirror by Jayne Ann Krentz is the 3rd and final book in her wonderful Fogg Lake series.  Refresher: 40 years ago, in the small town of Fogg Lake, an explosion caused various paranormal effects on many of the residents; such as visions, auras and other unique abilities.  The community kept to itself, not revealing anything about those strange effects; leaving the town bare of updated mechanics, such as Wi-Fi, computers, cell phones, as the dense fog blocked those signals.

Olivia LeClair, our heroine, is a private investigator with her best friend, Catalina; they both lived in Fogg Lake when they were younger; she has a psychic gift of reading aura’s.  Olivia takes part of a speed dating, which originally failed when the person tried to kill her; but now she attends the event, and asks a weird question to each person she meets “If I disappeared tomorrow would you walk into to hell to find me?  Only one person answered back correctly, saying he would walk into hell, because he has been there.

Harlan Rancourt, our hero, has been presumed dead, until he shows up years later, at The Foundation run by Victor Arganbright and Lucas Pine.   After his father (the original founders of the Foundation) died in the explosion years ago, Harlan now returns to convince the Foundation to help him find an oracle, whom he feels will lead to discovering where the legendary Vortex Lab is.  Arganbright agrees to work with him and suggests to use Olivia, who is one of the best.  She is not sure that she can trust Harland, but agrees to work together, especially since he assures her that he will find her mother’s killer. They are both powerful talents in the psychic world, with her seeing his aura and knowing how dangerous it was, even with his ability to hide it, and she also being an excellent private investigator.

I loved Olivia, her smarts, savvy, confidence, fearlessness, as she made a fantastic heroine.  I also like Harlan, and in a short time, we can see the chemistry between them heat up.  I really got a kick out of the car scene, which was very funny.

What follows is an exciting, intense, action filled adventure, with some twists and turns. From start to finish, the story keeps us unable to put the book down, in this journey filled with romance, suspense and danger.   Olivia and Harlan were a wonderful couple and made a great team; there were some excellent secondary characters, as well as evil villains.  To tell too much more would be spoilers.

Lightning in a Mirror is an exciting, intense, suspenseful thriller, with supernatural elements.    Jayne Ann Krentz gives us a wonderful conclusion to this series.  If you enjoy suspense mysteries, great couple and a dose of supernatural, you should be reading this series.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher


Jayne Ann’s Publisher, Berkley is offering a hardcover copy of LIGHTNING IN A MIRROR  to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe.

1. If you have not previously registered at The Reading Cafe, please register by using the log-in at the top of the page (side bar) or by using one of the social log-ins.

2. If you are using a social log-in, please post your email address with your comment.

3. Follow Jayne Ann Krentz on Facebook.


5. Please FOLLOW us on Twitter for an additional entry.

6. Please FOLLOW us on GOODREADS for an additional entry.

7. Giveaway is open to USA only

8. Giveaway runs from January 18-22, 2022




All the Colors of Night by Jayne Ann Krentz – a Review

All the Colors of Night by Jayne Ann Krentz – a Review


Amazon / B&N / Kobo / Google Play / Apple / BAM / Book Depository


North Chastain possesses a paranormal talent that gives him the ability to track down the most dangerous psychic criminals. When his father suddenly falls into a coma, North is convinced it was caused by a deadly artifact traced back to the days of a secret government laboratory known only as the Bluestone Project. North knows his only hope of saving his father is to find the artifact. He is good when it comes to tracking down killers but to locate the relic, he’s going to need help from a psychic who knows the shadowy world of obsessive collectors, deceptive dealers, and ruthless raiders…

With her reputation in ruins after a false accusation, antique expert Sierra Raines is looking for a fresh start. She turns to the murky backwaters of the paranormal artifacts trade, finding and transporting valuable objects with a psychic provenance. When North Chastain approaches her for help, Sierra takes him on as a client, though not without reservations. North represents the mysterious Foundation, the secretive organization established to police the underworld populated by psychic criminals and those, like Sierra, who make a living in the shadows of that world.

North and Sierra soon find themselves at the scene of The Incident that occurred decades ago in Fogg Lake. The town and its residents were forever changed by the disaster in the nearby Bluestone Project labs. The pair unearth shocking truths about what happened that fateful night, but they are playing with fire—someone in town knows what they’ve discovered and will do anything to make sure the secrets stay buried.




All The Colors of Night by Jayne Ann Krentz is the 2nd book in her Fogg Lake series. Refresher: 40 years ago in the small town of Fogg Lake, an explosion caused various paranormal effects on many of the residents; such as visions, auras and other unique abilities.  The community kept to itself, not revealing anything about those strange effects; leaving the town bare of updated mechanics, such as wifi, computers, cell phones, as the dense fog blocked those signals.  

We meet our heroine, Sierra Raines, at the start, when she finds herself in a dangerous situation, with a client threatening to kill her; but with some of her paranormal ability to use mirrors, she was able to escape.  Sierra is a psychic expert on artifacts, working for a firm that trades those artifacts, as she finds and delivers them, since she is one of the best in her field.

North Chastain, our hero, also has paranormal ability as a ‘cleaner’ for The Foundation, tracking down bad psychic criminals.  North has recently begun to worry that he is losing his powers, as his specialty for seeing psi lights has suddenly gone wacky.  When North’s father is attacked and in a psychic induced coma, he suspects that someone is determined to find a dangerous artifact in the secret Fogg Lake lab 40 years ago; in order to save his father, he asks and is given Sierra to help him find the artifact. At first, North isn’t sure Sierra can be trusted, but in a short time he realizes how good she is and together they make a great team.  Right from the start, Sierra discovers that those glasses North wears has some bad paranormal effects and tells him this is why his powers are going away. Over time, she does come through helping him often, and North begins to find himself falling for her, as Sierra is smart, brave and a bad ass, not to mention beautiful. 

They will learn that the man who attacked North’s father was part of a psychiatric institution, forcing experiments on people with little paranormal ability. As they get closer to finding the truth, the trail leads North and Sierra to Fogg Lake, where they discover the lab, where his grandfather worked leaving hidden clues and artifacts.  Who is behind the attacks and threats on their lives?

What follows is an exciting, intense, action filled adventure, with many twists and turns. North and Sierra were a wonderful couple and a great team.  It was nice to see their romance build; especially as they were able to save each other numerous times.  To tell too much more would be spoilers.  All The Colors of the Night is a fast-paced suspenseful mystery thriller, with supernatural elements that add to the storyline.   Jayne Ann Krentz once again gives us another wonderful story in this series; which I look forward to reading the next book.  If you enjoy suspense mysteries, great couple and a dose of supernatural, you need to read this new series.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher





The Vanishing by Jayne Ann Krentz – Review, Excerpt & Giveaway

The Vanishing by Jayne Ann Krentz – Review, Excerpt & Giveaway



Amazon / B&N / Kobo / BAM / Book Depository / Google Play / Apple


Forty years ago in the small town of Fogg Lake, “The Incident” occurred: an explosion in the cave system that released unknown gases, causing peculiar effects on its residents, such as strange visions and ominous voices. Not wanting the government to get involved, they chalked it up to the hallucinogenic effects of mushrooms. Little did they know these effects would linger through the generations….

Residents Catalina Lark and Olivia Dayton have been best friends for years and own an investigation firm together, using what they call the “other sight” to help with their business. When Olivia goes missing, Cat frantically begins the search for her alone when the town does nothing about it. When scientist Slate Trevelyan shows up, she has no choice but to accept his help even though there’s something about him she just can’t trust. The duo discovers someone is hunting the two witnesses of a murder in Fogg Lake fourteen years ago—the very one Cat and Olivia witnessed as teens, one that they couldn’t prove happened. Cat and Slate’s search for Olivia takes them down a rabbit hole that is far more dangerous and mysterious than they ever expected, and with a killer in their midst, neither of them can foresee who will come out alive.


The Vanishing by Jayne Ann Krentz is the 1st book in her new Fogg Lake series.  The story begins around 40 years ago in the small town of Fogg Lake, when an explosion caused various effects on many of the residents; such as visions, auras and other paranormal things.  The community kept to itself, not revealing anything about those strange effects; leaving the town bare of updated mechanics, such as wifi, computers, cell phones, as the dense fog blocked those signals.  

We pick up with Catalina Lark and Olivia Dayton, best friends who grew up in Fogg Lake, and now work together in Seattle running a private investigative firm; both have the sight, and use those abilities to help in their line of work.  Both Cat and Olivia were involved years before, as teenagers, in an incident in one the caves in Fogg Lake, where they witnessed a murder, and managed to escape the murderer by going deep into the strange vibes of the cave. The town convinced them that they had been hallucinating due to the gases in the cave and the matter was dropped.

Now in present time, Cat is worried, as Olivia has disappeared. Enter Slater Arganbright, who is the nephew of the head of The Foundation, which monitors supernatural things.  Slater is a scientist, and also has unique and similar abilities as Cat.  She wants nothing to do with the Arganbrights, as they caused her grief in her business, but desperate for help finding Olivia, she agrees to team up with Slater.  They come to the conclusion that someone from the past, specifically the murderer from the incident years before, who is looking for both Olivia and Cat.  This will lead them back to Fogg Lake, as they race against time to find Olivia, and discover who and what in the past is hell bent on destroying them.  They will discover that there are dangerous things in the caves, that involve government experiments.

What follows is an exciting and intense adventure, with Slater and Cat working very well together.  It was nice to see a romance slowly build over their time together;  I really liked both Cat and Slater.  To tell too much more would be spoilers.  The Vanishing is a fast-paced suspenseful mystery thriller, with supernatural elements that add to the storyline.   Jayne Ann Krentz once again gives us a great start to a new trilogy, which I look forward to reading the next book.  If you enjoy suspense mysteries, great couple and a dose of supernatural, you need to read this new series.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher



Chapter 5

By the time Catalina reached the lobby of the office building that housed Lark & LeClair, she was a little winded, tense with anger and vibrating with anxiety.
Daniel was already behind his desk. He took one look at her when she came through the door and got to his feet.
“Are you all right?” he asked.
“I’m fine. Has there been any word from Olivia?”
“No.” Daniel frowned. “Should there be some word from her?”
Catalina glanced at the clock. “In another five minutes she’ll be late. She’s never late.”
Daniel raised his brows. “The hot date, remember? She’s probably having a late breakfast with Mr. Perfect.”
“Probably,” Catalina said.
Daniel exhaled slowly. “You think something’s wrong, don’t you?”
“Olivia knows I would be worried about her by now,” Catalina said. “She should have checked in. She’s not answering her phone. I’m going to call Ferris.”
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” Daniel said.
“I can apologize later.”
Emerson Ferris answered on the fourth ring. He sounded groggy; maybe hungover. Maybe angry. Whatever the case, it was clear from his first words that he was not in a good mood—certainly not in the mood one would expect from a man who had spent the night with a lover.
“No, Olivia isn’t here,” he growled. “Who the hell is this?”
“Catalina Lark, her friend and business partner. We’ve met a few times, remember?”
“Oh, yeah, I remember you. Well, you can tell your friend and business partner that I got the message. But, shit, she could have texted me to say it’s over. She didn’t have to ghost me. I spent half the day on that meal and she didn’t even bother to let me know that she wasn’t going to make it. I thought she cared. I was so wrong about her.”
Catalina stopped breathing. She clutched the phone so tightly it was a wonder the device didn’t shatter.
“Are you saying Olivia didn’t show up at all last night?” she whispered.
“Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m saying.” Emerson paused. “Why? Do you know something I don’t know?”
“No,” Catalina said. “I don’t, and that’s got me scared half to death.”
“What the hell?” Sudden alarm erased the growl in Emerson’s voice. “Where’s Olivia?”
“I have no idea,” Catalina said. “Why do you think I called you? I’m going to hang up now and make some other phone calls.”
“Holy shit, do you mean you’re going to start calling the hospitals? Do you really think something happened to her?”
“I just told you, I don’t know,” Catalina said. “But something is very wrong. I’ve got to go now. Give me your word that you’ll call me if you hear from her.”
“Yeah, sure.” Emerson’s voice sharpened. “I’ll get in touch right away. What about her car? Is it gone?”
“Her car is still in the apartment garage. She said she was going to use a ride-hailing app to go to your place.”
“Maybe the car service can tell you when they picked her up and where they took her.”
“Trust me, I’m going to start there.”
“Let me know what you find out, okay? Call me immediately. Now you’ve got me worried, too.”
“I’ll be in touch,” Catalina said.
She hung up the phone and looked at Daniel. “Olivia never showed up at Emerson Ferris’s condo.”
Daniel reached for his own phone.
“I’ll call the hospitals,” he said. “You deal with the ride-hailing company.”
Twenty minutes later they both put down their phones. Catalina had to fight to suppress the raw panic that was eating her up inside.
“The car service guy says Olivia canceled the pickup,” she managed, trying to maintain a semblance of calm. “I called all of her other friends. No one saw her last night.”
“The hospitals have no record of admitting anyone by that name,” Daniel reported. “What in the world is going on? It’s not like Olivia to just up and vanish.”
“No, it’s not,” Catalina said. She grabbed her coat and handbag and headed for the door. “You stay here and start going through the morning news reports. You’re looking for anything that happened in the Seattle downtown area last night. Car accidents. Fires. Shootings. Robberies. Kidnappings. Anything.”



Jayne Ann’s Publisher, Berkley is offering a hardcover copy of THE VANISHING  to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe.

1. If you have not previously registered at The Reading Cafe, please register by using the log-in at the top of the page (side bar) or by using one of the social log-ins.

2. If you are using a social log-in, please post your email address with your comment.

3. Follow Jayne Ann Krentz on Facebook.


5. Please FOLLOW us on Twitter for an additional entry.

6. Please FOLLOW us on GOODREADS for an additional entry.

7. Giveaway is open to USA only

8. Giveaway runs from January 7-11, 2020

