From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout – a Review

From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout – a Review


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A Maiden…

Chosen from birth to usher in a new era, Poppy’s life has never been her own. The life of the Maiden is solitary. Never to be touched. Never to be looked upon. Never to be spoken to. Never to experience pleasure. Waiting for the day of her Ascension, she would rather be with the guards, fighting back the evil that took her family, than preparing to be found worthy by the gods. But the choice has never been hers.

A Duty…

The entire kingdom’s future rests on Poppy’s shoulders, something she’s not even quite sure she wants for herself. Because a Maiden has a heart. And a soul. And longing. And when Hawke, a golden-eyed guard honor bound to ensure her Ascension, enters her life, destiny and duty become tangled with desire and need. He incites her anger, makes her question everything she believes in, and tempts her with the forbidden.

A Kingdom…

Forsaken by the gods and feared by mortals, a fallen kingdom is rising once more, determined to take back what they believe is theirs through violence and vengeance. And as the shadow of those cursed draws closer, the line between what is forbidden and what is right becomes blurred. Poppy is not only on the verge of losing her heart and being found unworthy by the gods, but also her life when every blood-soaked thread that holds her world together begins to unravel.




From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout is a fantastic fantasy novel, which is her first foray into High Fantasy. After finishing the book last night, I was thrilled, as I loved every moment of this story, and discovered that this is the beginning of a wonderful new series.   

We meet our heroine, Penellaphe (Poppy), from the start, as she is secretly in a bar, hidden by a mask, to check out the men and women enjoying each other’s company. Poppy does not have a normal life, as she is the “Maiden”, who is the chosen one, as her destiny is to Ascend to her place with the gods.  She has a year before she ascends, and lives mostly in solitude, with only her guards and her maid.  Despite her circumstances, Poppy is a strong, smart, independent heroine, and has been secretly trained by her lead guard how to fight and defend herself if needed. When she is hiding in a room in the bar, she meets a handsome stranger, who will in time change everything about her life. 

Hawke, our hero, becomes one of Poppy’s main guards, when one of them is killed in an attack by Descenters, who want to kill Poppy.  In a short time, Poppy will quickly realize that Hawke is the man she met at the bar.  Hawke was such an awesome character, whom you could not help fall in love with.  He was determined to win over Poppy, and nothing would stand in his way; even if he was very protective of her.  I loved Poppy and Hawke together, as the chemistry between them was sizzling.   Poppy tries very hard not to fall in love with Hawke, as he constantly teases and makes advances on her.  Wonderful couple, but do they really have a chance to be together?

Armentrout does an amazing job with this world-building, with gods, royalty, the mystery of ascension, as well as those the war against those they need to fight, such as Descenders, Atlantians, Cravens, Wolvens etc.  I do not want to tell too much more, as it would be spoilers, and this is too good to ruin it for you.

From Blood and Ash is an intriguing fantasy story, in a world filled with secrets, betrayals, suspense, action, mystery, passion and a wonderful cast of fantastic characters.  The last half of the book was mind-blowing, with tense violence, danger, constant action, heart wrenching and surprising twists.   In the forefront of this story is this wonderful romance between Poppy and Hawke; which will change everything about Poppy’s life as she learns the horrific truths along the way.  Who does she trust?

Bravo to Jennifer L. Armentrout, who has written such an amazing high fantasy, that kept me glued to my seat, unable to put the book down. From Blood and Ash was also a fun, enjoyable, as well as intense story line that had a bit of everything.  I am so happy to know that there will be another book, and possibly more in a series that is not to be missed.  I recommend you read From Blood and Ash, as I cannot wait for the next book.

Reviewed by Barb

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