Grave War by Kalayna Price – a Review

Grave War by Kalayna Price – a Review


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Grave witch Alex Craft has forged an uneasy truce with the world of Faerie, but she’s still been trying to maintain at least some semblance of a normal life in the human world. So it’s safe to say that stepping up as the lead investigator for the Fae Investigation Bureau was not a career path she ever anticipated taking.

When an explosion at the Eternal Bloom threatens to upend the fae who make their home in our world, Alex finds herself in charge of the most far reaching investigation she’s ever tackled. And it’s only her first week on the job. With the threats mounting and cut off from half her allies, Alex can’t wait on the sidelines and hope the fae’s conflicts stay contained within their borders.




Grave War by Kalayna Price is the 7th and final book in her Alex Craft series. Refresher:  Alex is a grave witch, using her ability to rise the dead to talk to them, as well as learning her new planeweaver abilities.   After the end of the previous book, Falin is now the Winter King, and Alex has become the agent in charge of FIB (Fae Investigation Bureau).

Her first week on the job turns into chaos, as some of the agents in FIB now under her command, do not really respect her.  Alex begins to receive roses from an unknown source, with hints from various things going wrong; she suspects a former enemy is behind this. An explosion destroys the Eternal Bloom and the doors to enter Fairie; forcing many of the fae who live in the mortal world, unable to return to Fairie, and could thereby over time lose their magical abilities.  Desperate for help, she tries to contact Dugan, from the Shadow realm, and just when she sees an opening, she is kidnapped.  Turns out her enemy, the one she suspected, Ryese is behind the chaos and destruction.

What follows is an exciting and intense story that takes place in the mortal world, as well as in Fairie land.  Dugan and Falin manage to get Alex free bringing her to Shadow land.  There are so many twists and turns, keeping us guessing until the very end.  I loved seeing Alex with Falin, as well as her friendship with Dugan, and his father as they work together to find a way to stop Ryese, who is trying to become the High King ruling all of Fairie.  Alex worries about her friends either stuck in Fairie or in the mortal world, and her fears for all the Fae who have no way home.  It was very exciting, especially when she managed to get pulled into the High Court, and find a way to defeat her enemy and save the world.

This is a complicated review, as it would require giving spoilers, and since this is the final book of the series, I do not want to ruin it for you.  Grave War was an exciting, action packed, interesting and wild adventure, as Alex must stop a powerful enemy.  Kalayna Price pulls a mind boggling twist at the end, that was a totally surprise, but at the same time a very satisfying conclusion to this series.  It was great to see many of her friends, including Death. Alex Craft series was lots of fun and very well written by Kalayna Price. If you have not read this series, and enjoy paranormal, I suggest you read this.

Reviewed by Barb

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