I Thee Take by Natasha Knight-Review tour

I Thee Take (To Have and To Hold Duet 2) by Natasha Knight-Review tour

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date February 23, 2021


Cristiano is my enemy. He’s also the only man with whom I’ve ever felt safe. Protected.

But I have to remember that he married me with one purpose in mind. Revenge. I would be the bridge to his real enemies.

I can’t let myself forget that he isn’t the hero of this story. His hands are covered in blood. I saw that with my own eyes.


I thought I knew Scarlett’s past, but I didn’t know anything.

I thought I knew the worst of monsters, but I hadn’t seen anything yet.

Sometimes you have to lie to yourself to survive.

Sometimes it’s those closest to you who will bury their knives in your back.

Too many times it’s the innocents who pay for your mistakes. For your refusal to see.

I can’t let Scarlett pay for mine.

But I may be too late to stop it.


REVIEW:I THEE TAKE is the second instalment in Natasha Knight’s contemporary, adult TO HAVE TO TO HOLD dark, erotic Mafia romance series focusing on on twenty-two year old, Scarlett De La Cruz, and twenty-seven year old,Cristiano Grigori, one of the few surviving members of the Grigori crime family. I THEE TAKE should not be read as a stand alone as it picks up immediately after the events and cliff hanger of book one WITH THIS RING.

SOME BACKGROUND: Scarlett De La Cruz is payment for a debt, and her life is forfeited to Cristiano Grigori. Becoming Cristiano’s bride meant our heroine was now under the control of the Grigori family but all is not well in the Grigori family dynamic.

WARNING: I THEE TAKE contains graphic scenes of violence, abuse, rape, human trafficking and numerous triggers that may not be suitable for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Cristiano and Scarlett) I THEE TAKE picks up immediately after the events of book one WITH THIS RING in which Cristiano Grigori has been betrayed by someone from within the family, and the woman with whom he will fall in love is the ultimate target of pain and revenge. Cristiano lost most of his family years before but he begins to question the loyalty of the remaining few, and in this the safety of Scarlett is his primary goal leaving our ‘anti-hero’ exposed and fighting for his life. As Scarlett comes to terms with the inevitability of her own life, our heroine discovers that she is the ultimate prize in a game of revenge and payback against the man she now loves.

Most of the previous story line characters return including Cristiano’s brother Dante, and their uncle David; Italian Mafia head Marcus Rinaldi; attorney Charlie Lombardi; Mafia soldier Alec; house manager Lenore; and Scarlett’s younger brother Noah.

Like the first instalment, I THEE TAKE is a dark, intense, gritty and dramatic story of betrayal and revenge, power and control, love, loss, revelations and love. Natasha Knight pulls the reader into a nightmare of danger, deceit and deception; force, dominance, and ascendancy; of redemption, retribution, honor and love. I THEE TAKE ends on a happily ever after-for now but the author leaves many open ended plot lines that are most likely to be addressed in future story lines.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of book one WITH THIS RING.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance, Natasha Knight specializes in dark, tortured heroes. Happily-Ever-Afters are guaranteed, but she likes to put her characters through hell to get them there. She’s evil like that.

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