Isn’t it Bromantic? by Lyssa Kay Adams – Review & Giveaway

Isn’t it Bromantic? by Lyssa Kay Adams – Review & Giveaway



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With his passion for romance novels, it was only a matter of time before Vlad wrote one.

Elena Konnikova has lived her entire adult life in the shadows. As the daughter of a Russian journalist who mysteriously disappeared, she escaped danger the only way she knew how: She married her childhood friend, Vladimir, and moved to the United States, where he is a professional hockey player in Nashville.

Vlad, aka the Russian, thought he could be content with his marriage of convenience. But it’s become too difficult to continue in a one-sided relationship. He joined the Bromance Book Club to learn how to make his wife love him, but all he’s learned is that he deserves more. He’s ready to create his own sweeping romance—both on and off the page.

The bros are unwilling to let Vlad forgo true love—and this time they’re not operating solo. They join forces with Vlad’s neighbors, a group of meddling widows who call themselves the Loners. But just when things finally look promising, Elena’s past life intrudes and their happily ever after is cast into doubt.




Isn’t It Bromantic by Lyssa Kay Adams is the 4th book in her Bromance Book Club series.  Having enjoyed the first three books in this series, I looked forward to reading Isn’t It Bromantic and happy to say it was equally as good.  This is a fun romantic series that centers around a male book club group, most being athletes, and how they read and discuss romance novels to help teach each other how to handle women with care and love.

Vlad (aka the Russian) takes center stage in this book. He is a famous professional hockey player, who was well loved by his friends, neighbors and animals.  We got to see him in earlier books as having major stomach issues, but now he is on a gluten free diet, and things have gotten better.  But Vlad is still very much in love with his wife, Elena, but their marriage is on the rocks, as she is never home, at school to learn to be a journalist; both being stubborn thinking neither of them love each other.

Things will change when Vlad suffers a serious injury playing hockey, and his concern that he will never be able to play again.  Elena, who was making plans to go back to Russia, decides she owes Vlad for all the things he has done for her, to pay for everything, and takes over nursing him back to health.  Will this save their marriage?

I did like both Vlad and Elena, but found them both equally annoyingly stubborn, with both having so many misunderstandings and communications that constantly stop them from realizing that they both are very much in love with each other. 

Elena took over full control of nursing Vlad, giving her the chance to meet all the boys from the book club, as well as neighbors, which in time, the boys will push Vlad to learn how to open up more towards Elena, and the girls becoming closer to her, also pushing her to see how much he truly loves her.  This was the fun part, as both groups were truly hilarious.  I even got a kick out the neighbor dog or cat who was always at the house, and the chicken.  The Cheese Man was a riot, and wild fun.

What follows is a fun story, especially with the guys and girl groups trying to help, and the hilarious situations they find themselves in.  Lots of fun.  Vlad was in the process of writing a romance novel, which when the boys discover, they push themselves to help him use the book to learn how to treat Elena.  Elena also had her own secret of investigating the disappearance of her journalist father years before, which also puts her in danger.

Isn’t It Bromantic was another humorous fun story line, with a fantastic group of alpha men and female neighbors that had me laughing throughout.  Lyssa Kay Adams did a wonderful job writing this fun story, which you need to read.  I know I will be waiting for the next book in this series.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher



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